Garden policy and procedure
Rainbow Day Nursery
EYFS3.54 3.58
At Rainbow Day Nursery we have a lovely outdoor space. This is used to its full potential throughout the year by different age groups and is used for variety of activities. The staff aim to take the children out at least twice a day weather permitting:
‘Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage benefit from spending a lot of time learning through playing outside, whatever the weather. This makes a significant contribution to the excellent progress they make, particularly in their personal, social, emotional and physical development as well as their communication skills.’ 20th March 2013.)
Action / ResponsibleThe garden has a risk assessment completed , where potential hazards are noted/removed and staff and management are made aware. / All staff
The garden needs to be kept clean, tidy and swept by staff regularly. / All staff
Garden to be tidied after every group has used it, ready for the next group. / All staff
Metal gullies to be cleared out by a hand man. / Management
Planting maintenance to be done by hand man / Management
Toys and equipment checked regularly for safety and reported to relevant person. / All staff
Children are counted into the garden and back into the building. / All Staff
Garden box containing medicines, register, emergency contactsand phones to be taken to the garden and any other necessary equipment / All staff
Children are fully supervisedin all areas of the gardenat all times and that staff are deployed throughout the garden. / All staff
Staff ensure the Children’s learning experience is enhanced by activities that support the characteristics of learning. / All staff
Staff ensure that appropriate clothing is worn by the children depending on the weather. Staff will assess the weather accordingly and bring the children in as soon as possible when the need arises. / All staff
Drinks are supplied in the garden especially during the hot weather. / All staff
Sun cream will be applied to children in the summer if they have a consent form stating to either use their own or nursery supplied cream. Other forms of protection are taken such as sun hats.
Staff will reapply sun cream throughout the day according to parent’s wishes. / All staff
Garden procedure:
- Garden risk assessment form has been complete and is safe for everyone to enter the garden.
- Appropriate clothing is worn by children and staff.
- All children to line up single file
- All children to be counted and checked against the number in the register.
- One member of staff at the front of line and count them.
- The children are to be counted as they enter the garden.
- Ensure that staff are deployed suitably within the line of children with one at the front, middle and back of the line.
- Ensure all the gates are locked and safe.Gates to be securely shut behind the last member of staff.
- Last member of staff to securely close all doors and ensure the children are in front them at all times.
- Garden box and any other equipment to be taken to the garden.
- Children to be given a 5 minute warning that that will be going in.
- Staff to help and encourage children to tidy up.
- All toys to be put away ensuring that the shed is suitably tidy and organized and to ensure there are no toys ,bits or rubbish left in the garden.
- Garden swept for next group to use the garden and bins emptied daily.
- Make sure the garden box has come in from garden and all other equipment.
When returning from the garden:
- Children to line up and staff to count the children and follow above procedure.
- Ensure all the gates are locked and safe.Gates to be securely shut behind the last member of staff.
- Staff to recount the children once inside the nursery.
Original policy date / Feb 2007
Revised / Jan 2015
Adopted / Jan 2015
Reviewed / March 2016
Review date / March 2019