WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to everyone, particularly those who are visitors at our worship service this morning. We pray that you will receive a special blessing as we worship our Lord together. Join us in Friendship Hall immediately following the worship service for coffee and fellowship. This evening we will welcome everyone to a combined worship service at 6:00 PM.
More Than Conquerors--Today we continue with our sermon series on the book of Revelation. This challenging book of Scripture is not intended to confuse or intimidate, but to inspire God's people with fresh courage and absolute assurance in the midst of ugly injustice and heartbreaking behavior in homes, communities, businesses, schools, nations and the world. It reminds us that in this world, "though the wrong seems oft' so strong, God IS the ruler yet!" Knowing that God is working out His good purposes in the midst of the confusion, that He will set all things straight in due time, and that all the evil of this world will be dealt with, encourages God's people to persevere, to be faithful in the struggle, and to overcome evil with good by the grace and power of our risen Lord. May we all be encouraged to persevere and be inspired to faithfulness through our reflection on this "revelation of Jesus Christ.”
Adult Sunday School today--open forum discussion with Pastor Rod.What questionsdo you have about the Bible? What questions would you ask God, if you had the chance, about His purposes, history, the world today, heaven, etc.? What are some issues in your life or in the church or society which you would like to discuss or understand better? Come today to listen in and participate in the open forum discussion with Pastor Rod in the Friendship Hall during the normal SS hour.All ages are invited...and all questions/topics are open to discussion--related to the sermon, contemporary society, biblical questions, etc.
Renewal Lab Bible Reading for the Whole Church--please join in reading through Luke's Gospel and his sequel of the early church in Acts. Christ's ministry and the initial growth of His church after Pentecost are foundational to understanding our identity and calling as Christ's church. The suggested reading schedule(green sheet) was in your mail slot (across from the office). Pastor Rod also sent the schedule as an attachment to an email last week. Please also KEEP PRAYING for God's Spirit to lead us and inspire us in this renewal process.
FAITH PROMISE: We are pleased to share recent newsletters received from Leanne & Casper, Lee & Emma and Sergei as inserts in today’s bulletin. Please take a few minutes to “travel”to Honduras, North Africa and Russia from the comfort of your home, and learn more about their personal lives and ministries on our behalf! Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support of our Faith Promise Program!
MIDLAND PARK SENIOR CRUSADERS will leave on TUESDAY, July 14th at 9:30 AM from the Faith Reformed Church, for their trip to the Shrimp Boat for lunch and the Point Pleasant boat ride.
Men's Prayer Fellowship--a small group of men have been meeting every other Friday morning at 6:30 am for an hour of fellowship, food and prayer. This summer they will meet every Friday, 6:30 - 7:30 AM. Along with the food, fellowship and prayer, we will discuss a little book entitled Personal Revival. ALL men are welcome! If you have questions about this, contact Pastor Rod (cell: 201-321-4073; email: ).
PRAYER WALK THIS SATURDAY: This Saturday, July 18th, YOU have the opportunity to bring God’s blessing and grace to our church community by joining with others in the monthly prayer walk. At 9:30 AM, we will meet in the library and then go out for an hour in groups of 3 or 4 to lift up the needs of our community on a few of the streets of Midland Park. ALL ARE INVITED—young and old. If you are unable to go out with the prayer walkers, come and pray for the community from the church. If you have never tried it, do so this week!
PROJECT BACKPACK - Star of Hope Ministries is sponsoring this initiative and has invited us to participate. Project Backpack provides backpacks filled with school supplies for children in the Paterson area. The Deacons are purchasing 10 backpacks to be donated from MPCRC. If you would like to purchase a backpack to donate personally, information can be found on the poster in the Narthex, or you can visit their website at SOHM.ORG/BACKPACK. Orders must be placed by July 21, 2015.
EASTERN CHRISTIAN TUITION AID: Parents requesting Tuition Aid Assistance from our church fund for the 2015-2016 school year, should contact John King (201-891-0326), Neil Van Wageningen (201-445-2724), or Nancy Paulter (201-264-0576) for the required form.
DEACONESSES: Your July/August Visiting Schedules are ready to be picked up from your church mailbox.
GREETERS: TODAY: Sam & Marion Sybesma (North), Ron & Marilyn Stonehouse (Center), Pete & Judy Van Grouw (South).
POWERPOINT: THIS WEEK: BUILD – Steve Wisse. AM - PROJECT – Calvin Gorter; PM - Saskia Trommelen. NEXT WEEK: BUILD – Kyle Streelman. PROJECT – Aaron De Rosa.
USHERS: TODAY: 9:30 AM - Mark Wisse, Jeff Streelman, Keith Spoelstra. (Alternate: Bill Sytsma). 6:00 PM - Bernie Kuipers, Jerry Bandstra, John Steen. (Alternate: Roger Spoelstra). NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM – George Hoogenhuis, Roger Spoelstra, Ern Wiegers. (Alternate: Ann Sytsma).
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP – TODAY: Teacher- Linda Baker. NEXT WEEK: Teacher- Jamie Bosgra.
SUNDAY REFRESHMENTS: TODAY: Frank & Beth Spoelstra. NEXT WEEK: Joan De Rosa.
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE: THIS WEEK – Sara Wondergem. NEXT WEEK: Laura Gorter.
NURSERY ATTENDANTS: TODAY: 9:30 AM – Becky Denekamp, Cassidy Abma.
9:30 AM – Morning Worship Service
11:10 AM - Adult Education
6:00 PM - Evening Worship Service
7:00 PM - Youth Hangout Night at the Youth House
8:00 AM - Quilters
6:30 AM - Men’s Prayer Fellowship in the Library
9:30 AM - Prayer Walk the Community
SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015
We Focus Our Hearts …“Be still and know that I am God.”
(Psalm 46:10)
*Call to Worship from I Chronicles 29:
Pastor: Praise be to you, LORD, the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Congregation: Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Pastor: Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.
Congregation: Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.
*Opening Hymn of Praise: PH 8: 1, 2, 4
Lord, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name
*The Lord’s Greeting~~We Greet Each Other
*Song of Praise: CH 10
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Children's Message
(The children may then leave for Children’s Worship)
*Hymn of Preparation: PH 434
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Prayer for the Spirit’s Leading
Scripture Reading: Revelation 10 (p. 1923)
Big Angel--Little Scroll...
Powerful Message
*Hymn of Response: PH 489: 1, 2, 4
When Peace Like a River
Congregational Prayer
1st Offering for the General Ministries of MPCRC
2nd Offering for Heirborne's Savanna, GA Mission Trip
(While the offering is received, please sign the maroon fellowship booklet)
Offertory Prayer
*Doxology: PH 541: 1, 4
Christ Shall Have Dominion
*Please stand as you are able.
Need prayer or encouragement? Elders are available to talk or pray with you, by the piano, after the service.
AM Worship:
Minister: Pastor Rod Gorter
Pianist: Nella Rosendale
Children's Message: Sara Wondergem
Scripture: Michael Vriesema
Congregational Prayer: Howard Yeaton
PM Worship:
Minister: Pastor Rod Gorter
Organist: Carolyn Steen
SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015
Come, Christians, Join to Sing Hayes
I Will Arise and Go to Jesus Sorenson
This Is My Father's World Sorenson
*We Come Together to Worship the King:
Pastor: The God of creation makes us one in body.
Congregation: Let us join hearts and voices in praise of the Lord!
Pastor: The God of Christ makes us one in the Spirit.
Congregation: Let us join hearts and voices in praise of the Lord!
*We Sing Psalms of Praise to the King
PH 188: 1, 3 Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah (Psalm 148)
PH 115: 1, 3 Not unto Us, O Lord of Heaven (Psalm 115)
*The Lord Greets Us~~We Greet Each Other
Pastoral Prayer
Favorite Hymns and Songs
Offering - Rehoboth Christian School
All Glory Be to God on High Walther
*Hymn of Preparation:
This Is My Father's World
Prayer for the Spirit’s Leading
Scripture Reading: Psalm 33 (p. 870)
Worthy of Our Worship and Trust
*Hymn of Response:
From Ocean unto Ocean
*Doxology: PH 232
You Are Worthy
Celebration Callahan
*Please stand as you are able.