Research Article Evaluation Form

Research Article Evaluation Form (RAEF)

Scoring Table

Raters Name :

Date of Review:

I. / Name and Description of the Treatment Intervention Being Evaluated: (As assigned by the EBP Task Force):
II / Specific Journal Article Being Reviewed
Year published
Please read and use the RAEF Scoring Guidelines prior to completing the sections below:
III / List the specific Independent Variableto be evaluated as it is described in the research article being reviewed:
Independent Variable correspondence score
Determine the study Experimental Design prior to beginning the next section.
If Single subject experimental designs are used, complete section IV and then skip section V.
If Group designs are used, skip section IV and complete section V.
IV /
  1. Single Subject Designs:

Operational definition of the study dependent variables (DV)
Technological score
Baseline, Treatment and Post treatment data score
Objective description of the Independent Variables (IV)
Technological score
Conditions under which the IV(s) are implemented score
Experimental Control:
Single Subject Design Type
Internal Validity - Design Issues score
Internal Validity – Inter Observer Agreement Issues score
Internal Validity – Procedural Reliability Issues score
Section IV Summary Score
V. / Group Designs:
Subject assignment score
Operational definition of Dependent Variables (DV score
Baseline Treatment and Post treatment data score
Objective description of Independent Variables (IV)
Technological score
Conditions of IV(s) implementation score
Confidence in Experimental Measures
IOA Data (DV) reported score
Level of IOA score
Procedural Reliability (IV) data score
Level of Procedural Reliability score
Level of Procedural Integrity, if reported
Outcome data: Experimental Control score
Outcome Data: Experimental Finding score
Section V. Summary Score
Section III Score
Section IV or V Score
Combined Score :
VI / Overall Rating of this Study :
Single Subject Design Studies
Score between 0 - 4.5 / Category 1
Score between 5.0 -7 / Category 2
Score between 7.5 + / Category 3
Group Design Studies
Score between 0- XX / Category 1
Score between XX -YY / Category 2
Score between YY - ZZ / Category 3
VII / Additional Considerations:
Negative Findings: This should result in the study automatically being scored an 10 placed in the Negative findings category (Category 3).
Evidence of negative health/safety concerns: This should result in the study automatically being scored 10 placed in the Negative findings category (Category 3).
Comments Section: