Course ExpectationsAgriscience II
Course Objective: Agriscience II provide students with basic knowledge of agriculture and science applications
in agriculture. This course includes units in animal science, soil science, plant science, agricultural mechanics, and agricultural leadership. Mathematics, science, English, biology, and human relations skills will be reinforced in this course. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are school-based enterprises, field trips and internships. Supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs and the FFA leadership activities are integral components of the course and provide many opportunities for practical application of instructional competencies.
Prerequisite: Agriscience IClass Fee: $20.00Agriscience Teacher: Heidi Richard/Richie Badeaux
Course Content: Personal Career Development; Developing the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Program; Agriculture Leadership; Animal Science; Soil Science; Agricultural and Environmental Science; Entomology; Plant Science; Agricultural Mechanics; Local Options.
Attendance: You are encouraged not to be absent, but if you are, please provide either a doctor or parent excuse. Failure to do so will result in lowering of your participation grade. Obtain needed materials and/or information from your teacher promptly. Make-up tests will usually be given the next day. If your excused absence is for more than one day, additional time will be given for make-up work. Generally, all work should be completed within one week. Most work can be completed during class; some after school or at home.
Grading: Your grade will be determined by dividing your points by the total possible points. Points are earned through daily participation. You will lose some or all of these by not participating in instructional activities or because of discipline problems. The remainder of your points will be acquired from assigned activities and evaluations such as tests, quizzes, projects etc.
Classroom/department rules:
1. Enter the classroom quietly and on time.
2. Go directly to your designated seat.
3. Have all required materials. Be prepared to remain in the classroom and/or department for the entire period.
4. Do all assigned work.
5. Do not disrupt the teaching/learning process.
6. Treat everyone with respect.
7. No gum, candy, or profanity.
8. Obey all safety rules.
9. Do not leave the department and/or classroom until you are dismissed.
Negative Consequences:
Violations of department/classroom rules will result in the following consequences:
1st Offence:Verbal Warning/Write the “FFA Creed” 5 times
2nd Offence: Student/Teacher Conference (a short meeting after class with the student to make it clear that his/her behavior is unacceptable.)Write the “FFA Creed” 5 times
3rd Offence: Parent contact
4th Offence:Office Referral - Detention
5th Offence:Office Referral—Recommended Suspension
Major Offences:Office Referral
Positive consequences:
1. Cooperation and mutual respect provides a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for both teacher and student.
2. Self-controlled and disciplined behavior by students will result in the granting of more privileges and freedom.
I have read and understand the Course Expectations for Agriscience II
Agriscience Teacher: Heidi Richard/Richie Badeaux
Parent Signature______Date______