
Food Diagnostics

Global Review of Microbiology and Residue Testing in the Food Processing Industry.

 2002 Strategic Consulting, Inc.


  • Overview
  • Table of Contents/Exhibits
  • Profile of Strategic Consulting, Inc.
  • Subscription Form

Prepared by:

Strategic Consulting, Inc.

2014 Grassy Lane

Woodstock, VT 05091

(802) 457-9933

OVERVIEW--Food DiagnosticsReport

Food Diagnosticsis a follow-on report to two of Strategic Consulting's publication entitled, the Industrial Microbiology Market Review – 1998and Pathogen Testing in the US Food Industry--2000. The Industrial Microbiology Market Reviewprovides a worldwide perspective to the broader market opportunity for microbiological testing in the Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, and Environmental Sectors. Pathogen Testing in the US Food Industry provides a more focused analysis of the US Food Processing Sector and its microbiological testing practices. These reports have been widely accepted by leading diagnostic manufacturers as highly credible industry analyses.

Recently, subscribers have begun expressing a desire for several enhancements:

  • An update to microbiological testing in the Food Processing Industry including specifics on changes in pathogen testing.
  • A more global look at microbiological testing in the Food Processing Industry that includes market research for Europe and Asia.
  • A review of the markets for other “food safety” testing products which could represent possible line extensions for existing diagnostic companies.

In response to this demand, Strategic Consulting has researched and authored Food Diagnostics, the most comprehensive analysis of the global “food safety” testing market to date.

Study Objectives

  • Quantify and characterize routine microbiological and pathogen testing conducted in the global Food Processing Industry.
  • Analyze the specific geographic differences in the Food Processing Industry by reviewing the microbiological testing practices of North America vs. Europe vs. Japan.
  • Characterize pathogen testing practices by reviewing frequency of testing by organism, where pathogen samples are collected, where samples are analyzed, and what test methodologies are used.
  • Provide insights into the global market for ATP testing by reviewing testing practices and Geographic/Sector variations.
  • Summarize specific organism analysis by Sector/Geography for Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter, and E. coli O157H7.
  • Supplement the Food Sector information (Meat, Milk, Fruits/ Vegetable, Processed Foods) found in Pathogen Testing in the US Food Industrywith a sub-Sector review of Meat. This includes a review of microbiological testing by the Meat sub-Sectors of Beef, Pork, and Chicken as well as a review of Raw Processors vs. Further Processors.
  • Characterize and size the residue testing markets including Antibiotics, Mycotoxins, Allergens, and “Emerging” tests.
  • Provide market projections for microbiological testing through 2006.
  • Provide information on frequency of use by diagnostic manufacturer for key elements in the spectrum of microbiology tests.
  • Provide a detailed directory of diagnostic manufacturers serving the pathogen test market.

Sampling and Methodology

To present an accurate picture of microbiological and residue testing in the global Food Processing Industry a broad cross-section of information sources were utilized, which include interviews with food processing plants, regulatory officials, industry associations, and diagnostic companies, in addition to surveying public information sources such as trade journals, industry publications and web sites.

The information reviewed in Food Diagnostics was obtained from both field and telephone interviews of QC Managers, Directors of Food Safety, Microbiologists, and VPs of Product Quality at food processing plants, globally. This information was gathered from over 200 plants/companies located in 12 countries (US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Australia).

Report Format

Food Diagnosticsis presented in fifteen tabulated sections in a well-organized, easy reference spiral binder. 150 data tables, charts, and exhibits are clearly displayed and provide extensive insights into this market.

The page-to-page format of the Report is structured with the right-hand pages typically presenting information in a graphical or pictorial display, with the left-hand page presenting accompanying text.

There are over 52 competitor profiles included in this report.

From cover to cover,Food Diagnostics has been designed to be a comprehensive, yet practical, decision making tool.


The attached Table of Contents/Exhibits, and profile on Strategic Consulting, Inc. are provided for your examination. To subscribe to Food Diagnostics, please note the instructions outlined in the Subscription Form provided at the end of this Prospectus.

SECTION FOURTEEN: Upcoming Reports


Disclaimer/Intentions...... 1.2

Table of Contents...... 1.3-1.6

Table of Exhibits...... 1.7-1.8

SECTION TWO: Executive Summary

Executive Summary...... 2.1-2.7

SECTION THREE: Scope and Methodology

Introduction...... 3.1

Market Definition...... 3.2

Food Industry—“Farm to Fork”...... 3.4

Issues Facing Plant QC Manager...... 3.6

Diagnostic Tests Featured in Report...... 3.8

Technologies Used for Diagnostics...... 3.10

Methodology Used in Report ...... 3.12

Questionnaire/Interview Summary...... 3.14

Glossary of Terms ...... 3.16

SECTION FOUR: Food Processing Market Trends

Introduction...... 4.1

Public Perceptions of Food Safety...... 4.2

Food Safety Trends...... 4.4

Impact of IP and Co-Packing...... 4.6

Food Industry Consolidation...... 4.8

Food Processing Plants...... 4.10

SECTION FIVE: Food Diagnostics Market

Introduction...... 5.1

Food Diagnostics Market Summary...... 5.2

Market Size by Test Type...... 5.4

SECTION SIX: Review of Microbiology Testing Market

Introduction...... 6.1

Microbiology Testing Summary...... 6.2

Microbiological Organisms Tested...... 6.4

Pathogen Testing Summary...... 6.6

Where Samples Are Collected/Analyzed...... 6.8

Microbiology--Method of Analysis...... 6.10

Comparison to Previous Reports...... 6.12

Microbiology Testing—Market Value...... 6.14

SECTION SEVEN: Geographic Review of Microbiology Testing

Introduction...... 7.1

Geographic Review—Summary Data...... 7.2

Geographic Review—Data by Plant...... 7.4

Microbiological Organisms Tested...... 7.6

Where Samples Are Collected...... 7.8

Where Samples Are Analyzed...... 7.10

SECTION EIGHT: Food Sector Review of Microbiology Testing

Introduction...... 8.1

Pathogen Report Summary...... 8.2

Meat Sub-Sector Review...... 8.4

Sub-Sector Review—Stage of Processing...... 8.6

Beef Sub-Sector Review...... 8.8

Poultry Sub-Sector Review...... 8.10

Pork Sub-Sector Review...... 8.12

Egg Sub-Sector Review...... 8.14

SECTION NINE: Review of ATP Testing Market

Introduction...... 9.1

ATP Usage at Food Processing Plants...... 9.2

Food Sector Variations in ATP Usage...... 9.4

Geographic Variations in ATP Usage...... 9.6

Competitor Installed Base/Usage...... 9.8

SECTION TEN: Review of Residue Testing Market

Introduction...... 10.1

Residue Testing—Market Summary...... 10.2

Antibiotic Testing...... 10.4

Mycotoxin Testing...... 10.6

Pesticide Testing...... 10.8

GM-Food Testing...... 10.10

Residue Testing—Other Analytes...... 10.12

SECTION ELEVEN: Methods Used/Trends in Microbiology Testing

Introduction...... 11.1

Method Usage—Geographic Review...... 11.2

Methods/Products Used—Routine...... 11.4

Methods/Products Used—Pathogen...... 11.6

2 X 2 Matrix Review...... 11.8

Methods/Products Used—TVO...... 11.10

Methods/Products Used—Coliform/E. coli...... 11.12

Methods/Products Used—Yeast/Mold...... 11.14

Methods/Products Used—Staphylococcus...... 11.16

Methods/Products Used—Salmonella...... 11.18

Methods/Products Used—Listeria...... 11.20

Methods/Products Used—Campylobacter...... 11.22

Methods/Products Used—E. coli O157...... 11.24

Confirmation Information...... 11.26

Current Testing Practices...... 11.28

Current Testing Practices (continued)...... 11.30

Expected Changes in Testing Practices...... 11.32

SECTION TWELVE: Market Projections

Introduction...... 12.1

Trends Impacting Microbiology Testing...... 12.2

Five-Year Forecast—Number of Tests/Growth...... 12.4

Five-Year Forecast—Organism/Market Value...... 12.6

Five-Year Forecast— 2 X 2 Testing Matrix Review...... 12.8

Five-Year Forecast—By Geographic Region...... 12.10

SECTION THIRTEEN: Competitor Profile

Introduction...... 13.1

Competitor Ranking by Revenue...... 13.4

Diagnostic Manufacturer Product Offering Matrix...... 13.8


Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc...... 14.1

Advanced Instruments/Spiral Biotech...... 14.2

AES/Chemunex...... 14.3

Agdia...... 14.4

Applied Biosystems...... 14.5

Biacore/XenoSense...... 14.6

BD/Difco...... 14.7

BioControl Systems, Inc...... 14.8

Biolog...... 14.9

bioMerieux...... 14.10

Bio-Rad...... 14.11

BioSys...... 14.12

Biotrace...... 14.13

Celsis International...... 14.14

Cepheid...... 14.15

Charm Sciences...... 14.16

CHROMagar...... 14.17

Diffchamb/Transia...... 14.18

Don Whitley...... 14.19

DuPont Qualicon...... 14.20

Elisa Systems...... 14.21

EM Science/Merck/VWR...... 14.22

EnviroLogix...... 14.23

Foss Electric A/S...... 14.24

GeneScan...... 14.25

Gene-Trak Systems...... 14.26

Hardy Diagnostics...... 14.27

IDEXX Laboratories...... 14.28

IGEN International...... 14.29

International BioProducts...... 14.30

International Diagnostics Group...... 14.31

Kikkoman...... 14.32

Meridian Bioscience...... 14.33

Microbiology International...... 14.34

3M Microbiology...... 14.35

Molecular Circuitry...... 14.36

Neogen...... 14.37

Nissui Pharmaceutical...... 14.38

Organon Teknika...... 14.39

Oxoid...... 14.40

QA Life Sciences...... 14.41

r-Biopharm...... 14.42

Remel...... 14.43

Rhone-Diagnostics...... 14.44

Romer Labs...... 14.45

S&S/BioPath...... 14.46

SCIL Diagnostics...... 14.47

SIFIN...... 14.48

Strategic Diagnostics...... 14.49

Tecra...... 14.50

Tepnel Diagnostics...... 14.51

Vicam...... 14.52

SECTION FIFTEEN: Strategic Consulting, Inc.

Company Profile/Services Provided...... 15.1

Future Reports...... 15.4



Strategic Consulting, Inc. – Company Profile

Strategic Consulting, Inc. is a broad-based business consulting firm with offices located in Woodstock, Vermont; Scarborough, Maine; and London, England. Founded in 1996, Strategic Consulting specializes in providing business consulting services to diagnostic companies participating predominantly in food, beverage, environmental and pharmaceutical segments of the industrial market. Strategic Consulting also works with companies that offer technologies and products in the human/clinical, veterinary, and agricultural markets.

The principals in the firm, Thomas R. Weschler, William T. Thomas, and Alan Hulme are experienced executives with major companies serving the industrial marketplace. Together, Mr. Weschler, Thomas, and Hulme offer successful, pragmatic and real-world experience to back their actionable recommendations for improving Client Company performance.

Strategic Consulting specializes in four areas of expertise to assist their clients: business strategy development, business management and tactical implementation, business development services, and market research services.

Business Strategy Development services are targeted to aid client companies with the business-critical, strategic planning process. These services would include the integration of customer satisfaction evaluations, market potential assessments, competitor strength/weakness determinations, assessments of the company’s technology/product potential, along with the integration of market trends/threats into a pragmatic/winning plan.

Business Management and Tactical Implementation services includes aid with the execution of strategic and tactical plans, mentoring to management teams, facilitation of product development/new product launches, establishing/expanding domestic and international distribution channels, mediating product and technology licensing/ distribution/ private-labeling, marketing and sales organization development, and management recruiting.

Business Development services include various forms of assistance with the implementation of the strategic business plan through equity financing, acquisition/ divestitures of technologies/products/companies and the establishment of strategic partnerships.

Market Research services includes thorough industry analysis through primary market research techniques: conducting the research design process, survey development and execution, customer profiling, market needs analysis, competitor profiling, and commercial potential determinations. Examples of this include the multi-client Reports -- Industrial Microbiology Market Review, Pathogen Testing in the US Food Industry, The World Market for GM-Food, and the most recent Food Diagnostics report.

Thomas R. Weschler is president and founder of Strategic Consulting. Throughout his 27-year career in international management in the industrial marketplace, Mr. Weschler has had line responsibility for the creation, implementation, re-direction of businesses. These experiences include successes with venture capital backed start-ups, publicly traded companies, transformation of underachieving companies and technology acquisitions.

Prior to founding Strategic Consulting, Mr. Weschler established and served as President of IDEXX’s Food & Environmental Division from 1992 to 1996. During this period, the Division grew from $1 Million in revenues to over $40 Million and created a market leadership position in the food and environmental diagnostics market. He directed the introduction of several innovative technology-based products (SNAP, LIGHTNING, COLIERT), each of which gained dominant market share positions.

Before IDEXX, Mr. Weschler served as vice president/general manager of Roche/ CompuChem, a leading U.S. environmental testing lab network; as president/COO of Orion Research, Inc., a world leader in electrochemical-based measurement systems; and president/general manager of Fiskars Electronics, a telecommunications power equipment and instrumentation company.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Weschler founded and served as president of MicroPure, a manufacturer of in-line process instrumentation for detection of particles and other impurities. Before MicroPure, Mr. Weschler was group product manager at Millipore Corporation, a leading analytical filtration company, specializing in water microbiology beverage microbiology and general industrial applications.

Mr. Weschler received his MBA from Harvard Business School in 1975 and a B.S. in economics/accounting from Villanova University in 1973.

William T. Thomas has been a partner with Strategic Consulting, Inc. since 1998. Mr. Thomas' expertise draws from a 14-year career of developing and launching new products while building the marketing, sales, and business organizations to support them.

Previously, Mr. Thomas was president and CEO of Biotherm International, Inc., an agrochemical company, from 1996 to 1998. At Biotherm, Mr. Thomas led the research and development planning process resulting in a novel biopesticide technology. Additionally, Mr. Thomas coordinated equity and debt financing with the domestic and international financing and venture capital community.

Before Biotherm, Mr. Thomas was Director of Sales for IDEXX’s Food & Environmental Division from 1992 to 1996. During his tenure he established and led the newly created division to a dominant market position through managing North & South American and European marketing, sales, and business organizations. Mr. Thomas led the development and implementation of product technologies including immunoassays for antibiotic residue detection (SNAP) and ATP bioluminescence (LIGHTNING).

Prior to IDEXX Laboratories, Mr. Thomas was at Merck & Co., Inc. - Agvet Division in marketing and sales management from 1986 to 1992. While there he managed a number of leading veterinary pharmaceuticals including Ivermectin, the all-time, highest revenue generating veterinary product.

Mr. Thomas received his MBA from California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo in 1987 and a B.S. in Genetics from the University of California at Davis in 1984.

W. Alan Hulme is a British subject located in London, England. After earning his degree in Medical Technology (FIBMS), he headed-up the technical side of a public health laboratory for some time before starting an international commercial career. This has now spanned 22 years, with extensive postings in the Far East, continental Europe, and the US.

In that time he has established and refined many businesses in these technology sectors: biotechnology, life sciences, and diagnostics (both human and rapid industrial). Working primarily on behalf of US corporations (NYSE and NASDAQ), he has held a number of senior positions up to officer level in companies which include Idexx Laboratories Inc., Affymetrix Inc., Flow Laboratories Inc., Molecular Devices Inc., and Endotronics Inc.

Mr. Hulme has incorporated eleven companies -- in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and elsewhere -- and created five international divisions. His focus has included start-ups, turn-arounds, and mature businesses and has involved all aspects of business establishment and sustainable development, including financing initiatives.

Mr. Hulme's expertise -- at both the strategic and implementation levels -- is especially applicable to Strategic Consulting clients who find their O.U.S. (outside the US) revenue/profit split doesn't reflect regional market opportunities in Europe and/or the Far East.

Collectively, the principals of Strategic Consulting offer a breadth and depth of industry knowledge and exceptional primary research expertise essential to improving the focus of business development activities. For further information please visit our website at


Food Diagnostics

To subscribe to Food Diagnostics, please read the Subscription Agreement below, then fax or mail this form completed with your signature and payment selection to:

Strategic Consulting, Inc., 2014 Grassy Lane, Woodstock, Vermont 05091

Phone: (802) 457-9933 Fax: (802) 457-9944 Email:



May 2002 Page 1