Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of The R.M. of Piney held on
Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Vassar, Manitoba.
Present: Reeve: Duane Boutang
Councillors: Earl Sawka ( Ward 1)
Donald Winnicky (Ward 2)
Sian Barrow (Ward 3)
Mike Patrick (Ward 4)
Recording Secretary: Martin Van Osch, Chief Administrative Officer
The Reeve took the chair at 7:00 P.M. and called the meeting to order.
1. Minutes Approval
Resolution No. 262
Moved by Councillor Earl Sawka Seconded By Councillor Donald Winnicky
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 28, 2011 are hereby adopted. Carried.
2. Approve Agenda
Resolution No. 263
Moved by Councillor Mike Patrick Seconded by Councillor Sian Barrow
Be It Resolved That Council approve the amended agenda. Carried.
3. Delegations
4. Cheques
Resolution No. 264
Moved by Councillor Donald Winnicky Seconded by Councillor Earl Sawka
Whereas the accounts of The R.M. of Piney for the period ending July 12, 2011 have been found to be in order;
Therefore Be It Resolved That general cheques nos. 2222 - 2264 amounting to $24,804.49 be approved for payment, excluding cheque numbers 2228,2230,2260 & 2262; Carried.
5. Financial Statements
Resolution No. 265
Moved by Councillor Sian Barrow Seconded by Councillor Mike Patrick
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Financial Statement for the period ending June 30, 2011 be adopted as circulated. Carried.
6. Council Indemnities
Resolution No. 266
Moved by Councillor Earl Sawka Seconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council’s Indemnities for the period of June 2011 be paid as presented. Carried
7. By-Law & Policies
a) Animal Control By-Law #73/2011 Resolution 267
Resolution No. 267
Moved by Councillor Mike Patrick Seconded by Councillor Sian Barrow
Be It Resolved That the RM of Piney gives first reading to By-Law #74/2011 “A By-Law of the Rural Municipality of Piney for the regulation and control of animals within the limits of the Rural Municipality of Piney.” Carried.
8 C.A.O.’s Attendance Report
Resolution No. 268
Moved by Councillor Donald Winnicky Seconded by Councillor Earl Sawka
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney approve as submitted the Chief Administrative Officer’s attendance report for the period of June, 2011 Carried.
9. Unfinished Business
10. General Business
a) Peter & Sherry Bestvater Offer to Purchase Agreement
Requirements Resolution 269
b) E. Holmgren & Sons Ltd. Development Agreement Resolution 270
c) Putting Communities First Resolution Resolution 271
Resolution No. 269
Moved by Councillor Sian Barrow Seconded by Councillor Mike Patrick
WHEREAS the Purchaser of Lot 12 Block 2 Plan 45186 has not fulfilled the terms and conditions of the Residential/Recreational Offer to Purchase Real Estate Agreement as presented in Section 2 of the agreement;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney notify the Purchase of Lot 12 Block 2 Plan 45186 that they are in default of the Residential/Recreational Offer to Purchase Real Estate Agreement and all rights and interests in respect to the Lands have fully ended as per Section 2(v);
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney proceed with the Quit Claim of Deed as required by the Lawyer of the municipality and once delivered, proceed with Section 2(vi) of the Agreement. Carried.
Resolution No. 270
Moved by Councillor Mike Patrick Seconded by Sian Barrow
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney enter into a Development Agreement with E. Holmgren & Sons Ltd. for the development of Part NE ¼ 24-2-14EPM and further the Reeve and C.A.O. are authorized to sign the said agreement. (As Amended). Carried.
Resolution No. 271
Moved by Councillor Earl Sawka Seconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky
WHEREAS, Manitoba’s municipalities are struggling to meet a growing list of challenges and responsibilities, including health care, affordable housing and infrastructure;
WHEREAS, the most pressing of these is the growing backlog of infrastructure in need of repair and replacement, including potholed streets and roads; faulty sewer and water mains; and poorly maintained public facilities such as playgrounds and community centers;
WHEREAS, Manitoba’s municipal infrastructure deficit has been estimated at more than $11 billion, or $10,000 per resident, which is beyond the capacity of municipal governments and local property taxpayers;
WHEREAS, the RM of Piney has identified the need to invest in solid waste management infrastructure and communication hardware to meet the needs of population growth and economic development;
WHEREAS, this infrastructure deficit has serious consequences for the quality of life of our residents and the economic well-being of our community and province;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rural Municipality of Piney calls on all parties in the October 4 provincial election to put communities first and commit to reallocating a portion of the tax revenue the Manitoba Government collects in our communities to repairing and upgrading our infrastructure. Carried.
11. Correspondence
a) Paul Pichlyk letter re; SE 1-1-11EPM Reply Letter
b) Shevchenko School Yearbook Request Resolution 272
c) MTS Allstream Response Letter Re; CRTC Reply Letter
d) MIT Letter re; Illumination Request PTH 12 and PR 639 Resolution 273
e) Keith Winnicky Letter re; Drainage To Transportation
& Drainage
Committee Meeting
f) Lyle Anderson Letter re: SW 35-1-11EPM Prepare Lease
g) RCMP Annual Performance Plan 2010-2011 Report Noted
h) Lankhout Land Surveying Letter re; Monument Restoration Noted
i) Manitoba Infrastructure & Transportation Letter re; Main
Market Roads Noted
j) Clara Willms Letter re; Approach Noted
Resolution No. 272
Moved by Councillor Donald Winnicky Seconded by Earl Sawka
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney will donate $75.00 to Shevchenko School’s 2012 Annual Yearbook. Carried.
Resolution No. 273
Moved by Councillor Sian Barrow Seconded by Mike Patrick
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney wants to proceed with the illumination of PTH 12 at PR 639 with the understanding that MIT will only contribute $1,000 towards capital costs. Defeated.
12. Correspondence for Information only:
a) RCMP Monthly Report Noted
b) AMM News Bulleting Noted
c) MLCC Notice of Community Event Noted
d) CRTC Letter Noted
e) Seine-Rat River CD Meeting Minutes Noted
f) Minister of Education Letter re; Community Use of Schools Noted
g) Fire Reports
I. Sprague Fire Department Noted
h) Muscular Dystrophy Canada Proclamation Request Noted
13. Committee Reports
a) District 1 Recreation Community Committee Meeting Minutes Noted
b) District 2 Recreation Community Committee Meeting Minutes Noted
14. General Discussion
a) Brush Spraying Maps for P/U
b) Meeting with Pineland Colony July 26/11
c) Hon. Vic Toews Dinner RSVP
d) Roseau River C.D.
15. In Camera Disussion:
a) Preliminary Matters Resolution 274/275/276 (Send Registered Letter)
Resolution No. 274
Moved by Councillor Earl Sawka Seconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the R.M. of Piney meet in Camera as a Committee of the Whole to discuss item No(s). 15 (a) of the agenda, time 9:25 P.M. and further all matters are held in confidence as per section 18.9 of Procedure By-Law No. 64/2011.
Resolution No. 275
Moved by Councillor Sian Barrow Seconded by Councillor Mike Patrick
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council return from the in Camera session and the meeting resume, time 9:50 PM. Carried
Resolution No. 276
Moved by Councillor Mike Patrick Seconded by Councillor Sian Barrow
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney approve the sale of the Lot 3 Block 1 Plan 45816 for the price and sum of $12,000.00 plus G.S.T. Defeated.
16. Next Meeting
Resolution No. 277
Moved by Councillor Earl Sawka Seconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney next Regular Meeting be held on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Vassar, Manitoba Carried.
17. Adjournment
Resolution No. 278
Moved by Councillor Sian Barrow Seconded by Councillor Mike Patrick
Be It Resolved that this Regular Meeting be adjourned, time 9:52P.M. Carried.
Head of Council
Chief Administrative Officer
(Subject to errors and omissions)