Please fill out all information completely
Applicant’s Name: US Figure Skating #E-Mail: Phone:
Home Club: Partner’s Name (if applicable):
Name of Coach: Coach’s Phone #:
Non-St Moritz Club members must have a letter of permission from their Home Club and pay the fees listed as “Other Home Club”
Test Level: Circle Test(s) Type: Moves Free Skating PairsPlease circle: Dublin Oakland Test date:
Test fee enclosed:
Moves in the Field Tests / Home Club St. Moritz / Other Home Club / Free Skating Tests / Home Club St. Moritz / Other Home Club / Pair Tests / Home Club St. Moritz / Other Home ClubPre-Preliminary / $22.00 / $33.00 / Pre-Pre (no music) / $17.00 / $25.00 / Pre-Juvenile / $25.00 / $38.00
Preliminary / $28.00 / $42.00 / Pre-Pre (music) / $17.00 / $25.00 / Juvenile / $30.00 / $45.00
Pre-Juvenile / $38.00 / $57.00 / Preliminary / $22.00 / $33.00 / Intermediate / $35.00 / $53.00
Juvenile / $45.00 / $68.00 / Pre-Juvenile / $28.00 / $42.00 / Novice / $40.00 / $60.00
Intermediate / $50.00 / $75.00 / Juvenile / $33.00 / $50.00 / Junior / $45.00 / $68.00
Novice / $55.00 / $83.00 / Intermediate / $38.00 / $57.00 / Senior / $50.00 / $75.00
Junior / $60.00 / $90.00 / Novice / $45.00 / $68.00 / Adult Bronze / $25.00 / $38.00
Senior / $65.00 / $98.00 / Junior / $50.00 / $75.00 / Adult Silver / $30.00 / $45.00
Adult Pre-Bronze / $25.00 / $38.00 / Senior / $55.00 / $83.00 / Adult Gold / $40.00 / $60.00
Adult Bronze / $35.00 / $53.00 / Adlt Pre-Brz (no mus) / $20.00 / $30.00 / Adult FS (cont)
Adult Silver / $45.00 / $68.00 / Adlt Pre-Brz (music) / $20.00 / $30.00 / Adult Silver / $30.00 / $45.00
Adult Gold / $50.00 / $75.00 / Adult Bronze / $25.00 / $38.00 / Adult Gold / $40.00 / $60.00
I acknowledge that the sport of figure skating is an inherently dangerous sport and I assume any and all risk of injury or damage while at the test session. Therefore, I agree to hold harmless: the St. Moritz ISC, Inc., including its directors and officers, test chairs and any of its members or guests; and, any other professional and/or skater from any injury or damage resulting from, but not limited to, falls, collisions, ice conditions, or any occurrences during St. Moritz test sessions.
Parent’s Signature (under 18):-Or- Adult Tester’s Signature:
I have reviewed and approve this skater for the indicated test(s). With my signature I certify that I have complied with ALL U.S. Figure Skating coach’s requirements as they relate to membership, coach compliance and CERs.
Coach’s Signature: Coach’s e-mail:
- Submit your application to the Test Chair at least 4 weeks prior to the test date.Registration for a test date will close before the 4 week deadline if a test session becomes full before then.
- Test sessions not filled 4 weeks in advance are subject to cancellation.
- Preference will be given in the order applications are received based on online processing date or postmark.
- Non home club members will be scheduled on space available basis and will pay fees listed above (no refunds).
- Late additions to the test schedule are at the discretion of the test chair. A wait list may be established.
- There are no refunds for cancelled tests. With approval of the test chair, a home club member may postpone a test to a later test session, but will need to pay a change fee in the amount of 50% of their test fee(s).
- Solo Dance tests may be included only if time and officials are available(submit the dance test application).
- Guest coaches may need rink permission to attend the test session.
- Test candidates - please bring light refreshments for the judges.
- Register online at (Testing & Program Info) or send your completed application with check or money order payable to “St. Moritz ISC” to:
Lisa Erle 11753 Silvergate Dr. Dublin, CA 94568
Email: ev. 11/1/17