

Lecture Theatre 5

Tues 10 – 11 am Wed 12 – 1 pm Thur 10 – 11 am

Topics / Workshops / Assignments
1 / wed / 26 aug / Electrical properties of matter 1
2 / thur / 27 aug / Electrical properties of matter 2
3 / tues / 1 sep / Electrical properties of matter 3
4 / wed / 2 sep / Electrical properties of matter 4 / Workshop 1
5 / thur / 3 sep / Electrical properties of matter 5
6 / tues / 8 sep / Electrical properties of matter 6
7 / wed / 9 sep / Electrical properties of matter 7 / Workshop 2
8 / thur / 10 sep / Electrical properties of matter 8
9 / tues / 15 sep / Magnetic properties of materials 1
10 / wed / 16 sep / Magnetic properties of materials 2
11 / thur / 17 sep / Magnetic properties of materials 3 / Workshop 3 / #1 due Fri 18 Sept
12 / tues / 22 sep / Magnetic properties of materials 4
13 / wed / 23 sep / Magnetic properties of materials 5
thur / 24 sep / TEST
14 / tues / 20 oct / Magnetic properties of materials 6
15 / wed / 21 oct / Magnetic properties of materials 7
16 / thur / 22 oct / Magnetic properties of materials 8 / Workshop 4
17 / tues / 27 oct / Motion of charged particles 1
18 / wed / 28 oct / Motion of charged particles 2
19 / thur / 29 oct / Motion of charged particles 3 / Workshop 5 / #2 due Fri 2 30 Oct QM/EMP


Tutorial problems are available through MasteringPhysics. Throughout this course you should spend considerable time answering all the questions. The tutorial problems will help you revise the course content. Examination questions may be based upon some MasteringPhysics questions.


Through this course there will be 5 Workshops. At the start of each Workshop, you will be given a set of questions to complete. Some of the questions will relate to assessment items included in assignments and tests.


The maximum total mark for the Unit of Study is 220

Electromagnetic Properties of Matter Exam 60

Mid-semester test (EMP component) 15

Assignments (EMP component) 10


Young and Freedman, University Physics, 12 ed.

The content listed below is essential knowledge required for you to perform well in this course. It is expected that you will read and summarize this material.

Electrical properties of matter

Chapter 24 (new content)

Chapters 21, 22, 23 (review content from 1st year)

Magnetic properties of matter

Chapter 27 (review content from 1st year)

Chapter 28 (review content from 1st year and new content)

Motion of charged particles in electrical and magnetic fields

Chapter 25 (review content from 1st year)

Chapter 29 (review content from 1st year)

Course Notes by de Sterke and James

The notes by de Sterke and James which can be downloaded via webCT cover the course content and should form the main source of material for studying, doing the assignments and preparing for the mid-semester test and the final examination.

Part 1 Dielectric Materials

Part 2 Conduction, Charged particle motion, Hall effect

Part 3 Magnetic Materials

Course Notes by Cooper

Additional notes will be provided to supplement the Young Freedman and the notes by de Sterke and James.

Workshop material

The material handed out in the Workshops is designed to help you gain a better understanding of the course content and improve your problems solving strategies. They are an essential component of the course and you should attend each Workshop. They will help you perform better in the assessment activities of this course.



In writing an answer to a question it is often necessary to consider many things simultaneously - it is not possible to write out the answer like you would in copying a passage of text from a book. To help you improve your skills in answering questions from examinations, assignments, tutorials, laboratory, etc, you should try what I have called a non-linear approach using

Identify  Setup  Execute Evaluate

It is better to think "on paper" than in "your head". It is most important that you put information on paper - this makes it possible to access information more easily than organising ideas in your "minds eye".

In hitting a golf ball well, you would have noticed that golfers ("Greg") spend a lot a time setting themselves up. You need to set yourself up before you attempt your answer. You have to visualise what the problem is about, know what information is given and think about what you know. After this setup then you can go into action to execute your answer and evaluate it. However, unlike the golfer, there is a continual back and forward interaction between identify, setup, execute and evaluate.

To be good at golf requires lots of "quality" practice. The same is for you, to become good at physics requires practice, but remember it is only good practice that makes perfect and not time spent.


  • Identify what the question asking
  • Identify the known and unknown physical quantities (units)
  • Identify the type of problem

SETUP need a good memory base and understanding

  • Visualise the physical situation
  • Diagrams - reference frames / coordination system / origin / directions
  • Write down key concepts, principles, equations, assumptionsthat may be needed to answer the question


  • Answer to the question from what you know.
  • Numerical questions - solve before calculations - manipulate equations then substitute numbers add comments.


  • CHECK - answer reasonable, assumptions, units, signs, significant figures, look at limiting cases


A basic goal of science is to explain a wide range of phenomena in terms of a small number of powerful, fundamental physical principles.

Learning physics is similar to learning a foreign language such as Chinese. Not only do you have to know the words and meanings but how to put it all together to have successful communication. The language in physics is very specific and the meaning of words can be different to when used in everyday speech. You will have to learn the “restricted” meaning of words and how they relate to describing our physical word, and the basis of describing our physical word is in the use of models.

A major goal for yourself is to strive to achieve is to give good scientific explanations. In answering all questions in examinations, assignments, laboratory, workshops, etc, it is expected that you will use scientific language correctly. The following paragraphs highlight the criteria for good scientific explanations, on which you will be assessed continually.

You should repeatedly refer to the criteria, so that in the examination you will be able to give good scientific explanations in your answers.

A good answer is not just a collection of words, equations and numbers. Often in physics, a good answer to a question combines features of an essay and a mathematical proof - it clearly and coherently communicates your thinking about a question to someone else and it presents a logically valid chain of reasoning based on established principles.

Just as you can tell the difference between a good essay and a poor one, or a good geometry proof and an inadequate one, you will need to learn to distinguish between good and poor scientific explanations.

Criteria For A Good Scientific Explanations

  • Explanation based on fundamental physical principles including relevant equations and not just a description

A description tells what happened; an explanation tells why it happened, in terms of fundamental scientific principles.

A description: The charges spread out all over the surface of the metal.

An explanation: The charges spread out all over the surface of the metal because the free electrons in metal repel each other (like charges repel) and arrange themselves at the greatest possible distances from each other.

Scientific words have very precise meanings, and they must be used precisely. Unlike everyday speech, where it is permissible to substitute many different words for each other, there are very few synonyms in science. If you use the wrong word, your statement may be meaningless or utterly incorrect. Here are some important words that are frequently misused by novice students: Work, pressure, force, acceleration, velocity, amplitude, charge, charged, dipole, field, induce, induction, ionize, ionization, neutralize, polarization, polarized, potential

For example, a charged object is not the same as a polarized object. Force and charge are utterly different concepts; they are connected conceptually by the fact that a charged object can exert a force on another charged object.

Here are some examples of meaningless statements from students' answers: "The charge attracts to the positive dipole." and "The metal block is induced by the touching of a positive charge."

  • Explanations of physical phenomena can be given as a number of precise steps (chain argument).

Example (from Thinking Physics by L.C. Epstein & P G Hewitt):Mighty Mouse wants to get the ball bearing up and out of the bowl, but the ball is too heavy and the sides of the bowl too steep for Mighty Mouse to support the ball's weight. Write a scientific explanation for Mighty Mouse, so that he/she will know how (and why) to get the ball out of the bowl using his/her own strength and without the aid of such things as levers.

Give the ball a series of little pushes.

Each push must be at the right time and in the right direction.

The trick is you must match the rhythm of the pushes to the natural rhythm with which the ball rolls back and forth.

This natural rhythm is called the natural or resonant frequency of vibration.

There is usually more than one way a "thing" can vibrate, or resonate. The ball in the bowl can resonate back and forth or it can resonate around a circle. These different ways are called resonant modes.

Each push then can add a little kinetic energy to the ball.

Eventually, there will be enough kinetic energy added to the ball to get it to the rim and over the top.

  • Diagrams - readable, relevant details, labels

Scientists draw diagrams all the time. They use diagrams as a tool to support and guide their own thinking, as well as a device for explaining their ideas to others.

Many students are reluctant to draw diagrams. As reasons for their reluctance students say things like "I'm not good at drawing," "It takes too much time," "It's redundant, because I have to explain everything in words and equations anyhow." A common thread in these statements seems to be the perception that a diagram is a decoration, not a tool. Many students have not yet learned to use diagrams in a way that can guide their own reasoning and prevent many errors.


A diagram must be large enough to see and interpret easily. Do not draw little teeny diagrams in the margin of your paper. Make the diagram big enough that all the important information can be included in it, and can be interpreted easily by a reader. A diagram should not be ornate. Use simple, clean lines.


By labelling al1 distances, charges, and forces in a diagram, you bring together in one place a great deal of information that is scattered throughout the problem. Once it is recorded on your diagram you do not have to search for it again. Labels help to prevent serious errors. Carefully labelled diagrams significantly reduce the number of errors made in problem solutions.

Include only relevant details

A cluttered diagram is hard to interpret. For clarity, include only relevant information. For example, show only excess charges, but do distinguish between charge on a surface and charge inside an object. Do distinguish between free and bound charges - do not make your drawings of polarized molecules in an insulator look the same as a drawing of a polarized metal. These distinctions are important physical distinctions, so diagrams must reflect them unambiguously.

Often a good diagram can bear the major burden of explanation, with little or no accompanying prose required to make the point. A useful diagram is the centrepiece of a good explanation.

ijcooper/physics/p2/em/em_A.doc 15 November 2018 EMPA.1