Remember all new boarding and lesson rates are in effect for January 2008
Stall Board - $400.00 a month
Pasture Board (no feed) - $200.00 a month
Pasture board (with feed) - $250.00 a month
Dewormings – (now built into cost of boarding)
Group Lessons - $30.00 a lesson
Private Lesson - $60.00 a lesson
2008 Barn Day
Mark your calendars for Saturday, 12 January from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. We will be available all day in the Tack Store for accepting and completing 2008 paperwork. Boarding contracts and liability waivers are annual requirements by our insurance. These are reviewed annually and such include many changes. There will be coupons available for the Tack Store from 5% - 25% discount to all boarders and lesson students who come in to turn in or complete paperwork by or at Barn Day 2008. We hope you can make it!
Hooves, Claws and Paws 4-H Canned Food Drive
From now until the end of January, our 4-H club is collecting can-goods to go to the local shelters. Please bring a canned-good to the tack store if you care to help their good cause.
Meetings at Ft. Russell Township Hall
Last Thursday of the month – next meeting 29 January 2008
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Open to all youth between the ages of 8 and 18
Come out now and join in the fun! It is a great time of year to start selecting your projects, horsey or not.
“A Cowboy Christmas”
What a wonderful show EB Fowler put together for us this year…thanks EB and all the helpers. It was great fun and a huge success for Toys for Tots. We donated several bags and boxes of toys and nearly $500.00 in donations. What a great team charitable spirit shown by all at Triangle H Farm. You are greatly appreciated.
Carol Coppinger Clinic Update
We had a blast at this past week’s clinics! Clinic is full, but good luck has come to those on the waiting list in the past. Price is $850.00 and you must be almost through Level 2 and ready to work on Level 3 stuff. A deposit of half is expected, but payment in full will be required by 1 May 2008.
Ray hunt coming to Triangle H Farm!
Start saving your pennies and counting your calendar days…Ray Hunt will be coming to Triangle H Farm Memorial Day weekend (24-26 May) 2008. This is an amazing opportunity for us all…we promise to have more information so that boarders and lesson students have first dibs to sign up for his clinic. The price for the clinic is $650.00 each, so make sure to mark your calendar and start your savings plan if you want to participate!! Flyer and Registration form are on the website.
Progressive Nutrition Clinic
Saturday, 27 January from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
At Ft. Russell Township Hall followed by free horse evaluations at Triangle H Farm
Roger Pulliam from Progressive Nutrition will be present to discuss the feed program we have adopted at Triangle H Farm. This is a free clinic and is open to all boarders. It will be open to the public as there are many feed customers and area barns that are interested in learning more about this wonderful product, so make sure to come early to get a good seat! There will be attendance prizes and more!
Winter Play day Series
We are proud to host another season of our popular “Winter Play Day Series.”
Join us the last Sunday of the month in January, February, March and April for a fun show! Check out the show bill as we have new classes for added fun this year!
We will have a grand prize personalized halter for Champion and Reserve Champion in adult and youth divisions for those who participated in at least 3 of the 4 shows.
A show bill has been included, but you can also check the website for the flyer and class information.
Triangle H Farm Staff Clinic Series
Your brilliant Triangle H Farm staff has some clinics they will be offering. Take advantage of their amazing talents, education and experience…check out the following clinics:
EB Fowler and Lauren Bushrow present:
“Heartbeats and Harness Seats”
Saturday, 19 January 2008
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Open to all youth under age 18…check out the website or the flyer in the barn to see what it is all about!
Crystal Welsh presents:
“Dressage 101”
Saturday, 9 February 2007
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Open to youth and adults, the basics of dressage and dressage tests will be discussed.
Marcy Heepke presents:
“Marcy Heepke Horsemanship Clinic”
Saturday, 29 March 10 AM to 3 PM
Open to any rider of any age or ability. Limited number of rider positions. $100 per rider, $25 to audit.
Clinic is half full…get in on it while you can!
…see the website for more information!!
Farrier, Jeff Young
Please note that Farrier Jeff Young will not be here every Thursday in the winter. He will be here the 3rd, 17th, and 31st of January. Please let us know if you are planning to pull shoes for winter so we can make note of that for your next appointment. Crystal Welsh is in charge of the farrier schedule, so email her if you have a question or request. Her e-mail address is:
Lincoln Trail Riders Trivia Night
Come with us to defend our title as reining winners! Date is 2 February and sign up and flyers are in the barn. We need to fill our team and remind them that we are winners at Triangle H Farm! Let’s show them we can do it two years in a row.
Equestrian Club News – New Meeting Time and Location
Meeting nights are still the 2nd Thursday of each month but we have changed times and locations. Join us at 6:30 PM at Los Tres Amigos in Wood River. Remember the Holiday party at Kathy Strickfaden’s on the evening of 8 December. Secret pals will be revealed!!!!
Dentist and Vet here the second Tuesday of each month
Gregg will be here the second Tuesday of January, which is the 8th of January this month. The dentist can see a maximum of 6 horses each day. You must be present when Gregg sees your horse or leave a check made payable to Gregg McKee in order to authorize the work on your horse. Remember Gregg McKee is not a vet, so state law requires that a vet be present during his procedures. On the days when Gregg is here, so will someone from Greenville Vet Clinic (Dr Ostrum or Dr Bristow). If you have a gelding, this is a great time to get his sheath cleaned, while he is sedated. Other vet procedures like Coggins, etc. can also be done on these days as well. Sign up on the dry erase board for the dentist and other procedures needed. Please provide a copy of the dental procedures performed to Marcy.
Hooves, Claws and Paws 4-H Club
Meetings at Ft. Russell Township Hall
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Open to all youth between the ages of 8 and 18
Come out now and join in the fun! It is a great time of year to start selecting your projects, horsey or not.
Winter Exercise and Training program
Can’t make it out to play or exercise your horse…check out our new exercise program or our reduced winter training rates. It may be just up your alley!
Calendar of Events
(sign up sheets are on posted on the bulletin board)
25 Christmas
26 Grace is 2!
January 2008
10 Emma is 1!
12 Triangle H Farm Barn Day. Come in to fill out all of your paperwork for the year and get great deals on tack store sales! Drawings, giveaways and prizes!
12 MCTB Christmas Party and Awards Banquet at Ft. Russell Township Hall 5:30 PM. Bring a white elephant auction prize.
19 EB Fowler and Lauren Bushrow present: Hoof Beats and Harness Seats Clinic. 18 and under, only. 1 – 3 PM. Sign up in the barn. Limited spaces available.
19 THEC Trivia Night at THF 4 PM
26 Free Progressive Nutrition Clinic by Roger Pulliam @ Ft. Russell Township Hall 1-3 PM.
27 Triangle H Farm Winter Play Day 1 PM
February 2008
2 LTR Trivia Night
9 Dressage 101 Clinic with Crystal Welsh 1-3 PM $40 per person. Bring or lease a horse.
22 Edwardsville High School FFA sponsors petting zoo for 700 area kindergarteners here at THF 9AM-3PM. Volunteers welcome
24 Triangle H Farm Winter Play Day
March 2008
1 Jeff birthday
Feb 29, March1 & 2 Horse Fair, Springfield, IL
29 Marcy Heepke Natural Horsemanship Clinic 10 am to 3 PM. $95 to ride for the day and $25 to audit. Lunch included for riders.
30 Triangle H Farm Winter Play Day
April 2008
10-13 Equine Affaire, Columbus, OH
27 Triangle H Farm Winter Play Day
May 2008
16-18 Joe Wolter Horsemanship Clinic at Mark Schwarm’s in Marion, IL
24-25 Ray Hunt Horsemanship Clinic at THF. Send in your deposit to hold your spot. See website for details.
July 2008
18-20 Brent Graef Clinic here at THF. To sign up go to and click on “Jump to July 2008”. The clinic is full! Sign up now to audit.
21-23 Brent Graef Clinic here at THF. To sign up go to and click on “Jump to July 2008”. The clinic is over half full! Sign up now to audit.
1-4 Carol Coppinger Parelli 4-day camp. See website for more details. Clinic Full!!
Staff Contact Information
A few of you have asked how you can contact a staff member. Here are a few ways :)
Marcy Heepke – (h) 618.692.4823 (c) 618.559.7746
Kristy Hamby – (h) 618.667.9134 (c) 618.558.1470
Crystal Welsh – (h) 618.558.1439 (c) 618.830.6051
EB Fowler - (c) 817.781.3979
Lauren Bushrow - (c) 618.593.1312
Do you have anything you want to put in the newsletter?
If so, email Kristy Hamby @ or Marcy Heepke at . Deadline is the 22nd of each month.