Module Descriptor (NEW MODULES ONLY)


Guidance notes are available to support the completion of this form.

Part One: Module Leader’s section: core module details

1. Module Title:

2. SCQF Level: Select Level.

3. SCQF Credit Value: Choose a value. 4. ECTS Credit Value: Choose a value.

5. Module Code: [Admin Use Only]

6. Approval Status: Approved/Under Review/Awaiting Peer Review [Admin Use Only]

7. Module Leader:

8. School: School of Computing

9. Edinburgh Napier Subject Group Area/Theme: Choose a subject group.

10. Prerequisites – To study this module you will need the learning equivalent to the module listed or have passed this module
Is a Prerequisite Required? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Module Code
Module Title
Examples of Equivalent Learning

11. Learning Outcomes of the module

Upon completion of this module you will be able to







12. Module Content

13: Indicative References and Reading List

From September 2017, Information Services are using specialist reading list software, Leganto for the purposes of creating reading lists. Further information is available from: You should ensure that core/indicative reading for your module is entered into Leganto. You can provide a hyperlink to your module reading list below:

Part Two: Module Leader’s Section: Versions*

* indicates that this section may be set up in SITS to have different content to reflect a different occurrence/delivery of the module

*14. Occurrence

14a. Primary mode of delivery: Choose a mode of delivery.

14b. Location of Delivery: Choose a location of delivery.

14c. Partner: Choose a partner.

Other partner (if more than one using the same version)

New Partner:

14d. Module contact

14e. Requires timetabling at an Edinburgh Napier University campus: Yes

14f. Expected number of students:

*15.a Learning & Teaching methods

Learning & Teaching Methods (including their alignment to Learning Outcomes)

15.b Formative Assessment

15.c. Summative Assessment

*16. Student Activity (NESH)

Mode of Activity / L & T Activity / NESH
Choose a mode of Activity / Choose a L&T Activity
Choose a mode of Activity / Choose a L&T Activity
Choose a mode of Activity / Choose a L&T Activity
Choose a mode of Activity / Choose a L&T Activity
Choose a mode of Activity / Choose a L&T Activity
Choose a mode of Activity / Choose a L&T Activity

*17a. Formative Assessment

Week of Task / Type of Task / Task Format / Anticipated student effort (length/volume)
Choose an item.
/ Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item.
/ Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item.
/ Choose an item. / Select

*17b. Summative Assessment

Week Due / Type of Assessment / Weighting (%) / LOs
Covered / Length/
Component: Assessment One
Enter assessment element(s):
Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item. / Select
Component Subtotal / 0%
Component: Assessment Two
Enter assessment element(s):
Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item. / Select
Choose an item. / Select
Component Subtotal / 0%
Module Total / 0%

18. Length of module delivery.

Over how many trimesters is this module delivered?

☐One ☐Two ☐Three

19. Trimester(s) of delivery

☐One ☐Two ☐Three


School Quality – Office use

Received [Date]: Approved [Date]:

System Updated [Date]: Module Leader Informed [Date]:

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