College Prep Chemistry Course Description 2007-2008

Mr. Belyea

Instructor Contact Information:


Phone: 858-755-0125 ext. 2085

Course Webpage:

Chemistry is a college prep level intensive laboratory based science course. Topics covered include measurement; atoms, molecules and ions; gas theory; thermochemistry, quantum theory; electron configurations and periodicity; ionic and covalent; molecular geometry and bonding theories; and liquid and solid states of matter; solutions; rates of reaction; chemical equilibrium; acids and bases; acid-base equilibria; solubility; thermodynamics and equilibrium; electrochemistry and organic chemistry.

Textbook: Modern Chemistry, Holt

Grading Scale:

90.0-100% A

80.0-89.9% B

65.0-79.9% C

55.0-64.9% D

54.9% and under F

All grades will be rounded to 3 significant figures. Grades will not be rounded up to the nearest whole number and all cutoffs are hard cutoffs.

Grading Outline:

Tests and quizzes 45%

Labs 20%

Homework 15%

Final Exam 20%

Make up Work and Absences:

You are responsible for completing all work missed during an absence in a timely fashion. Check your class calendar and ask classmates for notes/worksheets missed. If you miss a test, you will make up the test during the class period you return. Be prepared. Missed class assignments must be made up on your return to class. Any assignments you receive before the absence and due during the absence are due the day you return. Labs and activities cannot be made up but a substitute assignment will be given by the teacher. These assignments should be requested by the student. Unexcused absences/tardies or failure to make up missed work in the required time will result in zero points.

Homework/Late Work Policies:

All homework and labs are due at the beginning of the class period. No exceptions. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Classroom Rules and Safety:

Any unsafe practice by a student will result in that student being transferred out of class. This is a laboratory based course and students must act appropriately.

Classroom Expectations

1. Respect each other.

2. Respect the property of others.

3. Observe all safety rules at all times.

4. Listen actively

5. Be on time and prepared each day.

6. Take responsibility for yourself.


First Infraction: Verbal warning

Second Infraction: Teacher-student conference

Third Infraction: Call home

Fourth infraction: Administrative referral

Note: Severe infractions, especially violation of lab safety rules will result in a call home and possible removal from class.

No electronic devices are allowed in the classroom. No cell phones, pagers, games, stereos or personal programmable devices of any kind are to be seen or heard in class. They will be confiscated-no exceptions. Parents may be required to come in and retrieve these items. No gum, food or drink is allowed in the classroom.

Students are expected to be in class and ready to work when the bell rings. The first tardy will result in a warning. The second tardy will result in a call home. The third tardy will be a detention. The fourth and all subsequent tardies will result in Saturday school being assigned.

Students are responsible for all the equipment they use and will be assessed for any damage that occurs to that equipment.

Academic Honesty

All work must be original and completed individually by each student. Students must acknowledge any input from peers, parents, and secondary sources in all work. Cheating, copying or plagiarizing of assignments, labs, or tests will result in zero points and administrative referral. Any student caught cheating will have the incident recorded in their school record.

Course Webpage:

Many assignments will be posted to the course webpage during the year. Students are expected to visit the page, download assignments, and print them for use in class. If this is an issue, please contact Mr. Belyea immediately. It would be a good idea to find a “download buddy” that you can call in case your internet is down or you run out of toner.

Student Signature: I understand and agree to adhere to the course policies: ______

Parent/guardian signature: I understand and agree that my student will adhere to the course policies:


Parent/guardian email:

Parent/guardian phone number: