George S. Benson Auditorium, 9:00 a.m.
- Commencement will be in the Benson Auditorium. Candidates for degree should assemble in the Science Building by 8:00 a.m. on Saturday.
- Follow the direction of the marshal for your section.
Those marching on the right, between the 200 and 300 sections (200-1 to 200-120), will assemble in the NORTH hallway outside of Room 113 of the Science building. You will enter the Benson auditorium through the doors to the far right of the center entrance.
Those marching in the center, between the 300 and 400 sections (300-1 to 300-120)will assemble in the CENTER hallway outside of Room 103 of the Science building. You will enter the Benson auditorium through the center doors.
Those marching on the left, between the 400 and 500 sections (400-1 to 400-120) will assemble in the SOUTH hallway outside of room 116 of the Science building. You will enter the Benson auditorium through the doors to the far left of the center entrance.
- Line up in the order indicated on the accompanying sheets. Each candidate will be given a card showing their name, degree, and major. This card will be used by the reader to call your name as you proceed across the stage. You must hand the card to the reader, please do not lose it.
- Undergraduates should have the tassel on your caps on the RIGHT side. Masters and Specialist candidates should have the tassel on your caps on the LEFT side and should be wearing their hoods. Candidates should march single file behind the marshal and turn right into their assigned section (200, 300, and 400, respectively).
- Remain standing until the processional music stops. After all candidates are in you will be instructed to be seated. Men remove caps before sitting down and leave them off until presented as a group for degrees. Men again remove caps for the closing song and benediction.
- When the Provost asks for all candidates to stand, remain standing until after the President makes his statement of “conferral” of the degrees. The president will ask all graduates to be seated.
- During the roll call of graduates, when the marshal releases your row, turn right and go to the break, turn left and go to the west wall, and then turn left and go to the stairs on the right side of the stage. Marshals will help manage the flow of candidates to the stage. Please stand along the wall rather than the front of the stage.
- The first person will walk to the second tape on the floor in front of the reader. All other candidates will stop at the first tape on the floor at the top of the stairs. When the person in front of you moves across the stage after his/her name is called, hand your card to the reader and step forward to the second tape. As the reader calls your name and major, step forward to shake hands with your dean. Then, march across the stage to the President who will present the diploma cover.
After receiving a diploma cover from the President, march on across the stage, changing the tassel from RIGHT to LEFT if you are receiving a bachelor’s degree, go down the steps on the East side, follow the directions of the ushers, return to your seat and sit down. Do not wait for your entire row before sitting down.
You will receive only a diploma cover from Dr. McLarty. (The diplomas will be mailed by theRegistrar within 6 weeks of graduation.)
- For the recessional, graduates exit after the faculty. Marshals in each section will wait until faculty leaders pass the break and then will lead their section out. Exit to the right and walk up the opposite aisle from the one you entered. Each group will exit through the same door it entered after commencement.
- When you get in the foyer after the Recessional, PLEASE march on out of the building so that there is room for those who are still marching out.
- If your name has been omitted inadvertently from the list, please check with the Office of the Registrar (501-279-4328) as quickly as possible. If someone listed to march does not show up, close the gap in the line while marching.
- Men, please wear a dress shirt and tie with dark slacks, socks, and shoes. Ladies, please wear dark clothing and dark shoes. Please do not chew gum.
- Please ask your family and friends to applaud only when your name is called. Yelling, whistling, etc. drowns out the next name and slows down the process.
- Please do not decorate your cap or gown in any way or wear any decoration other than approved honor cords. Failure to comply will lead to you being withdrawn from the line of march.
- If your name is unusual or difficult to pronounce, tell the name reader when you hand her your card if it is not already noted.
Remember the reception in the American Heritage Building, in the back dining rooms of the Heritage Cafeteria, with hors d oeuvres after each ceremony in the cafeteria to honor the graduates and their families. All graduates, family members and friends are invited to join the Harding faculty and administrators in this informal, come-and-go celebration.
Additional information may be found at
Congratulations and best wishes to each of you!
If you encounter any problems requiring assistance the day of commencement, please call Harding Public Safety at 501-279-5000.
The first three digits indicate the section of the Benson in which you will be seated and the last digits indicate your order in line.
Acree, Jake200-46
Adams, Amber200-83
Adams, Candis200-33
Adkins, Anna300-18
Adkins, Timothy400-14
Adkison, Trey300-74
Aebi, Jared200-66
Albright, Averie400-59
Andelkovic, Stefan200-61
Anderson, Nathan300-6
Antczak, Chelsea200-4
Apple, Melissa400-60
Arrington, Tyler300-7
Ash, Cami200-5
Baker, Abigail400-61
Baker, Adam300-8
Baker, Kinsey200-84
Balbin, Austin300-30
Bardales, Janny200-47
Barnes, Anna200-68
Barnes, Richard200-85
Bartilson, Jena200-1
Beck, Delaney300-46
Beck, Michael300-68
Bentley, Marie400-62
Berry, Joshua300-75
Berryhill, Hunter300-19
Beshirs, Sarah200-6
Bettich, Lynden400-15
Birus, Nathan200-39
Bouche, Diego300-44
Bow, Rachel200-7
Breitbarth, Amber200-8
Brewer, Jordan300-76
Brown, Kaylie300-58
Bryant, Garrett200-86
Burks, Madison300-89
Butler, Arielle300-59
Cagle, Erin400-63
Calhoun, Haleigh300-20
Caselman, Gabrielle400-16
Castellar Mosquera, Sherley 200-40
Chase, Russell300-28
Chilcutt, Kayla200-9
Ciesielski, Sarah200-87
Claiborne, Mark200-79
Clay, Micah200-48
Cline, Benjamin400-44
Clouse, Breanna200-10
Coble, Kara400-17
Coleman, Emily200-11
Colley, Sarah300-15
Console, Alessandro300-77
Cook, Alicia300-31
Cothran, Shelby200-12
Couch, Andrew300-69
Cozad, Keith400-45
Crall, Grace400-64
Craycraft, Shaley200-34
Daughety, Nathan400-46
Davidson, Alex400-65
Davidson, Morgan400-18
Davis, Genevieve200-35
Davis, Holli400-8
Davis, Lauren300-23
DeBoef, Victoria400-19
DeLong, Payton300-70
DenBraber, Melody300-29
DeVore, April400-66
Eaton, Mallory400-47
Eichhorn, Angela200-49
Eller, Andrew300-9
Ellis, Victoria400-20
Embry, Caroline300-10
English, Michael400-55
Escobar Pastor, Alexa200-75
Escue, Colin400-56
Evans, Kelsey400-21
Everett, Madison300-13
Farrar, Elissa400-22
Finch, Katie400-23
Foster, Barry400-24
Fowler, Karli300-48
Francis, William300-60
Fraser, Hannah300-32
Fraser, Heather200-13
Frazier, Jerry300-26
Freeman, CharlesAnn200-69
Fries, Kara400-67
Futrell, Jacob300-61
Gatliff, Anna400-25
George, Cassie400-68
George, Kenna200-50
George, Riley300-90
George, Savanna400-69
Gibson, Jacob200-62
Goff, Richard200-67
Graham, Ebony200-36
Griffin, Eli200-14
Griffin, Ellen200-15
Grisham, Luke200-88
Guill, Alexander300-78
Guill, Nathaniel200-16
Hanners, Kimberly300-24
Harriman, Avery400-26
Harrington, Haley200-76
Harris, Bethany300-25
Hart, Hannah400-70
Hatvany, Jacob300-14
Henderson, Barrett200-17
Henrichson, Clayton400-27
Herrmann, Dallas200-70
Hesson, Thomas400-71
Hickman, Sheree400-72
Hicks, Austin400-57
Hodge, Heather300-49
Hodges, Jennifer400-73
Hofbauer, Brent300-33
Hooper, Lauren300-50
Hoover, Alyssa400-1
Hovater, Alisha400-2
Howley, Fallon200-18
Hudson, Alexandria200-2
Hughes, Maurisa300-45
Hunn, April200-19
Hunn, Justin200-80
Irwin, Austyn200-51
Islek, Rachael400-3
Jackson, Jensen200-52
Jameson, Trey300-66
Jenkins, Cade200-41
Johnston, Morgan300-21
Jones, Candace200-53
Jones, Emily200-20
Kauper, Evan400-28
Keener, Justin300-34
Kehl, Alexis200-54
Keith, Sara400-29
Kernan, Ashley400-30
Killingsworth, Clay400-31
Koehn, Garrett200-81
Kraft, Peter300-79
Kulik, Sarah400-9
LaFerney, Brianna200-77
Larsen, Luke200-21
Lassiter, Kaylie300-65
Lemaster, Nicole400-32
Liddle, Benjamin300-62
Lieblich, Brooke400-10
Linvell, Travis300-63
Littleton, Sarah400-74
Long, Kacy400-33
Luter, Lindsey200-55
Luttrell, Austin200-42
Madgett, Braden400-48
Mandrell, Victoria300-67
Mangandi, Jacqueline300-35
Marshall, Jantzan200-22
Martin, Landon300-80
Master, Marcie400-34
Matthews, Megan300-47
McAlister, Joshua400-49
McBride, Jason200-78
McBride, Seth200-63
McFadden, Kaylie400-11
McKean, Emma300-16
McKenney, Rashea300-51
Mercado, James200-56
Middleton, Scott300-36
Milburn, Blake200-57
Money, Darren300-81
Moore, Robert300-71
Mulherin, James200-58
Mylhousen, Emily400-4
Nagel, Gabrielle400-35
Nichols, Brittany200-23
Nill, Christian300-37
Noyes, Jordan200-71
Ortiz, Aristides200-72
Palmore, Christopher300-11
Pankey, Clayton300-64
Parker, Christopher200-82
Parker, Stephanie300-52
Paul, Alyssa300-17
Perez Vicencio, Daniel200-89
Pira Alconero, Angela400-36
Pope, Kelsey400-37
Preslar, Derek400-13
Pryor, Lauren300-53
Rankin, Aubree200-43
Ransom, Payton200-59
Record, Scott400-50
Reinert, Jessica400-75
Reynolds, Mallory200-24
Ricketts, Courtney300-54
Riley, Jonathan300-38
Ritchie, Anna300-72
Rivera, Patricia200-90
Robbins, Richard400-38
Roberts, Jonah200-44
Robinson, Terry200-64
Roper, Dylan300-82
Rousselot, Amy300-1
Rufkahr, Kelley300-55
Ruiz Flores, Jorge300-83
Sansom, Bailey200-25
Santamaria, Alexa200-26
Shults, Thomas300-84
Sipe, Savannah400-76
Slawter, Tyler300-85
Smith, Morgan400-5
Smith, Ronald200-73
Smith, Sara300-2
Smith, Terah300-12
Sorrells, Shelby300-27
Spangler, Kelly300-73
Sparks, Dylan300-39
Spears, Caitlyn400-77
Spears, Caleb400-58
Spolec, Georgia200-37
Stanger, Hannah300-22
Stevens, Braden300-86
Stevens, Kimberly300-87
Stivers, Ahmed400-6
Stone, Thomas400-51
Sumners, Paulina400-78
Swann, Rachel300-56
Sweeting, Alea400-39
Tankersley, Katie400-79
Taylor, David200-74
Thomas, Victoria400-40
Thompson, Caleb200-27
Thompson, Elizabeth300-3
Thompson, John400-52
Thompson, Shelby300-40
Toillion, Paul200-45
Tomlinson, Katie300-57
Trevino, Bianca400-12
Uchida, Kaitlin400-7
Van Winkle, Alexis400-41
Vance, Kelly300-88
Vitiello, Alexis200-3
Walker, Carla200-38
Walker, Kayla200-28
Wallers, Catherine400-53
Walters, Kendall200-29
Wells, Jessica400-42
Wells, Molly400-80
West, Jessica300-4
White, Amber300-5
Whitefoot, Laurie200-30
Wideman, Emily300-41
Willhelm, Austin300-42
Williams, Patrick400-43
Williams, Ryan200-60
Willimann, Brett400-81
Wilson, Holland400-82
Wilson, Zachary300-43
Womack, Brandon200-31
Wood, Quenton400-54
Word, Emma200-32
Wright, Madison200-65