Welcome to Dreamweaver Introduction
Janis Shirriff 966-1852
Planning a Website – Example Plan 1:
HOMEPAGE:Topic: / Flower Gardening in Saskatchewan
Title: / Saskatchewan: Growing Flowers on the Prairies
Description: / This site will contain essential information on growing flowers
The home page will contain bright images of typical SK flowers and links to the following pages:
1. Varieties of Prairie Flowers
2. Common Soil Conditions
3. Best Do's and Don'ts
4. Contact Us
Filename: / index.html
Topic 1: / Varieties of Flowers
Title 1: / Great Saskatchewan Flowers
Description: / This page will contain images of various flowers grown in SK with description, care and growing time
Filename: / varieties.html
Topic 2: / Common Soil Conditions
Title 2: / It's All About the SOIL
Description: / This page will contain image of SK (soil map if possible) and a description of each soil type
Filename: / soil.html
Topic 3: / Best Do's and Don'ts
Title 3 : / How to Best Care for Your Flowers
Description: / This page will contain information of best practices. Included could be rollover images of plants that have been neglected (start with healthy plant)
Filename: / best.html
Topic 4: / Contact Us
Title 4: / Contact Us
Description: / Contact Information appears here - phone #, mailing address, email address linked
Filename: / contact.html
Planning a Website – Example Plan 2:
HOMEPAGE:Topic: / Youth Pipe Band in Saskatoon
Title: / 96th Highlanders Youth Pipe Band - Saskatoon
Description: / This site will contain information about the youth pipe band in Saskatoon including how to become a member, hiring the band, special upcoming events, competitions and awards, contacting the group and history
The home page will contain images of the 96th highlanders and a tune which may be played by the user. Links to the following pages will be displayed on the left:
1. History
2. Membership
3. Events
4. Competitions and Awards
5. Hiring the Band
6. Contact Us
Filename: / index.html
Topic 1: / Band History
Title 1: / History of the 96th Highlanders
Description: / This page will contain images and description of the history of the band. Deep links to archival information could be included here.
Filename: / history.html
Topic 2: / Membership
Title 2: / 96th Highlanders Membership
Description: / This page will explain how one becomes a member in the band and will include downloadable application forms.
Deep link to current band members could be included
Filename: / membership.html
Topic 3: / Band Events
Title 3 : / 96th Highlanders Events
Description: / This page will contain information of events in which the band partakes and of upcoming preformances
Filename: / events.html
To be continued