Minutes of the meeting of EARBY TOWN COUNCIL held on
MONDAY31st October2016 at 7.00pm in The Parish Rooms Earby
Meeting began at 7.00pm.
CllrC Tennant(in the chair) opened and welcomed all present to the meeting, particularly to new Councillor Mr D Reynolds. Paperwork was signed to enable Cllr Reynolds to partake fully in the meeting.
2.Attendance, Apologies and Non Attendance.
To record accept or otherwise, attendance, apologies for absence and non-attendance.
Attending Cllrs:
Cllrs: V Cocker, D Haigh,M Horsfield, S Metcalf, J Myers, D Reynoldsand C Tennant.
Apologies from:
Cllrs.P Wilkinson, S Hartley and J Lomas.
Absent Cllrs:
Cllrs: N Harris and J Jackman.
3.Declarations of Interest/s
Cllr Myers – Repay.
Cllr Horsfield – Repay.
Cllr Tennant - Repay.
4. Public discussion
Members of the public present to be offered the opportunity to address council on any relevant subject not already on the agenda.
Three in attendance. They wished to speak on APPLICATION: 16/0630/OUT in planning.
5. Friday Surgery
Cllr Cocker to bring to Councils attention items of special note from the report from the Friday Surgeries. The report having previously been issued to councillors.
There was no report to give as there had been no surgeries due to the Parish Rooms not being open since the floods in mid-September.
6. Police business
To report on any issues of concern and forward selected ones to the local West Craven Police Team.
Cllr Cocker stated that the PACT Priorities system had been cancelled by the new Police Inspector.
This was disappointing but things of real concern could still be sent to the local beat officers.
The “boy Racers” on motorbikes and in cars were still causing a problem. Cllr Cocker to ask for the Town Centre presence to be maintained.
A gravestone of a child had been smashed up in the cemetery. This was not down to youths and the Police are involved and are investigating.
The matter of speeding along the A56 approach to the town was raised by Cllr Reynolds. This had been discussed on numerous occasions and the matter would be sent to the police as a reminder.
7. Planning: to consider and comment on the following:
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 APPLICATION: 16/0701/HHO
PROPOSAL: Full: Erection of single storey extension to side
AT: 44 Stoney Bank Road Earby Barnoldswick
FOR: Ms Kirsty Springthorne
CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 11th November 2016
Resolved: That the clerk passes this decision on to Pendle Borough Council (PBC) (Planning).
The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 APPLICATION: 16/0695/ADV
PROPOSAL: Advert Consent: Erection of 1 illuminated fascia sign; 1 illuminated projecting sign; 1 illuminated logo sign and 1 wall mounted panel
AT: 71 Victoria Road Earby Barnoldswick
FOR: Co-Operative Food
CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 11th November 2016
Resolved: That the clerk passes this decision on to Pendle Borough Council (PBC) (Planning).
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 APPLICATION: 16/0630/OUT
PROPOSAL: Outline: Major: Erection of 34 dwelling houses and creation of new access (ReSubmission).
AT: Land At Field Number 0087 Earby Road Salterforth
FOR: Cross Construction
CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 20th October 2016
Three members of the public were in attendance and Mr Bancroft spoke on their behalf.
Numerous matter were raised by him, many of which are included in the Councils objections below.
An in-depth discussion ensued and the following grounds for objection put forward:
a)Road Safety – Concerns about the proposed paths and the narrowness, being 40cm wide. The width of a baby buggy or pram with someone pushing it is wider than this. Also two children walking side by side as in a crocodile are wider than this. The width and sighting of the proposed paths are totally inadequate.There are no connecting footpaths into towns/villages posing a major threat to foot traffic.
b)Traffic Issues – The access, egress and line of sight are very poor, particularly on a road that is a well-known black spot where deaths have occurred
c)There is a special bus laid on to take children to Salterforth School due to the route being unsafe.
d)The proposed crossing is in a dangerous place and still means crossing a busy road. Examining the plans it appears that the line of sight is being made worse. Have any measurements actually been done on the ground and compared to those stated on the plans?
These are councils main but not only concerns. The following were made known on the objection to the original proposal:
The infrastructure is at or near saturation point, particularly the water and sewage systems.
This was illustrated dramatically over the Christmas/New Year period in Earby where the flooding caused widespread disruption and much damage.
This will be made worse when the development at the old Silentnight site comes on line and worse still if the nearby mill site on the outskirts of Barnoldswick is successful at appeal.
Schools, doctors surgeries, pharmacies etc. are stretched to full capacity given the many developments recently undertaken in both Salterforth and Earby.
There are brownfield sites in the area available for development so there is no need to build here.
Council see this as overdevelopment and outside the settlement boundary.
Decision:Object on the above grounds
Resolved: That the clerk passes this decision on to Pendle Borough Council (PBC) (Planning).
Delegated List
To receive for information purposes, the latest list which has been circulated by email to all councillors by the clerk, who will advise Council of items pertinent to Earby.
Only one relevant to Earby.
To accept and approve as an accurate representation the minutes of the previous council meeting held on Monday 26th September 2016.
Proposed: That these minutes are accepted and approved as above.
The minutes were signed on the final page and initialled on all other pages by the Chairman.
Resolved: That the clerk enter these into the permanent record of full council.
9. Update of ongoing issues from previous minutes
Verbal update from clerk and councillors on any matters from the above.
Council wanted an update on progress regarding the electric substation.
The clerk will make enquiries regarding this.
Things had moved on here the sub-station no longer being needed.
The Youth Hostel was discussed and the clerk was to contact PBC to see what progress there had been.
There was also the meeting regarding the flood group to be held in the New Road Community Centre on 25th November 2016. Council to monitor the situation.
10.Reports from meetings with other organisations
To receive for information purposes verbal or written reports from councillors or clerk on any such meetings they have attended.
These should be notified to the clerk in advance of the agenda so that they can be listed; in the case of written reports, in order that they can be circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.
None attended.
To consider approve or otherwise the following:
a)Internal Transfer – Utility Vehicle to Environments Committee
Job / Work undertaken:
To water (twice a week) and feed (1 a week) 21 x twin flower basket poles, 2 x single flower basket stones & 7 single wall mounted flower baskets and 3 x large planters opposite “Humble Pies” and 2 in the bus station during the summer of 2016, commencing on Monday 23rd May and finishing on Sunday 2nd October.
A total of 94 hours @ £15.40 per hour = £1,447.60
Saturday 22nd October 2016 – take down, sweep up and empty the above flower baskets, and deliver empty basket liners to Gledstone Garden Centre.
A total of 7 hours @ £15.40 per hour = £107.80
Amount: £1,555.40
VAT: Zero
Total: £1,555.40
Agreed unanimously.
b)Flood Resilience Grant
That Council identify from within its 2016/17 budget, monies which can be allocated towards supporting a future bid that can be made to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
Various payments, grants and relief to flood properties are available including: · £500 payment to residents; · up to £5,000 property level resilience grants to residents and businesses; · business support grants up to £2,500; and · council tax and NNDR relief (residents and businesses).
The bid will be made once guidance and advice has been received from Pendle BC surveyor and who has been designated to lead and help prospective bidders access this funding; it is envisaged that at least five “Flood Proof Doors” (£15-1800 each) and further “Flood Gates” (£400 each) & Flood Gate Support Pillars (£150 each) will be need around the Town Councils various properties in the Victoria Road Bus Station area.
Bids have to be submitted and approved by the DCLG before Boxing Day 2016, with all work completed and paid before the 31st March 2017.
Cllr Tennant proposed that Council uses the provision of £5000 for the lengthsman be now used for flood defence.
Resolved: That this be so done.
Bills presented for payment:
Cheque / Payee / Details / Amount £ + VAT / Budget & VATD/D / Xln business services / Telephone/Internet / 45.53 / AD 7.59
S/O / S. Cumpstey / October Payment / 100.65 / PR Nil
S/O / S. Schollick / October Payment / 666.97 / AD Nil
S/O / K. Thompson / October Payment / 258.50 / PT Nil
D/D / Bridge Bus. Solutions / PAYE Agency / 15.00 / AD Nil
HMRC / PAYE Month 7 / 202.02 / AD Nil
J Gizzi / Front Office Windows / 108.00 / FO Nil
M Horsfield / Angle Grinder and Discs / 123.37 / UV 22.06
M Horsfield / Black Metal Paint / 15.93 / EV Nil
npower / Public Toilets Station Hotel / 44.37 / PT 2.11
Yorkshire Water / Parish Rooms Car Park / 21.38 / PR Nil
Earby Auto / MOT Utility Vehicle / 54.00 / UV Nil
Earby Brass Band / Remembrance Sunday / 50.00 / EV Nil
Poppy Appeal / Wreaths and Crosses / 350.00 / EV Nil
CommuniCorp / Ren Fee Coun Update / 100.00 / AD Nil
JLM / Hang Gate at Allotment / 144.00 / AL 24.00
Robertshaws / Pressure Washer / 329.00 / UV Nil
Post Office Counters / UV 12 Month Tax / 145.00 / UV Nil
S Schollick / Laptop Costs / 209.40 / AD 34.90
S Schollick / 12 X 1st Class Stamps / 7.68 / AD Nil
S Osguthorpe / Provide/Link LT to Projector / 303.03 / AD Nil
H Garlicks / Larder Fridge / 149.99 / PR 25.00
Dales Renewables / Wood Pellets / 508.33 / PR 24.21
Dales Contracts / Acrylcolour Paint / 118.14 / PT 19.69
J Myers / Christmas, NRC & Rem Sun / 85.63 / EV 8.39
Pendle Borough Coun / Maint Playgrounds & Mugas / 10294.80 / PG 1551.60
BOSS / Inks arch files & coffee / 110.09 / AD 13.68
K Thompson / Oct Payment / 66.00 / UV Nil
K Thompson / Oct Payment / 206.25 / EN Nil
C Tennant / 10Lt Floor Paint / 173.52 / PT 25.96
Pendle Borough Coun / Enhanced Rights of Way / 985.20 / EN 164.20
Zurich / LC Advisory / 114.00 / AD 19.00
Malcolm Baines / Wiring De Fib Station Loo / 109.93 / UV 18.32
It is proposed that the payments above be made.
Resolved: That the payments be made as detailed above.
12. Removal of Telephone Box at Station Hotel
To discuss and comment only on the above for the consultation process already circulate.
Council had no objection to the box being removed.
13. Flood Relief
That Council identify from within its 2016/17 budget, monies which can be allocated towards supporting a future bid that can be made to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).See earlier.
Resolved: That the application move ahead.
14. Parish Room Car Park Wall
That Council formally approach the Environment Agency (Leeds Office) to seek permission to remove a section of the car park retaining wall that abuts “New Cut” beck, from the position of the small galvanised gate, to the first built out bracing turret, and to then replace it with a hopped top open rail metal fence.
This because a number of Council members are of the opinion that this wall prevented the flash flood waters of September 13th getting quickly in to “New Cut” beck. This then exaggerated the size and duration of the flood. Historical evidence indicates that when the wall was not present flood waters emanating from Wentcliffe Brook returned quickly to “New Cut” beck.
Also the removal of a planter, open up a tank, cover with a heavy grille and the fitting of a steel sluice in case of trouble this may be dropped.
Resolved: That theclerk progress this.
15. Transfer of Recreation Grounds
To discuss and vote on the above with reference to the email from PBC legal department forwarded to all councillors on 17th October.
This was to be deferred until the next meeting.
16. Construction of 5.5T Bespoke Wood Pellet Store and Associated Works
That council consider and discuss quotes received for the above and based on this vote to award the contract. This is brought directly to council being above the value for consideration at committee, as per the councils Standing Orders.
Quotes considered and discussed.
There was a bid that fulfilled all of the councils criteria and a vote was taken and this won the day.
Resolved: That the clerk progress this.
17. WW1 Battles Over - Beacons of Light 2018
Cllr. Cocker brings this to council and proposes:
That this council commits to lighting a beacon and celebrating the cessation of hostilities of WW1.
Cllr Cocker will expand on the details at the meeting.
So done by Cllr Cocker.
Resolved: That Cllr Cocker progress this.
18. Correspondence
To receive for information purposes items received since the last meeting that have not already been dealt with by the clerk or appear on the agenda.
These are to be found on the “press desk”.
The email from Mark Hunting regarding the name of the development/street off School Lane.
This was discussed and the view was that as un-adopted land this was out with everyone but the local authority remit.
However council asked the clerk to put forward its concensus of:
Woodlands Close.
The clerk would do this.
The next meeting will be held on Monday 28th November 2016 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.
Meeting ended at 9.50pm.
DATED: 28th November 2016
(C. Tennant)