Teacher: Mr. E. Lulik Year: Winter 2017
Textbooks: Calculus – A First Course (McGraw Hill)
Periods % of Course
Unit 1: Pre-Calculus Review 20 18
1. Interval Notation
2. Factoring
3. Restrictions
4. Zero and Division
5. Solving Inequalities
6. Solving Absolute values
7. Lines
a. Slope
b. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
c. Equations of Lines
8. Functions
a. Classifying Functions
b. Domain and Range
c. Families of Functions
d. Piecewise Functions
e. Function Characteristics
f. Functions Transformation
g. Function Operations
9. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
a. Exponential Growth and Decay
b. Inverse Functions
c. Logarithmic Functions
d. Properties of Logarithms
10. Trigonometric Functions
a. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
i. Domain and Range
ii. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
iii. Transformations
b. Applications
Unit 2: Limits and Continuity 10 8
1. Limits
a. Hands-On Limits
b. Visual Approach
c. Properties
d. Two-sided
e. One-sided
f. Asymmetrical Behaviour
g. End Behaviour
2. Continuity
a. Continuous Functions
b. Discontinuous Functions
i. Removable Discontinuity
ii. Jump Discontinuity
iii. Infinite Discontinuity
3. Instantaneous Rates of Change
4. Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous Functions
5. Average Rate of Change and Instantaneous Rate of Change
6. Slopes of Tangent Lines: Two formulas
Unit 3: Differentiation 15 15
1. Limit Definition of the Derivative
2. Slope and Linear Functions
3. Estimating Slopes of Tangent Lines
4. Determining Slopes of Tangent Lines at Specific Points
5. Determining Slopes of Tangent lines at the General point
6. Relationship between differentiability and continuity
7. Differentiation Rules
a. Constant
b. Power Rule
c. Product Rule
d. Quotient Rule
e. Chain Rule
f. Implicit Differentiation
g. Trigonometric
Sin, Cos, Tan, Csc, Sec, Cot
h. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
i. Ln, Log, and e
8. Sketching f’(x) and f(x)
9. Higher Order Derivatives
Unit 4: Applications of the Derivative 15 15
1. Relative and Absolute Extrema
2. Mean Value Theorem
3. Increasing and Decreasing Intervals
4. Critical Values
5. First Derivative Test for Extrema
6. Concavity and Points of Inflection
7. Second Derivative Test for Extrema
8. Curve Sketching and analyzing curves
9. Connecting the Graphs of f(x), f’(x), f’’(x).
10. Application of Differentiation
a. Velocity and Acceleration
b. Rates of Change
c. Optimization
d. Linearization
Unit 5: Integration 11 11
1. Approximating Areas
a. Riemann Sums – LRAM, RRAM, MRAM
b. Trapezoidal Rule
2. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Part 1 & Part 2)
3. Definite Integrals and Antiderivatives
4. Average (Mean) Value of a Function
5. Basic Integration
6. Integration Using u-substitution
7. Separable Differential Equations
Unit 6: Applications of Integration 8 8
1. Velocity and Displacement/Speed and Distance
2. Summing Rate of Change
3. Particle Motion
4. Area
a. Finding the Area Under a Curve
b. Finding the Area Above a Curve
c. Finding the Area Between Curves
5. Volumes of Revolution – circular disks/washers
Total 75%
Evaluation: Quizzes/Assignments/Other 20%
Unit Tests 55%
Comprehensive Final Exam 25%
Progress Report Date: June 28, 2017
Parent/Teacher Conference: April 11, 2017
Course Finalization Date: June 23, 2017
A. Expectations
· When a lesson is being taught or questions are being answered by the teacher or by another student, please do not talk to other students. It is a sign of respect to the teacher and your fellow classmates.
· When you arrive in class, start taking down notes or work on the review question(s) that are on the board.
· When instruction is complete, you may have time to work on assigned questions. This time is for assignments or studying not socializing with neighbors.
· Do not use cell or smart phones in class without the teacher’s permission.
B. Archbishop M.C. O’Neill Student Agenda
All students are to familiarize themselves with the student agenda. The agenda will be used by students when they need to leave the classroom.
C. Lockers
Locker use is mandatory. Students should leave outer wear and backpacks in the lockers.
D. Attendance
It is the attendance policy of Regina Catholic Schools that if you have 15 or more excused/unexcused absence(s) or late(s), you may be removed from the class. To excuse your absence(s) and late(s), your parent or guardian must notify the office within 24 hours of the absence or late.
NOTE: Absent students are responsible for all homework, assignments and assessments.
E. Late
The responsibility is on the student to arrive to class before the bell rings to start class. If you have a note from the office, student services, or another teacher you will not be marked late.
F. Class Work
Daily class assignments must be completed every day to insure success. The end result of not completing assignments is usually low marks or possibly failure.
G. Assessments (exams)
In the majority of cases, students will be given at least one-week notice of an assessment.
If a student is absent (excused) only on the day of the assessment be expected to write the next day at lunch or during a spare period. If a student is absent (excused) greater than one day the student will write a comparable assessment at a mutually agreed upon time.
If the student’s absence is unexcused the assessment will receive a ZERO.
Supplemental Option
If you did poorly on an exam you will have an option to write a supplemental exam. The supplemental exam will be written at lunch on a mutually agreed day. The mark on the supplement will be averaged with the original mark to arrive at your new mark. This will occur whether favourable or not. You will have the option to write one supplemental exam.
Any forms of cheating or plagiarism will result in a mark of ZERO for that particular assessment.
I. Assignments
Assignments must be turned in when due. Late assignments will have marks deducted.
J. Reference Sheets
All students will be allowed to bring a one-sided 8½ x 11 reference sheet into any assessment. The reference sheet may contain formulas, rules and constants.
K. Wiki Page
Google to view daily assignments and covered material.
· For the 2016-2017 school year a final progress report will be sent out at the end of each semester (Semester One: January 31, 2017 & Semester Two: June 28, 2017). We invite parents and guardians to regularly monitor their son’s/daughter’s academic progress by accessing the HomeLogic program utilized by our school division.
· HomeLogic offers real-time information to parents and students for all classes in one centralized location. It is a web-based program which provides 24/7 access to a student’s timetable, attendance profile, grade history, current/past semester assignments and exams (with due date information) and best of all, a student’s up-to-date gradebook information (assignment marks, exam marks, and his/her current average in the class).
· If you have not yet registered for HomeLogic, attached you will find the instructions for registering as a parent/guardian for this online program ( When you first register, you will need your son’s/daughter’s student number. This can be found at the top of a student timetable (in brackets beside the student’s name).
**Please note that only one progress report will be sent out during the semester given the 24/7 access to student progress through HomeLogic.
We hope that the following important dates will help you plan your activities for Sem. II:
· Tuesday, April 11, 2017 (by appointment only – further information forthcoming)
2. All Catholic schools in the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division practice continuous evaluation – students are evaluated throughout the year using a variety of evaluation tools and strategies. Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies to meet student needs and to determine grades. At the end of each semester, students have one week of Course Finalization. During these five (5) days, each subject has a final evaluation day worth 15 – 25% of the course. This evaluation day may be structured in a variety of ways, including (but certainly not limited to) an activity-based evaluation, a two-hour comprehensive exam, or an off-site activity. Every subject at a particular grade level will be consistent in how it is evaluated. For example, all History 20 teachers will decide whether the students will write a comprehensive exam or have an activity-based evaluation day.
Attendance is directly related to academic success; therefore, it is vital that students attend school every day during the semester. This is particularly important during Course Finalization Week, June 20 to June 26, 2017. Any absences during Course Finalization Week must be for “Pressing Personal Need” (e.g., death in the family, or serious illness supported by a Doctor’s certificate) and alternate assessments must be approved by the Administration.
The Course Finalization Days for Semester II are as follows:
Period 1 - Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Period 2 - Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Period 3 - Thursday, June 22, 2017
Period 4 - Friday, June 23, 2017
Period 5 - Monday, June 26, 2017
We appreciate your cooperation in planning family vacations in conjunction with school holidays and semester turn-around days.
O.A.R. (Outstanding Assignment Recovery):
O’Neill Catholic High School believes in fostering the academic potential of all students. Therefore, we have created additional opportunities for students to hand in, and receive credit for, outstanding assignments. Students are expected to attend O.A.R. should they have an NHI appearing in HomeLogic. Parents will receive emails from the office if their child has an outstanding assignment(s).
O.A.R. Dates: March 16 (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), April 11 (9:00 a.m. to 12 noon), May 19 (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) and June 13 (3:30 to 5:30 p.m.)