Viking P.R.I.D.E.
(Perserverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence)
Mr. Bill KellerPhysics
I. What kind of behavior is expected in my classroom?
I have only four rules for my classroom, but these cover a lot of situations. Failure to meet these expectations will be dealt with on an individual basis and the consequences that follow will be based on the guidelines discussed in the student handbook.
1. Be On Time - This means in your desk, with materials out, pencils sharpened if necessary, working on whatever task is outlined on the board when the bell rings. Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom the first or last ten minutes of the class period, but will be allowed to leave during the middle half hour at the teacher's discretion. However, these privileges may be revoked or limited if abused. The more time you spend working and asking questions in class, the less time you will have to spend outside of class, and the better your chances for success.
2. Be Attentive-When I ask for the class' attention, all students will watch and listen attentively until I release them to a new activity. If instructions or explanations are not clearly understood, students are encouraged to ask as many questions as necessary to clarify. Missed instructions and explanations will lead to confusion and a decreased chance for success.
3. Be Productive-Whether you are working individually, with a partner, or in cooperative groups, you are to be working on the assigned materials for this class. You will remain working until the teacher gives the signal to begin to prepare to end class. Phones, I-pods, and all other electronic devices must be put away and not used when I am in front of the class discussing material and during ALL ASSESSMENTS. They may be used to benefit learning (as a calculator, to look up information, to take pictures of notes or worked examples, etc.) or to aid in studying (music to drown out distractions, etc.) during student worktime. Any electronics other than simple calculators out during an assessment will be confiscated and the student will be assumed to have been cheating. Don’t risk it. Again, time spent in class reduces time spent out of class and increases chances for success.
4. Be Nice- You will show respect and common courtesy towards each other, and towards the teacher. These skills are a necessary part of becoming an acceptable member of society and any group. A trusting, warm, and friendly environment aids in learning and in developing a feeling of self worth which increases everyone's chances for success.
II. What should I do if I am absent?
All classroom activities, learning objectives, and assignments are listed on my staff page at the Curtis High School website. Any time you are absent, the first thing you should do is check there. Many times there are live links to worksheets or assignments given in class. It is your responsibility to get and turn in missed work. If you don’t have access to a computer at home, or have any trouble retrieving assignments, you should let me know as soon as you return to school. To receive points for an assignment it must be turned in on the date originally due regardless of absence so it would be beneficial for youto get assignments during your absence. Work turned in after the original due date but within the allowed makeup window for excused absences will receive an excused score. Make up work is not allowed for unexcused absences. Late assignments are not accepted.
Tests, quizzes, and labs missed due to an excused absence must be made up after school (2:00-2:40)within two weeks of the absence. 55 minute tests may require two afternoons to complete and so it will be much easier if you can make it on test day.
III. When is additional tutoring (study table) available?
I am available for tutoring by appointment from 2:00-2:40 pm Monday-Thursday for students that have actively participated and engaged in classroom instruction and yet need additional review, instruction, explanation, orpracticeand for students with excused absences.
IV. How will my grade be assigned?
15% of a student’s grade will be based on daily lab activities/ classwork / homework.
15% of the grade will be based on quizzes which will be given approximately every other week to check progress. Quiz format will vary depending upon the topic being studied.
The final70% of the course grade will be based on tests, which will be individual, closed book, no note exams given about 4 times throughout the semester. There will also be a cumulative semester final which will count as two tests. Your lowest test for the semester will be dropped.
The following percentages will be used to assign grades:
100-93.34 A93.33-90.00A-89.99-86.67B+
86.66-83.34 B83.33-80.00B-79.99-76.67C+
76.66-73.34 C73.33-70.00C-69.99-66.67D+
66.66-60.00 D59.99 or lowerF
V. Participation Policy
Regular participation in class is important and is expected. Because of the nature of daily classroom instruction, discussion, practice and laboratory work there is information and experience which can only be gained by being in class during regularly scheduled class periods. Furthermore, it is important to future employers that students demonstrate a value in regular attendance. Class work points lost by a student due to an absence can not always be made up.
VI. Chemistry Overview
1st quarter:Straight Line Kinematics
Chapters 3 (test on or about Sept. 25) and 4 (test on or about Oct. 30)
2nd Quarter:Newton’s Laws
Chapters 5 (test on or about Nov. 25) and 6 (test on or about Jan. 10)
3rd Quarter:Rotational and Projectile Motion
Chapters 7 (test on or about Feb. 13) and 8 / 9 (test on or about March 25)
4th Quarter:Energy and Momentum
Chapters 10 / 11 (test on or about May 5) and 12 (test on or about June 5)
VII. Resources:
Each student will be given a copy of CPO Science’s “Foundations of Physics”to use as a home resource. There will also be a classroom set of these texts available at school so students do not need to transport their books back and forth.
All notes, assignments, worksheets, due dates and a list of current learning objectives as well as references to what chapters in the textbook are currently being covered can be found and linked tofrom my staff page at the Curtis High School website. Occasionally I will list online videos that students can use as OPTIONAL TUTORIALS on my staff page as well.