Samudravijaya K, Sheetal Shah, Paritosh Pandya
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005
{chief, pandya}
The study of music signals is not only of intrinsic interest, but also useful in teaching and evaluation of music. Tabla playing has a very well developed formal structure and an underlying "language" for representing its sounds. A tabla `bol' is a series of syllables which correlate to the various strokes of the tabla. The present work deals with computer transcription of tabla bols spoken by a person. Hidden Markov models have been used to represent spoken tabla bols in terms of sequences of cepstrum based features. The recognition accuracies of the system for training and test data are 100% and 98% respectively.
Music is used by human beings to express feelings and emotions. The study of music signal is not only of intrinsic interest, but also useful in teaching and evaluation of music. The human vocal apparatus which generates speech also generates music. Therefore, there are some similarities in the spectral and temporal properties of music and speech signals. Hence, many techniques developed to study speech signal can be employed to study music signals as well.
Tabla is a percussion musical instrument used widely as an accompaniment in Indian music and dance. Tabla may be played solo or as an accompanying instrument. As an accompanying instrument, Tabla serves the purpose of keeping rhythm by repeating a theka (beat-pattern) and embellishing the vocal/instrumental music that it is accompanying. As a solo instrument, Tabla is used to exhibit the vast repertoire and abundant compositions. Most compositions are set to a taal which is a cycle of a fixed number of beats with well defined sections, repeated over and over again.
Tabla playing has a very well developed formal structure and an underlying "language" for representing its sounds. The basic strokes are denoted by syllables such as "dha", "ge". A tabla `bol' is a series of syllables which correlate to the various strokes of the tabla. These bols are used as a notation for transcribing tabla playing; e.g. "dha-dha, ti-re-ki-te, dha-dha, tu-na". Using these bols, tabla compositions can be also spoken and written. Written tabla bol notation can be found in books and it is widely used in teaching tabla. Moreover, there is a tradition of "Padhant" or speaking out the tabla composition before playing it for explanatory purposes. Unfortunately, much of the elaborate tabla playing has not been written down and survives only in the oral form. Availability of computerised tools which can convert spoken tabla bols into written notation would considerably increase the reportaire of written material on tabla compositions. It would enable the knowledge of compositions and their elaborations to be archived, to be studied and taught. In this paper, we address the question of generating such textual tabla notation from spoken tabla bols.
Analysis of tabla bols using computer based signal processing tools has evinced interest of a few researchers in the past.
A hidden Markov model (HMM) based tabla phrase recognizer is a component of an audio-visual system meant for naive users to learn some basic aesthetic ideas of tabla drumming was developed in [1]. The input to the recognizer is NOT the audio signal, but rhythmic "meta-tabla" input in the form of a serial MIDI signal generated by pressure-sensitive drum pads on each of the drums in response to user's hits. The tabla phrase recognizer is explicitly fed with the time between the onset of the current hit and the next hit, and the identification of the drum pad; no feature extraction from the audio signal is performed here.
An attempt to detect the presence of a given syllable in an utterance containing a sequence of syllables (a bol) was done in [2]. This work uses word spotting technique. Given a waveform of a bol, a pattern is constructed as a sequence of feature vectors extracted from the waveform; each feature vector comprises of 30 coefficients of a 30th order LP analysis. During the test phase, a reference pattern is matched with a segment of the test pattern of equal length and cumulative Euclidean distance between two patterns is computed. Such matchings are done against each of 8 reference patterns and at every frame of test pattern. When the distance with a pattern is lower than a preset threshold, the bol is said to be `triggered'. Using pitch or cepstral coefficients did not improve the system performance.
A recent study demonstrated the spectro-temporal similarity between basic tabla sounds and the corresponding bols [3].
The present work deals with computer transcription of tabla bols spoken by a person. The output of the recognition system is a sequence of syllables generated by matching the input acoustic signal of a bol to a set of trained statistical models of the basic syllables. The current work differs from earlier work on recognition of tabla strokes/bols as follows. In [1], a "meta-tabla" input in the form of a serial MIDI signal generated by pressure-sensitive drum pads is the input to the recognizer. In contrast, the current system accepts the acoustic signal recorded through a microphone. In [2], word spotting technique is used to detect a syllable in a bol using statistical pattern matching technique. The system performed well in qualitative tests; no quantitative accuracy figures are available. The recognition system described here performs unconstrained recognition of a bol as a sequence of syllables. Also, the performance of the system on train and test data is evaluated quantitatively.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The details of the work such as the database, training and testing methodologies and tools used in this work are presented in section 2. Section 3 presents the recognition accuracies of the base system. It also gives an account of various optimization experiments conducted with different initialization techniques, feature sets, word hypothesis criterion. The conclusions of the work are drawn in Section 4.
This section describes the database used for training and testing, the features extracted from the acoustic waveform for characterizing the syllables, the statistical model used to represent bols.
A kaida defines the basic pattern of bols (words) and their arrangement in cyclic rythm (taal). Palta literally means variation. Paltas present the permutations and combinations of bols (phrases) of the original kaida keeping within the rythmic structure of the kaida. The database consists of utterances corresponding to 2 kaidas in teental (16 beat cycle) spoken by a male subject. In addition to the basic kaida, the database also has 3 paltas corresponding to each kaida. One of the two kaidas in the database and one of its paltas are listed in Table 1.
Each basic kaida and the corresponding 3 paltas were spoken twice in the first recording session. This data was used for training statistical models of syllables. Thus, the training data comprises of 16 bol sequences. The bols were recorded using a high quality, directional microphone (Shure SM48 low impedance); the signal was sampled at 16kHz and quantized with 16 bits using Sound Blaster Live card.
Kaida # 2dha-dha terekita dha-dha tu-na; dha-dha terekita dha-dha tu-na
ta-ta terekita ta-ta tu-na; dha-dha terekita dha-dha tu-na
Palta #1 of Kaida #2
dha-dha terekita dha-dha terekita; dha-dha terekita dha-dha tu-na
ta-ta terekita ta-ta terekita; dha-dha terekita dha-dha tu-na
Table 1: A kaida and its palta from the full collection recorded for training and testing the tabla bol recognition system.
Six months later, the same kaidas and paltas were spoken by the same speaker. This formed the data for evaluating the performance of the system on test (unseen) data. The test data contains 144 syllables whereas the train data contains 288 syllables.
An energy based speech endpoint detection algorithm was used remove silence on either ends of the input speech data. Twelve Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) [4] were used as the features to represent speech data in the base recognition system. Advanced versions of the system experimented with first (delta-MFCC) and second time-derivatives (delta-delta-MFCC) of cepstral coefficients as well as cepstral mean normalisation.
The base system employed a left-to-right hidden Markov model (HMM) [5] with 6 emitting states to represent each unit of recognition. There were 6 units of recognition corresponding to 5 syllables (dha-dha, te-ta, tu-na, ta-ta, terikita) and silence. In order to account for the influence of neighboring units on of acoustic characteristics of a unit, (left and right) context dependent (triphone-like) models were used. In order to reduce the number of model parameters, data driven tying of state emission probabilities as well as transition matrices was employed. The observation vectors of HMMs were the sequences of feature vectors generated from training utterances. The HMM toolkit (HTK) [6] was used in this experiment. The system used an ergodic language model, wherein any word can follow any word with equal probability.
The primary performance figures used were CORRECT and ACCURACY which are defined as
CORRECT = 100 * H / N %
ACCURACY = 100 * (H - I) / N %
where N, H, and I denote the total number of syllables in the test data, the number of correctly recognized syllables, and number of insertions respectively. Similarly, one can evaluate the performance of the system at the bol level. We define bolCorrect as 100 times the ratio of the number of complete bols recognized correctly to the total number of bols in the test suite.
Training of models need not only training data but also their correct transcriptions in terms of the basic units of recognition. In addition, the transcriptions (the sequence of syllables) can be time-aligned with the acoustic waveform. In the latter case, the training algorithm has the knowledge of the segment boundaries between consecutive syllables of a bol; this results in better training and higher recognition accuracy.
The training data were not only transcribed in terms of syllables, but were manually time-aligned with the waveform. This enabled us to conduct two recognition experiments: one with models trained with segmented training data, and another without segment boundary information. Naturally, the performance of the former system is expected to be better and is reported below. The performance of the latter system is reported towards the end of this section.
The performance of the system in terms of CORRECT and ACCURACY for training data and test data are shown in Table 2. The base system which uses 12 MFCCs as features correctly recognizes all the syllables of the train data, i.e., CORRECT = 100%. However, the output of the system also contains a few extra syllables, resulting in insertion error. Thus the syllable recognition ACCURACY of the system is 88%. Please note that CORRECT deals with the percentage of correct syllables in the output of the system without taking into account extra syllables in the output and ACCURACY treats insertions as errors as defined in the previous section.
Feature / TrainC / A / Test
C / A
MFCC / 100 / 88 / 95 / 62
MFCC_D / 100 / 96 / 100 / 94
MFCC_D_Z / 100 / 90 / 100 / 82
MFCC_E_D_Z / 100 / 86 / 100 / 80
Table 2: Syllable recognition accuracies (in %) of the system for train and test data with different feature vectors. ACCURACY (A) takes insertion errors into account while CORRECT (C) does not. The suffixes _D, _E and _Z denote the use of delta-coefficients, energy and cepstral mean normalization respectively.
Different feature vectors were used to characterize syllables and the performances of the corresponding systems were measured. The features are listed in the first column of the Table 2 and the recognition accuracies in the subsequent columns. The suffixes _D, _E and _Z denote the use of delta-coefficients, energy and cepstral mean normalization (CMN) respectively. As can be seen from the second row of Table 2, the usage of delta coefficients (which represent temporal variation of spectrum) improves the ACCURACY for train data from 88% to 96%. The accuracy for test data increases from 62% to 94%. On the other hand, cepstral mean normalisation (MFCC_D_Z) reduces accuracy. This behavior is understandable because CMN minimises the effect of channel and speakers on performance of speaker independent systems. The current system is trained with the voice of a single person in one recording environment. Thus, CMN removes speaker and channel characteristics from the signal, resulting in reduced recognition accuracy for both train and test data.
Adding the frame energy to the feature set (MFCC_E_D_Z) reduces the performance of the system. The amplitude of different bols can vary considerably. Thus, absolute energy is not a reliable feature, the addition of which has resulted in increased confusion among syllables.
From Table 2, we can see that all the words are recognized correctly (CORRECT = 100%) whenever delta-coefficients are employed. Therefore, there are no deletion errors. On the other hand, insertion errors were present. The system can be tuned to reduce this type of error. The insertion error was found to be the lowest for the feature MFCC_D. This insertion error can be further reduced by adding a penalty whenever a new word is added to the output transcription by the system.