Wednesday, April 4, 2017
6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Student Union 2nd Floor,Meeting Room B (Room 2023)
- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:
A Special Meeting of the Student Government Internal Affairs Committee (IAC) will be held on Friday, April 4, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union 2nd Floor, Meeting Room B (Room 2023), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:
Call to Order
I.Call to Order -
II.Roll Call
i.Chief Justice – Brandon Burns (P)
b.IAC Members
i.Deputy Chair of the Internal Affairs Committee and Associate Justice –Jack Holden P
ii.Associate Justice – Jorge Robles P
iii.Senator of Veterans & Non-Traditional Students – Nathan Altman P
iv.Senator of Housing & Residential Education – Reymundo Massie P
v.Director of External Affairs – Carla Mena P
c.Minute Taker
i.Judicial Intern – Isaiah Ball A
i.ASI Student Programs Coordinator –Bethany Bañuelos A
e.Members of the public
- Alexis mumford
- Angela Christopher
- Travis hunt
- Noelle Ewing
- Raul Perez
- Catherine Hawkins
III. Approval of the Minutes
1.Senator Altman moves to approve the minutes of march 17th
2.Senator Massie seconds the motion to approve the minutes
3.Senator Altman wants to make a friendly amendment to fix a spelling error. Changing X officeo to Ex-officio
4.Vote 5-0-0 Amendment passed
5.Senator Altman wants to change 7 in favor to 6 in favor
6.Director Mena seconded the motion
7.5-0-0 Amendment passed
8.Senator Altman motions to change 7 in favor to 5 in favor
9.Associate Justice Robles Seconds the motion
10.Vote 5-0-0 Amendment passed
11.Vote to approve the minutes 5-0-0
12.Minutes approved as amended
IV.Approval of the Agenda
1.Senator Altman moves to approve the agenda
2.Senator Massie seconds the motion
3.Senator Altman moves to amend the agenda to change the date to the correct date.
4.Associate Justice Robles Seconds the motion
5.Vote 5-0-0 Amendment passes
6.Associate Justice motions to correctly identify the deputy chair
7.Senator Altman seconds
8.Vote 5-0-0 Amendment passes
9.Vote to approve the agenda 5-0-0
10.Agenda Approved
Public Forum
Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Internal Affairs Committee on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands. (15 minutes, as per say the Bylaws)
- Travis Hunt wants to say that he thinks were all doing a pretty good job, it’s a pretty rough gig going on here but he thinks that once we get it all settled out that this is a good group and he has confidence in us to all do well. *Peace signs*
- Alexis Mumford states her name for the record. She is wondering if there is a resolution that will be done that will stop the requirement to stand up.
- Chief Burns says that is not currently a resolution in the works
- Jorge Robles point of information asking if we can suspend that rule
- Jorge Robles motions to vote to suspend the requirement to stand
- Director Mena seconds the motion
- Noelle Ewing wants it to continue in student government
- This motion only applies to this meeting
- Vote 4-0-1 Motion passes rule is suspended
- Katherine Hawkins wants to address the IAC about the handling of how today was handled (about the sexual assault event). Director Mumford helps her word it better. She thinks that what Katherine was trying to say is that the IAC should possibly consider students making other students feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
- Chief Burns references them to the Bylaws for the proper way to file a complaint.
- Noelle Ewing thinks that people saw the public forum to further their own agenda and she is sorry that Katherine had to deal with that
- Section Closed
Reports presented by the following shall be attached with all weekly packets. Weekly packets will consist of agenda, any supporting documents, minutes, and reports.
I.Chair Report – None this meeting
II.IAC Member Reports – None at this meeting
III. Advisor Report – None at this meeting
1.Chief Burns entertains the motion to allow members of the public to speak freely without having time yielded to them
2.Director Mena leaves (6:22)
3.Associate Justice Holden motions
4.Senator Massie seconds
5.4-0-0 motion passes
6.Director Mena returns (6:23) (shes dying sorry)
Special Presentations
I.Special Presentations – None
I.Unfinished Business –
a.Informational Item –
i.Reading of SG Bylaws from 2.3.7 on– Group Reading Lead by Chief Justice Burns (20 Minutes)
1.Chief Burns would like to note that we will be going through the bylaws later so we might want to table this
2.Associate Justice Robles motions to table this item indefinitely
3.Senator Altman seconds the motion
4.Senator Altman questions the legality of this motion
5.Chief Burns says we can go through with it and if there is a problem we can put it in the next meeting.
II.New Business–
a.Informational Item – None
b.Discussion Item –
SG Bylaw Review– Discussion Lead by Chief Justice Burns (3hour and 20 minutes)
1.Line by line discussion of the SG Bylaws. The IAC will be discussion each line of the Bylaws. Notes will be made of Amendments that should be voted on at the next meeting.
Chief Burns states the goal of this reading. To go through the bylaws and amend them as we see fit to take to the senate for vote.
- Associate Justice Holden moves to continuously read until someone wants to be recognized by the Chair.
- Senator Altman seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0 motion passes
- Chief Burns would like add a comma after state in section 1.1.2, iii, the last line.
- Chief Burns points out inconsistent spacing in the lines for section 1.1.2
- Chief Burns would like to talk to ASI about the wording in section 1.2.2
- Chief Burns would like to discuss the wording of “a students” in section 1.2.3, (a)
- Chief Burns thinks it is important to identify the meaning of the word officer in section 1.2.4, (d)
- Section 2.1.1, (a) needs the numbering to be fixed.
- Section 2.1.1, (a) changed Robert’s Rules of order, Newly Revised, most current edition to RONR since it is defined earlier in the bylaws
- Section 2.1.2, (e), i. has an unneeded comma
- Alexis Mumford thinks that we should remove Section 2.2.2, (b) because Senators might get paid eventually as ASI grows
- Senator Massie agrees and wants to change the wording to prevent Senators from taking bribes
- Discussion about the point system (section 2.2.3) and removing it
- Senator Massie motions to skip reading section 2.2.3
- Senator Altman seconds
- 5-0-0 motion passes
- Director Mena left (6:49)
- Section 2.2.4, (e) contradicts the definition of impeachment before
- Chief Burns proposes a single section that streamlines and clarifies the impeachment process.
- Director Mena returns (6:51)
- Senator Altman proposes just removing Section 2.2.4, (e)
- Associate Justice Holden questions the time limit on the president finding Senators to fill empty positions Section 2.2.5 (b).
- Senator Altman thinks the Vice President should find Senators since the VP oversees the Senate.
- Chief Burns wants to change every instance where Robert’s Rules is mentioned to RONR.
- Section 2.2.6, (f) needs to be reworded grammatically
- Associate Justice Holden motions for a five-minute recess
- Senator Altman seconds
- 5-0-0
- Recess starts at 7:00
- Recess ends at 7:05
- Senator Massie leaves the room (7:07)
- Katherine Hawking thinks that the percentage required in Section 2.2.7 needs to be worded better
- Senator Massie returns (7:08)
- Senator Altman wants to find out if the election codes or the SG bylaws have priority
- Senator Altman believes that Section 2.2.7, (b) breaks the law of the State of California. Wants more research put into it.
- Section 2.2.8, (g), i, “Counseling services” should be changed to CAPS
- Section 2.2.8 (h) “Transpiration” should be changed to Transportation
- Senator Altman motions for a 2-minute recess
- Senator Massie seconds the motion
- Vote 4-0-1 motion passes
- Recess starts at 7:17
- Meeting resumes at 7:19
- Section 2.2.8, (i) Non-traditional students should be defined or at least reference where it is defined
- Section 2.2.8 (j) spacing is off
- Angela Christopher questions why meetings are always Wednesday at 9 am. Chief Burns thinks it is required by law to have a set meeting time. Section 2.3.1
- Section 2.3.2 is currently in section 2.3.1, (g) but it shouldn’t be.
- Section 2.3.2 (b) is worded horribly
- 2.3.3 should be consistent with Gloria Romero act, should consult someone about it
- Senator Altman thinks Section 2.3.3 (c) should be moved up and changed to paragraph (a)
- Chief Burns would like to make sure that Section 2.3.6 also complies with Gloria Romero Act
- Senator Altman thinks that Section 2.3.7 (c) needs to be moved up in front of paragraph (b)
- Formatting and indenting needs to be fixed throughout the document. Chief Burns suggests either a line by line resolution or a resolution that specifies formatting rules for each section.
- 2.3.11 (b) two periods after Agenda
- 2.3.12 “Content of minutes” too many spaces
- Chief Burns thinks titles and headings should be case sensitive.
- Chief Burns notes that the IAC and the Judicial branch have conflicting roles. Suggests the elimination of the IAC and expansion of the judicial branch.
- Section 2.4.2, (b) capitalize executive
- Section 2.4.2, (c), iii has weird spacing, Chief Justice Burns points out more redundancy
- Section 3.1.2 Chief Burns points out more inconsistencies with impeachment
- Associate Justice Holden motions to skip any sections pertaining to impeachment
- Senator Altman seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0 motion passes
- Section 3.1.3 Chief Burns suggests also streamlining recalls, instead of having an independent section for each branch
- Associate Justice Holden motions to skip any sections having to do with recalls
- Senator Massie seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0 Motion passes
- Section 3.1.4 has no paragraph letter
- Section 3.2.1, (a) seems as though it was cut off early. Needs review
- Section 3.2.1 (b) needs to be changed because it contradicts a statement made earlier about the president not allowed to be in the IAC.
- Chief Burns makes a note that sections should be hyperlinked to make finding that specific section easier
- Section 3.2.2, (b), i, references section 2.1.6 but that section does not exist.
- Senator Massie motions for a five minute recess
- Director Mena seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0 motion passes
- Recess starts at 8:11
- Meeting resumes at 8:15
- Section 3.2.2 should be clarified
- Deputy Chair Robles points out that it is not specified how the President is elected, but it is specified for Senators
- Chief Burns entertains the idea of a minimum number of votes to be elected president if there is only 1 ticket.
- Section 3.2.3 (a) v. everyone in the room is now dumber after reading this.
- Section 3.2.4 there is no 3.4.13, which is referenced here.
- Section 3.2.5 (a) should be a comma after resignation
- Section 3.3.1 (a) capitalize “Deputy
- Things need to be consistently formatted in all areas
- Section 3.3.2 (a) iii there is no 2.1.3 which is referenced in this section
- Section 3.3.2 (c) “while school is in session” is inconsistent
- Section 3.3.3 Missing paragraph letter
- Section 3.3.4 Missing period at the end of paragraph (a)
- Section 3.4.1 (c) should be moved up to the front of the part
- Senator Altman motions for a 5-minute recess
- Deputy Chair Robles seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0
- Recess starts at 8:40
- Meeting resumes at 8:45
- 3.4.2, (b) what exactly an executive director is needs to be specified
- 3.4.3 Chief Burns points out that we are primarily a transfer university, so people transferring don’t have an opportunity to join student government unless they are in their last year because of the requirement to have taken at least 12 unites at CSUCI. Consider an exception for transfer students. Needs some competing resolutions
- 3.4.4 Executive director can be referenced to compensated and non-compensated positions
- 3.4.5 (a) ii no Section 2.1.6 exists
- 3.4.5 (a) iii consider removing the responsibility of maintaining the record of all SG members since ASI might already do it. Alexis Mumford points out that SG members must give their information to the Director of Ops not ASI.
- 3.4.5 (a) vi, Director of Ops doesn’t always have access to the SG website, this should be edited.
- 3.4.5 (c) does not reference a section regarding the Director of Ops compensation, although other sections regarding the president and vice president do, those others reference nonexistent sections.
- 3.4.5 It should be mentioned under this section that the Director of Ops must take the minutes.
- Chief Burns points out that there should be a table of contents for accessibility.
- The logistics of recording the minutes should be specified, as there is a lot of confusion regarding this topic.
- 3.4.6 (a) CSSA needs to be expanded upon more, consider making its own article for clarification.
- 3.4.6 (a) vii, there is an and at the end, implying that there should be some continuation but there isn’t
- It jumps from 3.4.6 to 3.4.11. Everything in between is absent
- It jumps from 3.4.11 to 3.4.14. Everything in between is absent.
- There are two 3.4.15
- Thanks Katherine! :^)
- 3.6.1 (a) this is already stated in a previous section
- 4.1.1 (b) the Senate internal affairs committee does not exist
- 4.1.2 missing paragraph lettering
- 4.1.3 This entire section is contradictory. Needs to be clarified
- 4.2.1 (a) Judiciary Branch needs to be changed to Judicial Branch, also the Judiciary should not investigate itself
- 4.2.1 (b) i, appointment time frames need to be standardized
- 4.2.2 (b) Consider changing this to two terms.
- Terms limits in general need to be standardized.
- The terms Judiciary and Judicial need to be fixed because they aren’t used correctly
- Senator Altman moves to extend the discussion item by 10 minutes to 9:50.
- Associate Justice Robles seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0 Motion passes, discussion time extended to 9:50
- 4.3.2 need to clarify whether the president or chief justice recommends the associate justice for appointment to the senate.
- 4.3.2 (a) i, doesn’t specify who votes on the associate justice’s appointment
- There are two 4.3.2
- 4.3.3 (a) ii, “Sits” is not consistent.
- 4.3.3 (b) doesn’t make sense that the associate justice works more hours per week than the chief justice. Consider flipping their minimum work times.
- 4.4.1 (c) ii Two spaces after period “Respondent. “
- 4.4.3 (a) include lying to any member of student government/ possible anyone while representing student government
- 4.5.1 (b) iii, make sure that “certified mail” is something we have to follow or if it is just old
- 4.5.1 (b) iv, needs to be clarified since the Chief justice is the Chair. Also, capitalize “chair”.
- Associate Justice Holden motions to increase the time of the discussion item by 5 minutes to 9:55
- Associate Justice Robles seconds the motion
- Vote 5-0-0, discussion time extended to 9:55
- 4.5.2 fix spacing errors
- Chief Burns thinks we need to streamline all of 4.5
- This section is closed at 9:55
c.Action Item (5 minutes)
1.Setting the General Meeting Time of the Internal Affairs Committee for the current year for Wednesdays from 6:00pm-10:00pm
- Associate Justice Holden moves to approve the action item
- Associate Justice Robles seconds
- Vote 4-0-1 the action item is passed
I.Closing Comments
- Thanks, everone
- Director Mena motions to adjourn
- Senator Altman seconds
- Vote 5-0-0
- Meeting adjourned at 9:57 pm.