• The format of this RFQ has been simplified.
  • Only one signature is required.

Please read EXHIBIT A-Bid Response Packet carefully,INCOMPLETE BIDS WILL BE REJECTED. Alameda County will not accept submissions or documentation after the bid response due date.




Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project (Phase 1) Clinical Furniture

For complete information regarding this project, see RFQ posted at orcontact the County representative listed below. Thank you for your interest!
Contact Person:Kai Moore, Contracts Specialist II
Phone Number: (510) 208-4882
E-mail Address:



2:00 p.m.


November 2, 2012


Alameda County, GSA–Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907

Oakland, CA 94612

Alameda County is committed to reducing environmental impacts across our entire supply chain.

If printing this document, please print only what you need, print double-sided, and use recycled-content paper.





Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project (Phase 1) Clinical Furniture




  1. Intent 3
  2. Scope 3
  3. Vendor Qualifications...... 3
  4. Specific Requirements...... 4
  5. Deliverables/Reports...... 6


  1. Networking / Bidders Conferences...... 7


  1. County Provisions...... 8
  2. General Environmental Requirements...... 12
  3. Contract Evaluation and Assessment...... 16
  4. Notice of Intent to Award...... 16
  5. Bid Protest / Appeals Process...... 17
  6. Term / Termination / Renewal...... 19
  7. Brand Names and Approved Equivalents...... 19
  8. Quantities...... 20
  9. Pricing 20
  10. Award 22
  11. Debarment and Suspension Policy...... 22
  12. Iran Contracting Act (ICA) of 2010...... 23
  13. Method of Ordering...... 24
  14. Warranty...... 25
  15. Invoicing...... 25
  16. Account Manager/Support Staff...... 26
  17. General Requirements...... 26


  1. County Contacts...... 27
  2. Submittal of Bids...... 27
  3. Response Format...... 30
  4. Proprietary and Confidential Information...... 30


Exhibit A–Bid Response Packet

Exhibit B – Insurance Requirements

Exhibit C – Vendor List

Exhibit D – Floor Plan Level 5 – Infusion Area

Exhibit E – Product Substitution Request Form

Specifications, Terms & Conditions

for Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project (Phase 1) Clinical Furniture



It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions todescribe the clinical furniture required for the Phase 1, Satellite Building, as part of the Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project.

The County intends to award a two-year contract (with option to renew) to the bidder(s) selected as the lowest responsible bidder whose response meets the County’s requirements.

It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions to procure the most environmentally preferable products with equivalent or higher performance and at equal or lower cost than traditional products. Specific requirements from the County’s Sustainability Program that are related to this Bid are included in the appropriate Bid sections.


The County of Alameda is currently underway with the ATR Project, located in Oakland, California. This new facility will function as a specialty and same day care clinic with administrative offices, as part of the existing medical center campus. The clinic building occupancy is an Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development “OSHPD 3” designated facility. The specified furniture was selected upon the Basis of Design (BOD) of the project’s program and requirements. These specifications are intended to establish the quality, design and dimensional requirements stipulated by the BOD


1.Vendor Minimum Qualifications

a.Bidder shall be regularly and continuously engaged in the business of providing furniture, fixtures and equipment for at least three (3) years.

b.Bidder shall possess all permits, licenses and professional credentials necessary to supply product and perform services as specified under this RFQ.

c.Bidder must be an authorized furniture manufacturer or dealer.

d.Bidder must be able to provide goods and services listed herein.

e.Bidder must authorize the transfer of the manufacturer’s warranty from the County (as purchaser of the furniture) to the Alameda County Medical Center (operator of the facility) without voiding the warranty, the warranty stall start with the date of operation of the facility.

f.Bidder must have the ability to comply with the federal Davis-Bacon Act if necessary due to any vendor installation and/or assembly of furniture.


1.Please refer to Exhibit A Bid Form Worksheet for the complete list of furniture, fixtures, and equipment specified in this RFQ. Furniture will be provided as described or approved equivalent. Please see brand names or approved equivalents, Section X.

2.Upon contract, vendor will receive current construction document floor plans to confirm furniture locations and quantities for the order. See E. DELIVERABLES/REPORTS. Refer to Exhibit A Bid Form Worksheet for furniture quantities.

3.For quality assurance, the following requirements shall apply:

a.Complete Equipment/Systems – Items or accessories that are not included in the specifications, but are essential to the proper use of the product, shall be supplied by the Vendor. The Vendor shall provide all necessary product components and accessories.

b.Code Compliance – All clinical furniture supplied shall comply with the State of California seismic bracing codes and requirements, and as required, seismic anchorage shall be provided by the Vendor. The vendor shall provide the OSHPD pre-approved number(s) for anchorage as required.

4.Delivery of Furniture – Shall be specially arranged with the Vendor by the County’s General Services Agency (GSA).

a.Shipping – Vendor shall have goods shipped to its warehouse, prior to delivery and installation.

(1)Delivery shall be made to the Highland Hospital ATR Project, 1141 East 31st Street, Oakland, CA 94602.

(2)All deliveries must include a packing list. A manifest (or bill of materials for the order) must be included if the packing list does not show itemized contents. Vendor shall contact the County contact (to be named in contract) 48 hours in advance of the delivery date.

(3)The ongoing construction and the delivery of equipment for this project require extensive coordination for use of the streets to access the site, receiving dock, parking areas, and elevators. The awarded vendor will be required to cooperate fully with the County in this coordination.

(4)The County will provide the vendor site access for truck access. All trucks must have hydraulic lift gates and any specialized unloading equipment required. Box-trucks are preferred and can easily access on-site destination for unloading. Semi-trucks are not able to directly access the site and receiving dock for this project.

(5)The Vendor shall supply rigging or specialized tools required for delivery and installation and any associated costs shall be stated as part of the delivery charge.

b.Schedule – The furniture, to be acquired under this RFQ, is for use in a new hospital facility, currently under construction, on an existing site. Therefore, the delivery date for the medical equipment will be closely coordinated by the County with the vendor.

(1)The anticipated timeline for delivery is February/March 2013.

(2)The Vendor shall confirm and coordinate the specific delivery date and location with the County, preferably within five (5) to seven (7) days prior to delivery.

c.The County may request a change in the delivery date from the anticipated schedule. The County may also schedule different delivery dates/times for specific items. The Vendor will be required to indicate the necessary lead time, and the effects of schedule changes, if required, in the Contract.

d.Rulesand Regulations – Vendor (including its representatives and personnel) shall comply with all the on-site safety requirements of the project and the safety and infection control requirements of Highland Hospital. Specific safety and infection controlrequirements and compliance documents will be provided to the vendor at start of contract.


1.Design Services

a.Vendor shall provide furniture location plan(s) for all furniture which shall be used for installation coordination by the Vendor and the County. The Project’scontract documents are in Revit software format, therefore, the Vendor will be required to generate furniture location plan(s) for the following area, (see Exhibit D for drawings):

(1)Floor 5 – Infusion Area

b.Vendor shall provide a complete furniture list, which coordinates with the furniture location plan(s) as required, and shall be used for confirmation of furniture quantities, including necessary parts and accessories that may not be listed in Exhibit A for approval by the County.

c.Vendor shall securely attach a manufacturer’s bar code identification tag on all furniture pieces at a not immediately visible location, but one that can be found to identify the piece of furniture. Vendor shall provide an inventory database (Excel format) of the furniture with barcode and make/model number/specification information for use by the County, which may be referenced for warranty, maintenance replacement purposes, or future new orders.

d.Vendor shall provide final furniture location plan(s), furniture list, and bar code/inventory list, in the format of three (3) 11”x17”paper hard copies and three (3) CD’s, upon County’s acceptance of satisfactory installation of furniture.

2.Delivery and Installation

a.Schedule: The Vendor shall confirm lead time and delivery schedule to the County at the time of purchase order.

b.Vendor shall deliver and install all furniture (fixed and movable) to its final location.

3.Operations and Maintenance Manuals: Vendor shall supply three (3) electronic and three (3) hard copies of all required documentation and operation materials upon delivery.

4.Warranty: Vendor shall supply electronic and hard copies of all manufacturers’ warranty certificates and information.


Request Issued / September 21, 2012
Written Questions Due / by 5:00 pm on October 5, 2012
Networking/Bidders Conference #1 / October 4, 2012 @ 2:00 p.m. / at:General Services Agency
Conference Room 201
1401 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612
Networking/Bidders Conference #2 / October 5, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m. / at:Fremont Public Library
Fukaya Room B
2400 Stevenson Boulevard
Fremont, CA 94538
Addendum Issued / October 19, 2012
Response Due / November 2, 2012 by 2:00 p.m.
Evaluation Period / November 2 - 26, 2012
GSA Award Date / November 30, 2012
Contract Start Date / December 3, 2012

Note:Award and start dates are approximate.


Networking/bidders conferences will be held to

1.Provide an opportunity for small and local and emerging businesses (SLEBs) and large firms to network and develop subcontracting relationships in order to participate in the contract(s) that may result from this RFQ.

2.Provide an opportunity for bidders to ask specific questions about the project and request RFQ clarification.

3.Provide the County with an opportunity to receive feedback regarding the project and RFQ.

All questions will be addressed, and the list of attendees will be included, in an RFQ Addendum following the networking/bidders conferences.

Potential bidders are strongly encouraged to attend networking/bidders conferences in order to further facilitate subcontracting relationships. Vendors who attend a networking/bidders conference will be added to the Vendor Bid List. Failure to participate in a networking/bidders conference will in no way relieve the Contractor from furnishing goods and/or services required in accordance with these specifications, terms and conditions. Attendance at a networking/bidders conference is highly recommended but is not mandatory.



1.Preference for Local Products and Vendors: A five percent (5%) preference shall be granted to Alameda County products or Alameda County vendors on all sealed bids on contracts except with respect to those contracts which state law requires be granted to the lowest responsible bidder. An Alameda County vendor is a firm or dealer with fixed offices and having a street address within the County for at least six (6) months prior to the issue date of this Bid; and which holds a valid business license issued by the County or a city within the County. Alameda County products are those which are grown, mined, fabricated, manufactured, processed or produced within the County. Locality must be maintained for the term of the contract. Evidence of locality shall be provided immediately upon request and at any time during the term of any contract that may be awarded to Contractor pursuant to this Bid.

2.Small and Emerging Locally Owned Business: A small business is as defined by the United States Small Business Administration. For this RFQ, applicable industries include, but are not limited to, the following NAICS Code(s): 337127, 337211, 337214, and 423210 as having no more than500 employees over the last three (3) years. An emerging business, as defined by the County, is one that has less than one-half (1/2) of the preceding amount and has been in business less than five (5) years. In order to participate herein, the small or emerging business must also satisfy the locality requirements and be certified by the County as a Small or Emerging, local business. A certification application package (consisting of Instructions and Application) can be found online at:

A locally owned business, for purposes of satisfying the locality requirements of this provision, is a firm or dealer with fixed offices and having a street address within the County for at least six (6) months prior to the issue date of this Bid; and which holds a valid business license issued by the County or a city within the County.

The County is vitally interested in promoting the growth of small and emerging local businesses by means of increasing the participation of these businesses in the County’s purchase of goods and services. As a result of the County’s commitment to advance the economic opportunities of these businesses the following provisions shall apply to this Bid:

a.If Bidder is certified by the County as either a small and local or an emerging and local business, the County will provide a five percent (5%) bid preference, in addition to that set forth in paragraph 1., above, for a total bid preference of ten percent (10%). However, a bid preference cannot override a State law, which requires the granting of an award to the lowest responsible bidder.

b.Bidders not meeting the small or emerging local business requirements set forth above do not qualify for a bid preference and must subcontract with one or more County certified small and/or emerging local businesses for at least twenty percent (20%) of Bidder’s total bid amount in order to be considered for the contract award. SLEB subcontractors must be independently owned and operated from the prime contractor with no employees of either entity working for the other. Bidder, in its bid response, must submit written documentation evidencing a firm contractual commitment to meeting this minimum local participation requirement. Participation of a small and/or emerging local business must be maintained for the term of any contract resulting from this RFQ. Evidence of participation shall be provided immediately upon request at any time during the term of such contract.

c.The County reserves the right to waive these small/emerging local business participation requirements in this Bid, if the additional estimated cost to the County, which may result from inclusion of these requirements, exceeds five percent (5%) of the total estimated contract amount or Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), whichever is less.

d.The following entities are exempt from the Small and Emerging Local Business (SLEB) requirements as described above and are not required to subcontract with a SLEB:

(1)Non-profit community based organizations (CBOs) that are providing services on behalf of the County directly to County clients/residents;

(2)Non-profit churches or non-profit religious organizations (NPO);

(3)Public schools; and universities; and

(4)Government agencies

Non-profits must provide proof of their tax exempt status. These are defined as organizations that are certified by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as 501(c)3.

If additional information is needed regarding this requirement, please contact the Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak Street, Room 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 272-6502 or via E-mail at .

3.Subject to the requirements of the SLEB program and the criteria of each procurement process, the maximum bid evaluation preference points for being certified is ten percent (10%) [five percent (5%) local, and five percent (5%) certified]. Compliance with the SLEB program is required for goods, services and professional services contracts, including but not limited to architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying, and construction project management services projects.

4.First Source Program: The First Source Program has been developed to create a public/private partnership that links CalWORKs job seekers, unemployed and under employed County residents to sustainable employment through the County’s relationships/connections with business, including contracts that have been awarded through the competitive process, and economic development activity in the County. Welfare reform policies and the new Workforce Investment Act require that the County do a better job of connecting historically disconnected potential workers to employers. The First Source program will allow the County to create and sustain these connections.

Vendors awarded contracts for goods and services in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) as a result of any subsequently issued RFQ are to allow Alameda County ten (10) working days to refer potential candidates to vendor to be considered by Vendor to fill any new or vacant positions that are necessary to fulfill their contractual obligations to the County, that Vendor has available during the life of the contract before advertising to the general public. Potential candidates referred by County to Vendor will be pre-screened, qualified applicants based on vendor specifications. Vendor agrees to use its best efforts to fill its employment vacancies with candidates referred by County, but the final decision of whether or not to offer employment, and the terms and conditions thereof, rest solely within the discretion of the Vendor.