CHC 2D/2P Unit 2: 1920/1930
Summative Assignment
Please choose one of the following options to complete as a summative assignment:
- It is the year 2012, and you have just finished post-secondary education. Your task is to create an invention that will change Canadian lives. Include in your project: an explanation of your invention in detail (how it works, what it is made of, why it is needed etc.), the pros and cons of the invention, the significance of your invention and the impact that your invention will have on Canadians. Finally, you will create a 3 dimensional model of your invention. (1 page written explanation)
- Write a song that tells / educates its audience about the similarities and differences between the 1920’s and 1930’s. For an added challenge compare and contrast these two decades to our world today. It must reflect our values as a society, the mood of our society and discuss the concerns and triumphs of our society. It will be 1-2 pages in length. You will include an explanation of your song that is 1 paragraph in length.
- Find a collection of 5 songs that you feel represent our current society and write a detailed explanation of how each song shows or tells about our life, world and society today. Compare your points of analysis to the twenties and thirties. (1 page analysis minimum)
- Choose who you consider to be the most important Canadian from the twenties / thirties and modern day. Create a final product convincing the audience these individuals are the greatest Canadians. Your product may be a video, an essay, a creative drawing, a well planned poster etc. The final product will have a 1 page written explanation to accompany it. Consider important life events, most important achievement and your final comments on this individual.
- Find a children’s story that reflects a topic that we have studied in this unit and write an explanation of how it relates to the twenties and / or thirties.
- Write a review of the movie “Cinderella Man” that describes and explains how the film correctly depicts the historical time period of the 1930’s. In your analysis, you should write about:
- the way people lived, contrasting it to the experience of the 1920’s;
- problems in society;
- employment conditions; and
- Finally, write about how you think you would have survived in this time period. How do you think our current society would deal with a similar time period? What can we learn from studying the thirties?
- Write a test on Friday, November 2. You will be expected to complete a test review. It is to be handed in, fully complete on the day of the test.
- Write an essay on one of the topics below. It will be 1-2 pages in length.
Essay Questions
- Choose who you consider to be the most important Canadian from the twenties/thirties and modern day. Write a persuasive essay, convincing the audience these individuals are the great Canadians. Consider important life events, most important achievements and your final comments on why this individual is important to study in history and why they are important to remember.
- Compare the 1920s to the 1930s. In your comparison you should discuss how these eras have been defined and what they are known for historically. Include a discussion telling about why these eras are important to study. This of the 5Ws to help you answer this question.
You are being evaluated on the following:
Your knowledge and understanding of content learned in the twenties and thirties and how the concepts of historical significance can be related to modern day
Your ability to gather and collect important information and present it in a historically relevant context and in an organized fashion
How well and effectively you communicate your ideas
Your ability to transfer learned material to new and familiar contexts
Due: Friday, November 2, 2012