UNIV X350: The Global Environment Fall 2006
Group Project – Economic Analysis
Due Wednesday November 8 or Thursday November 9, at beginning of Activity Session
Each group has chosen to examine a problem that is global in scale and for which local (Cal Poly or SLO or SLO County) actions could improve the situation. The Economic Analysis provides a method for your group to compare the merits of the three Technical Approaches your group developed. This short, interim report should show that you’ve thought about the costs and benefits of your Technical Approaches. This information, with supporting details, will also form part of your final report.
Benefits—Cost Analysis
The process uses five steps:
1. Specify each approach using a phrase beginning with a verb.
2. Describe quantitatively the inputs and the outputs of each approach.
3. Estimate the annual costs and benefits of each approach.
4. Calculate the Present Values PVN of each year’s costs and benefits and the Net Present Value NPV for each approach.
5. Compare the Net Present Values of all approaches.
You have already completed steps 1 and 2 for your Technical Recommendations assignment. Complete steps 3, 4 and 5 for this assignment.
Summarize your results in two tables. One table contains the annual entries for each approach’s costs, present value of costs, benefits, present value of benefits, and present value of the difference (benefits – costs). See Table 1 for an example. The other table compares the Net Present Values of all approaches. See Table 2 for an example. On the same page as Table 2, specify each approach using a phrase beginning with a verb.
For each technical approach, determine the total Net Present Value of the approach, including the benefits and the costs that accrue during each year of the project.
Which Technical Approach has the highest Net Present Value (NPV)? Why?
Which Technical Approach has the lowest Net Present Value (NPV)? Why?
Note that technical approaches may impact different orders of magnitude. If so, scale the approaches to allow comparing economic costs, benefits, and net present values of different technical approaches using the same unit. Consider using one of the following units: per person, per thousand people, per square meter, per acre, per dollar of cost, per dollar of benefit, per kg of pollutant avoided, per liter water saved, per kilowatt saved, etc. Alternately, select another more appropriate unit.
This assignment doesn’t specify a length for this analysis, but approximately 1-2 pages per Technical Approach will make the right length for most projects. You must include references (see the guide, ReportReferences.doc, posted on BlackBoard), not only for sources you read but also for web sites (identify the web site title, author, date updated—if known, date cited, and list the URL) and people you talk with (give their name, affiliation, title, and contact information).
Email your report to as one MS Word (.doc) file OR one .pdf file. Carbon copy (cc:) your email to each member of your group.
The filename should include your activity instructor’s last name, group number and the initials of each member of your group. For example, “Braun2- XA,DG,QP,RR.doc”, “Evans3-BB,WJ,EM,DR.doc” or “Ruehr3-OA,RL,BP,MS.pdf”
Define the present value PVN expressed in dollars of an Amount expressed in dollars at a discount rate i in period N:
Amount represents either a cost or a benefit expressed in dollars. Use a discount rate i=5%, unless another discount rate is more appropriate.
The present value PV of the total costs of the approach equals the sum of the present values of each year’s costs:
Present Value of Total Costs, where PVN represents each year’s costs.
The present value PV of the total benefits of the approach equals the sum of the present values of each year’s benefits:
Present Value of Total Benefits, where PVN represents each year’s benefits.
The Net Present Value NPV of the approach equals the difference between the Present Value of Total Benefits and the Present Value of Total Costs:
NPV = (Present Value of Total Benefits) – (Present Value of Total Costs)
The spreadsheet available on BlackBoard may assist you in your calculations, but you do not have to use it, if you don’t want to.
Table 1 – Annual Cost Benefit Calculations for Approach 1 Table 2 – Net Present Value Comparison for all approaches
Economic Analysis Grading Guide Braun
Clearly specify each of three technical approaches with a phrase beginning with a verb. / 1.5
Clearly list the costs of each technical approach and explain how you determined the values of the costs. Explain why the costs increase or decrease each year. / 3
Enter costs correctly in table 1 for each technical approach. Correctly determine present value (PV) for total costs according to PV, where PVN represents each year’s costs. / 1
Clearly list the benefits of each technical approach and explain how you determined the values of the benefits. Explain why the benefits increase or decrease each year. / 3
Enter benefits correctly in table 1 for each technical approach. Correctly determine present value (PV) for total benefits according to PV, where PVN represents each year’s benefits. / 1
Correctly determine net present value (NPV) for each approach according to NPV = (Present Value of Total Benefits) – (Present Value of Total Costs).
Use an appropriate unit to compare the three approaches.
Summarize results in Table 2, and compare the approaches. Answer questions regarding highest and lowest NPV. / 3
Overall quality, including writing, organization, and clarity / 1.5
Total / 14
Number pages.
Apply the paramedic method by UCLA Professor Richard Lanham. See http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/concise.html or perform a web search. As a nice last step to this method, before you send your work to the printer, read your writing OUT LOUD to catch spelling, grammar, and logic errors.
Cite references properly, as specified via http://www.ee.calpoly.edu/~dbraun/courses/TGE/ReportReferences.html