Transformation Times
Updates on Current Programs and Initiatives
Making the Grade
The Making the Grade Conferences is one of the initiatives that the school will continue into the 2014-15 school year. The plans are to recruit volunteers through community agencies and through parent groups in order to provide organizational support and mentor volunteers. Lanphier students and staff are grateful for the many mentor volunteers during the current school year and are looking forward to a continued Making the Grade program for the upcoming school year. Thanks to all who supported these events.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon—
On Friday, May 30th, Lanphier volunteers and mentors were honored with a luncheon provided by the district Coordinator of Volunteers, Mrs. Donna Treadwell, Mrs. Rhonda Cook, Parent Educator Coordinator, and Mrs. Peg Cormeny F.A.C.E. Coordinator. Thirty community volunteers were joined by 30 Lanphier students for a great lunch. Ikenna and Faraji Martin from Good Guides shred their experiences as Lanphier mentors, The students thanked the volunteers with gift bags. Music was provided by band students from Mrs. Hoses’s class. Gratitude for hours of preparation is extended to the wonderful ladies who have provided support and labor to making Lanphier a collaboration of students, families, communities and staff members—Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Treadwell, and Mrs. Cormeny!!
CEC Progress Monitoring
CEC provided the final progress-monitoring report on May 15th. The summative report can be found on the Lanphier Transformation page of the website.
Strategic Learning Initiatives Final Report
Mr. John Simmons, President of SLI, graciously submitted a letter of commendation to the superintendent, Mrs. Jennifer Gill, the Springfield District 186 School Board and the staff and students of Lanphier as a summation of their services and Lanphier’s progress.
Mr. Simmons related, “Instructionally, teachers have taken ownership of the process to improve literacy. They have transitioned from teaching content to preparing students for the world in which they live beyond High School. The staff has supported a Literacy Initiative and demonstrated that literacy is indeed the most effective way to make progress in achievement for all students. Lanphier is a premier school whose efforts have resulted in increased teacher collaboration regarding instruction, school goals, and overall school progress.
Clearly, there are indications of significant improvements school wide in areas such as student behavior, attendance, and academic performance and graduation rates. Lanphier is to be commended for their continuing efforts to provide students with alternatives and support as they matriculate through their High School experiences.”
Recurring Events
· The Literacy Team held their monthly meeting on May 13th with our consultant Fran Starks. The team continued to planning for sustaining our literacy work a for the 2014-15 school year. On June 17th the team met and completed an action plan for 2014-15 and a communication plan.
· The Tiered Academic Planning Team held its monthly meeting after school on May 15th The building wide building referral process was reviewed and individual student referrals were completed and will be the focus of the tier 2 building team meetings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The team committed to 2 days of meetings in June for sustainability planning.
· The Tiered Academic Team met on June 23rd and 24th and created a plan for collaboration and a calendar plan for tracking student academic progress . Tier 2 supports were discussed and clarified. A referral process was formalized.
· Check and Connect continued to take place on Tuesdays in enrichment classes. The goal is for students to become accountable for their grades and attendance.
· The Instructional Leadership Team continues to meet the first and third Wednesdays to collaborate on current school initiatives. At the May 28th meeting the team planned for an ILT retreat day in August.
· Teacher Leaders and Department Chairs are continuing to meet twice a month to plan for how we will sustain the teacher leadership expectations next school year and to identify the evolving role of the department chair. The group has completed a book study on Talk about Teaching by Charlotte Danielson.
Pre-AP Training for Teachers
One of Mr. Doss’s goals is to increase rigor in the classroom in order to prepare our 9th and 10th graders for AP course work when they can take these classes during their last two years at Lanphier. The math and English teachers received a day of Pre-AP inservice form College Board. Teachers were given instructional strategies that will support a steady increase of rigor and critical thinking skills in the 9th and 10th grade classes.
“First 20 Days” Planning
Doug Fisher, a noted expert in creating successful learning programs in schools, wrote an article about how critical the first month of school is in establishing a culture for learning. In the article he described specific activities that prepare students to be successful in the classroom. Lanphier teachers have studied the article and have had 2 days in June to plan the activities for the first 20 days of school.
Summer School 2014
Five hundred students enrolled in the 2014 Summer School program at Lanphier. Mr. Williams, Mr. Thomas, 19 teachers and 3 classroom assistants comprise the teaching staff. Students have the opportunity to take 2 classes during the summer.
Sustaining Our Success
The ILT and the administrative team continue to plan for the continuation of successful SIG strategies for next year. A complete plan was be presented to the School Board on May 19th. The board has not responded to the sustainability requests.