SEPTEMBER 19, 2017
Georgy Kearney called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm – welcome to the first Pratt PTO meeting of this school year! Based on our mission statement, below, we are reminded that the Pratt PTO is driven by parents and families of Pratt students:
Our mission is to develop and support a connected community of Pratt parents, teachers and students through community events and enrichment opportunities.
Attached with this email is a copy of the bylaws. As a reminder, any general questions should be sent to .
We are looking for parents to volunteer for a couple roles related to our monthly meetings:
- A meeting greeter, who will help hand out name tags an monitor the sign-in sheet
- Someone to take on the coordination of the PTO meeting meal (i.e. ordering and picking up the pizza (or other food), picking up fruit, etc. All meal costs are reimbursable through the Pratt PTO, but donations from family members are always welcome. We average $120 for food for each meeting, and feed approximately 30-35 adults and 25 children.
- Maintenance of the Pratt PTO Facebook page, and website maintenance of PTO activities of the PTO on Pratt’s home page
There is now a Parent Communication Board by Door 2 – look for shared information on this board.
Officers for the new academic year are typically elected during the first meeting. Terms for officer roles are two years. Georgy Kearney and Rachel Hampton are retiring their roles as President and Treasurer, respectively. Last year, Anna Mahan-Miller served as Co-President, and is up for President this year. Tricia Brown is a candidate for Treasurer and Sarah Jannusch and Susan Prause are both looking to be reaffirmed for their second year as Co-Secretaries. Officers voted in are as follows, with no dissentions to any candidates:
Anna Mahan-MillerApproved as President
Tricia BrownApproved as Treasurer
Saran JannuschApproved as Co-Secretary
Susan PrauseApproved as Co-Secretary
The first order of business was to approve Tricia and Anna as check signers and managers of the Pratt PTO bank accounts. With a motion and a second, a vote was taken and both were approved with no dissentions.
Rachel put together an initial budget for this academic year, with conservative estimates of both spending and revenue collections. The major PTO fundraiser happens at the end of the year (Ice Cream Social and Silent Auction). We have a nest egg in the bank now, but the budget for the year is half of what is in the bank now. Since the revenue estimates are on the conservative side, we have ample opportunity to earn more to spend more during the year.
There are MANY opportunities for parents and families to volunteer throughout the year. Gini Sanchez, who handles multiple roles as a Pratt Staff member, is the interim Family Volunteer Coordinator. A website called is being used this year for PTO Event volunteer sign-up. Gini has used this site for school event volunteer sign-up, and it has worked well. On the Pratt Home Page, look for the link “Volunteer at Pratt”. There will be a list of events. A prospective volunteer goes to the site, chooses a time slot and a specific job to do. There will also be paper sign-ups posted on the Parent Communication Board (by Door 2). How can you volunteer? Family Dance, Culture Night, PTO Meeting volunteer, Artist-in-Resident Committee, Election Day Bake Sale, Ice Cream Social, Silent Auction…just to name a few
One note…those volunteering for official Pratt School events (non-PTO sponsored) will need to have a background check completed. The cost is $5 and a recommendation was made to provide a scholarship through the PTO for those parents who wish to volunteer at Pratt but need help with this fee. Again, PTO-sponsored events to not require a background check for volunteers.
Going into Principal Vague’s report, a parent raised concern about child pickup. The family’s babysitter was allowed to pick up the kids without being questioned as to who she was. Both Gini Sanchez and Memory Heille were familiar with the situation and were able to provide additional details to the parent. Children are carefully matched to their parent during pickup and school officials work hard to be involved in every child pickup. Nancy Vague said the school takes child safety very seriously and will look into every concern raised.
Nancy gave special thanks to Gini Sanchez for stepping in as Interim Family Liaison. A permanent hire for this position will be announced soon.
Nancy talked about the Site Council, which is a group of parents, staff, Principal Vague and a community member. The committee meets at 5:30 prior to the PTO Meetings. They look at the school mission and vision and determine how to best move forward in alignment with both. Tonight the group reviewed the recent Curriculum Nights to see what worked and what could be improved. Please let either Gini or Nancy now if you would like to be involed!
Pratt currently has 307 kids enrolled:
Kindergarten has 51 kids
1st Grade has 49 kids
2nd Grade has 46 kids
3rd Grade has 52 kids
4th Grade has 42 kids
5th Grade has 35 kids
The morning High-Five program is currently full, but slots are open in the afternoon program.
Ms. Heille, a third grade teacher at Pratt, introduce two girls in the combined 4th/5th grade who are generating a petition regarding seating at lunch time. Students are currently required to sit with their respective classrooms during lunch. The girls report kids are feeling they do not have enough social time with their friends, and wish to eat lunch with friends who are not in their classroom, who would have the same lunch time. This is not a PTO initiative, but the girls, Vivian Peters and Emilia Romanish, are simply looking for signatures from parents.
Teachers can request up to $500 twice a year. Ms. Kruse, one of the combined 4th/5th Grade teachers, is requesting $330.10 for classroom books and some comfy chairs. A motion was made, seconded, and the request was approved unanimously.
This year’s November Election Day is mostly for the mayoral race and School Board positions. A light turnout is expected. Rachel Hampton said she will take the lead on organizing the PTO Bake Sale one final time if someone else will commit to helping her. Sarah Jannusch agreed to help.
Eric Lind led a special thanks to outgoing PTO Board members Georgy Kearney and Rachel Hampton. We appreciate ALL the two of you have done for the PTO and our school community! Much applause followed.
Going 5+ minutes beyond 7:00 pm, the meeting was adjourned. Thanks everyone who attended!
Minutes submitted by Susan Prause (mom to Leah, 3rd Grade)