Otterhound Club
I was delighted to be asked to judge the Otterhound Club’s show. We were very lucky to have a sunny day, so judging could take place outside in a large ring, always best for hounds. The entry seemed quite high, and good to see to many people come along to watch. There was a v sporting atmosphere at the show, and it was great after the special awards classes that most people stayed and had lunch together.
I was concerned about mouths in too many hounds. Although it probably wouldn’t affect the way they worked it is something to watch in breeding. Some ears were a little flat, a problem that will probably always be there. Last time I judged I was struck by the number that were rather short legged, this time just a few, so progress there (or they stayed home). Coats and muscle tone were more mixed than I had expected.
A very enjoyable morning, and I thought some super typical hounds for the top places.
Puppy D/B (2. Abs)
Special Working D/B. (2)
- Griffiths’ PCOH Quebec
Thought he was the most typical of these with a better head than 2. Correct width of skull, good expression. Ears ok. Lengthy neck quite a good front. Well ribbed. Correct hind angulation. In surprisingly soft condition.
- Griffiths’ PCOH Paleface
Fem b, balanced head, ears could be better, lengthy neck. Elbows could be righter. Looses her topline moving and slightly too much hind angulation. Also in v soft condition.
Junior D. Ne
Post Grad D (3)
Class of compromise. All 3 had mouth faults.
- Ruston’s Keepcott Invincible
Quite a strong and typy d in the best muscle condition of these 3. He has a pleasing head, eyes dark enough. Super temperament. Strong neck. Fair front. Good legs and feet. Well bodied. V moderate hind angulation. Tail comes over his back too far, but at least its up. Moved accurately.
- Griffiths’ PCOH Metric
Well proportioned head. Liked his head, eyes ok. V good ears. Correct length of neck. Balanced in angulation. Topline not his fortune. Has a lengthy stride.
- Ashworth & McConcille’s Ottaryx Coryton at Kingstree
Limit D (6)
- Finch’s Ottaryx Marshal
V typical hound, correct balance of angulation, making him an easy mover. Has a masc, noble head. Super eye and expression. Good ears. Lengthy neck with a well laid shoulder. Could be slightly wider in chest. Well sprung ribs that go well back. Level topline. Well muscled up. In correct coat. RCC
- Gough & Ricketts’ Ottaryx Magnum
A v typy outline and moves well. Better coat texture than 3. He has a v good head, well set, draped ears. Lengthy beck. Chest to his elbow. Could have a better underline. Holds a level topline. Could have just a bit more hind angulation, but he uses what he has v well.
- Lerego’s Teckelgarth Minstrel
Open D (5,2)
- Clark & Eagles’ Ch Kingstree Vanguard
Really typy hound, not making his handler's job easy. He has a v good head, correct width and depth. Good eye and expression. Well set, draped ears. Enough neck. Well balanced in angulation front and rear. Well bodied. Is a bit close going away, v typical profile action. Correct coat. Gave him his first CC, now a mature Champion, handling skills are certainly better than last time.
- McConconville’s Ottaryx Moreton
Preferred his outline over 3. He has a masc head, draped ears. Could have more neck and be better in front. Well bodied. Level topline. Correct rear with low hocks. Would like a better coat texture.
- Lerego & Smith’s Ch Teckelgarth Maximun
Veteran D/B (3,2)
- Griffiths’ PCOH Indigo
Fairly shapely d stood, initially not happy moving but got better. Correct coat texture. Well balanced head. Good eye and expression. Lengthy neck. Well angulated. Topline could be better and needs more muscle.
Junior B (1)
- Lerego’s Teckelgarth Virtue
V promising young hound. Just needs to finish in body and coat. Fem head, super eye and expression. Well set draped ears. Correct length of neck. Good front. Well ribbed back. Enough hind angulation and well muscled up rear. Moved typically. Coat can grow, but texture is v good. RCC
Post Grad B (1)
- Ashworth & McConville’s Ottaryx Corrie Kingstree
Lots to like about her, not least her super movement. Fem in head with super eyes and ears, muzzle is a little too pointed. Enough neck. Fair front, which is in perfect balance with her rear. Well sprung ribs, but they could go further back, giving her a long loin and topline sags a little. But a lovely type of Otterhound.
Limit B (3)
- Lewis & Roberts’ Ottaryx Phaedrra
Well presented and conditioned hound. Fem head, super eye and ears. Enough neck. Shoulders. a bit forward and wide apart. Deep chest. Well ribbed back. Level topline. Could have just a bit more bend of stifle. Low hocks. Moved well.
- Griffiths’ PCOH Lonesome
V typy hound who has an easy profile action. Fem head. Good eye and ears ok. Lengthy neck. Fair front. Can stand rather too wide at the front. Well ribbed back. Level topline. Good rear. Moved ok, could carry more muscle.
- Griffiths’ PCOH Gloria
Open B (4)
- Ashworth, Ganna & Steffen’s Dekenchar’s Willfull via Kingstree
Really super young hound., so v typical standing and moving. She has a really super head. Correct eyes, well set, draped ears. Enough neck. Good front. Can still develop in body to be wider all throuhh. Well ribbed back. Level topline. Coat is a better texture than it looks. Correct rear. Movement in profile so v typical. Thought her outstanding on the day. CC & BIS. Made up on the day I understand, well done. Hopefully she will be a useful addition to the breed’s gene pool.
- Ganna’s Ch/Ir Ch Keepcott Gossip
Lovely type of b who just looks a little between coats. Just preferred her leg length to 3. She has a v lovely head. Correct neck. Good front, legs and feet. Level topline. Correct rear. Pins slightly in front but v good in profile.
- Lerego’s Ch Teckelgarth Mimi
Jeff Horswell