Riga Technical University
Higher Professional Education Study Programme
Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering
Self-Assessment Report
* Mechanical Engineers,
* Professional Bachelor Degree in Mechanical and
Instrumental Engineering
* 4 years full-time, 5 years part-time studies 160 KP
Riga, 2007
I Table of Contents
1. Introduction:...... 4
1.1. General Information about the Study Programme...... 4
1.2. Information about the Creators of the Study Programme...... 5
2. Description of the Professional Bachelor Study Programme, Information.6
2.1. Brief Description of the Study Programme, Aims,
Objectives and Study Subjects………………………………………….. 6
2.2. Changes in the Study Programme……...... 10
3. Prospective Assessment of the Study Programme...... 11
3.1. Compliance of the Study Programme with the State
Professional Education Standard………………...... 11
3.2. Cooperation with Employers...... 12
4. System of Assessment...... 14
5. Practical Implementation of the Study Programme...... 15
5.1. Study Methods and Forms...... 15
5.2. Organisation of Internship. ……………………...... 16
6. Information about Students...... 17
6.1 . The Number of Students in the Study Programme...... 17
6.2 . Students’ and Graduates’ Opinion Survey and Analysis;
Participation of Students in the Development of Study Process...... 18
7. Academic Staff…………...... 19
7.1. Information about Academic Staff...... 19
7.2. Methodological, Scientific and Research Work of
the Academic Staff ...... 20
7.3. Recruitment Policy, Renewal, Training and Development of
Academic Staff for Further Six Years ……...... 24
8. Programme Financing and Infrastructure Assurance, Material and
Technical Base...... 25
9. Cooperation with Foreign and Latvian Higher Schools Conducting
Similar University Educational Programmes...... 27
10. Activities Undertaken in Case of the Liquidation of the Programme...... 29
11. Development Plan of the Study Programme...... 29
12. Conclusion...... 30
List of Appendices
1. Licence Paper No. 04051-72, 1 p...... 30
2. Study Programme „Mechanical and Instrumental
Engineering”, 5 pp...... 31
3. Implementation of the Study Programme, 3 pp...... 36
4. Diploms (copy) ...... 39
5. List of the Academic Staff, including Scientific Degree, Position,
Status, and Study Subjects being Taught, 4 pp...... 40
6. Abstracts of RTU study subjects, ...... 44
7. CVs of the Academic Staff...... 76
1. Introduction
1.1. General Information about the Study Programme
The Study Programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” is worked out at RTU according to specialists’ recommendations working in the field of mechanical engineering.
Recently intensive process of modernisation has taken place at the enterprises operating in the field of mechanical engineering. Foreign companies enter Latvian market with new technologies, cooperation with foreign manufacturing enterprises expands, volume of output grows annually for 10-15 %, demand for high-quality engineering technicians increases strongly, because Latvian long-term economic strategy, accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers, as a guideline of industrial development promotes an enterprise to facilitate knowledge-based and scientific achievement-based industrial development, on the basis of which there is the usage of high-technology and qualified employees that in result will increase industrial efficiency and competitiveness in the world market .
The Development analysis of the field of mechanical engineering shows that annually there is need for 200 new engineers, such as constructors, technologists, mechanical engineers, etc., being competitive in the world labour market for successful development of the field. Thus, on the base of the current study programme “Production Engineering” RTU has decided to elaborate a new study programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” that would comply with the current requirements in the field of mechanical engineering.
The study programme “Production Engineering” was accredited on December 27, 2001 by the Decisions of the Accreditation Commission No. 476 (Professional study programme) and No. 479 (Bachelor study programme). As it has been accredited for six years (till December 31, 2007) the new study programme, elaborated on the base of the current programmes, includes the best features of the existed programmes, supplementing them with new findings in the field of mechanical engineering.
The licence of the study programme No. 04051 – 72 was issued on December 29, 2005. The main features of the new study programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” are the following:
§ student simultaneously gets both a professional degree and a qualification of an engineer;
§ qualification of an engineer is awarded in a shorter time – in 4 years; in the previous study programme – in 5 years. Student enters the labour market faster;
§ intensive training in mechanics, automation, and computer-assisted designing and production (CAD, CAM, CAE, etc.)
1.2. Information about the Creators of the Study Programme
Institute of Instrumentation and Automation Engineering (IIAE), one of the leading institutes of the Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering (FTME) at RTU, implements the study programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” and consists of:
• Department of Instrumental Engineering (head, professor, Dr.hab.sc.ing. J.Rudzītis). The Department has the following training laboratories:
a) electro-pneumoautomation laboratory (FESTO company);
b) general metrology laboratory;
c) component accuracy and standardizing laboratory;
d) instrumental and automation engineering laboratory;
e) device design laboratory;
f) computer class with the Internet connection.
• Department of Material Processing Technology (head, professor, Dr.sc. ing. J.Ozoliņš) that includes the following training laboratories:
a) machinery laboratory;
b) laboratory of tool renovation;
c) hydraulic drive laboratory;
d) CNC bench laboratory;
e) laboratory of carving theory;
g) material science laboratory.
• Scientific Research Laboratory of Automation of Welding Processes – head Dr.sc.ing. A.Fiļipovs.
2. Description of the Professional Bachelor Study Programme, Information
2.1. Brief Description of the Study Programme, Aims, Objectives and Study Subjects
Volume of the Professional Bachelor study programme is 160 credit points (appendix 2), full-time studies – 4 years, but part-time studies – 5 years. To start professional studies in the programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” the applicant needs to have a general secondary or professional secondary education.
After graduating a new specialist obtains a higher education with a Professional Bachelor degree in mechanical and instrumental engineering and a graduate is awarded a qualification Mechanical Engineer.
The study programme provides three specialities: technological speciality, designing speciality, metallurgical engineering and plastic working.
The study programme is considered and supported by the Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia at the Board Meeting on May 27, 2005 (Minutes No. 1/2005) and approved by the RTU Senate on May 30, 2005 (Meeting No. 496).
Aim of the Study Programme
The aim of the study programme is to provide professional, science-based education being suitable for practical use and necessary in the field of machine science, enabling the graduates to adapt themselves in the labour market as well as to further education in order to get a higher degree.
Objectives and Planned Outcomes
Within the framework of Professional Bachelor study programme, lectures, practical classes, and project development are offered in order to acquire the basics of fundamental sciences, general humanitarian, social and management subjects, general theoretical, technical, and economic fundamental subjects in the given field as well as subjects of free option relevant to the chosen field.
As a result, within the framework of Professional Bachelor study programme the student acquires knowledge necessary for further Master studies or professional activities, i.e.:
- knowledge about machine construction, its structural analysis and synthesis, standard machine and apparatus components and their computer-assisted calculation methods;
- ability to use theoretical knowledge for formulating statements of certain problems and resolving them in the field of machine science;
- ability to use knowledge in designing new machines, devices, apparatus, instruments, and mechanisms taking into consideration statistical and dynamical load and influence of environment;
- basic skills of research work, including experimental research work, literary analysis in the field of machine science;
- skills necessary for specialist teamwork;
- knowledge of foreign languages, providing an opportunity to cooperate with colleagues abroad;
- broadening of outlook about education and professional ethics facilitating understanding about the influence of project implementation in a given field on environment and society;
- development of necessary skills for lifelong education.
Basic academic education, ensured by humanitarian, social subjects, and foreign languages, provides basic knowledge establishing a certain cultural level that allows the beginning of social activities, as well as provides knowledge, experience and abilities to communicate with an elite group of people in Latvia and abroad.
Acquisition of material science basis, as well as the following course of theoretical subjects is provided: Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Material Science, General Metrology, Fluid Mechanics, Material Processing.
Within the framework of professional study programme theoretical subjects in the chosen field and subjects in the field of Information Technology are offered: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Supplementary Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Graphics in Mechanical Engineering, etc.
Courses of professional specialization in the given field are ensured: Chemistry for Engineers, Manufacturing Technology of Machines and Devices, Engineering Machinery, Equipment and Tooling, Basic Production Automation, Electro-pneumo Hydraulic Automation, Machining Theory and Processes, Fundamentals of Design, etc.
Three specialities are planned to be provided: technological speciality, designing speciality, as well as metallurgical engineering and plastic working.
Basics of technological specialization are implemented by the following disciplines: Machining Theory and Processes, Computer Aided Design of Technological Processes, Manufacturing Technology of Machines and Devices.
Basics of designing specialization are acquired through the following subjects: Fundamentals of Accuracy and Reliability, Design of Mechanisms, Computer Aided Design in Manufacturing of Machines and Devices.
Specialization in metallurgical engineering and plastic working is carried out though Treatment of Plastic Metal Working, Metallurgy of Steel, Metallurgy Process Automation.
General, humanitarian/ social and management subjects: foreign language course, social subjects, fundamentals of communication, civil defence and economic subjects, as well as introduction into speciality are offered within the framework of professional study programme.
A. Compulsory study subjects: 97 CP
- General theoretical subjects 14 CP
- Theoretical subjects in the chosen field and subjects in the field
of Information Technology 38 CP
- Courses of professional specialization in the given field 45 CP
B. Subjects of limited option 19 CP
C. Subjects of free option 6 CP
D. Internship 26 CP
E. State examinations (Diploma project) 12 CP
Total: 160 CP
2.2. Changes in the Study Programme
Numerous changes have been made in the professional study programme comparing to the submitted licence application of the study programme in November 2005.
- Due to demand from Joint Stock Company Liepajas Metalurgs new specialization “Metallurgy and Metal Working” was introduced
(appendix 5).
- Three specialized study projects will be provided, included in a compulsory part of the study programme. Substantiation: the decision of the RTU Senate (appendix 2).
- The volume of internship is expressed in 26 CP, as follows:
1st year. Production study internship 4 CP
2nd year. Constructor’s internship 4 CP
3rd year. Technological internship 4 CP
4th year. Diploma internship 4 CP
Total: 26 CP
Substantiation: Minutes No.3 from the Meeting of the RTU Commission of “Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering” study programme on April 12, 2007.
3. Prospective Assessment of the Study Programme
3.1. Compliance of the Study Programme with the State Professional Education Standard
In Professional Bachelor study programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” a graduate is awarded a qualification “Mechanical Engineer”.
Ministry of Education and Science has approved by the Decision No.238 on April 22, 2005 Occupational Standard PS 0307: Engineer in Mechanics, the 5th level of qualification .
The study programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” corresponds completely to the confirmed occupational standard of Mechanical Engineer.
The study programme provides:
- General theoretical subjects 14 CP;
- Theoretical subjects in the chosen field and subjects
in the field of Information Technology 38 CP;
- Courses of professional specialization in the given field 45 CP;
- Subjects of limited option 19 CP.
It should be noted, that in accordance with requirements of the field of mechanical engineering, the study programme includes also knowledge of civil defence, labour safety, automation of production and processes of production technology (casting, plastic working, welding, composition etc.). Thus, the study programme provides wider knowledge range of mechanical engineer than is necessary in accordance with standard requirements.
3.2. Cooperation with Employers
The Study Programme “Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering” is directly connected to the field of mechanical engineering, i.e. the main contracting entity and recipient of personnel.
The Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia (leader V.Rantiņš) with support of ESF has conducted a research “Potential Determination of Human Resources in the Field of Mechanical Engineering and Metal Working and Elaboration of Strategy for Recruitment of New Specialists Applying Advertising Activities and Motivation Schemes”.
During this research, the situation in the field of mechanical engineering and metal working has been found out, and perspectives of this field have been evaluated for the next ten years. 76 companies in this field, 20 educational institutions, 25 municipalities and 9 nongovernmental organizations were surveyed. Consequently, it is concluded that there is a lack of qualified specialists in this fast developing and perspective field; and the necessary number and type of specialists of the field of mechanical engineering and metal working was evaluated in the period of time from 2005 till 2014.
At present, the 4th part of working staff is at the age of over 50, it means that the lack of employees will be more marked. New specialists have to be educated by facilitating the entry of appropriate pedagogues into educational system, as well as by providing up-to-date training aids at schools and higher schools.
On the basis of materials gained during interviews, demand for labour force is being modelled and extrapolated to this entire field. In this case, data gained from 76 enterprises refers to a general group of 468 enterprises (small, medium and large enterprises, where basic commercial activity is mechanical engineering and metal working).
The results of research of the Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia shows, that it is important to inform young people about opportunities of further education, promoting access to information about professions connected with mechanical engineering and metal working and their perspectives. It is the last time, to recruit young people into engineering in order not to continue mass teaching of social sciences; because there is a very buoyant demand for engineering specialists, i.e. constructors, engineers, welders, digital control machine adjusters, programmers and the like in the labour market.