كتله التغذية اليمن
/ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX / Yemen Nutrition Cluster

Yemen Nutrition Cluster meeting

23 October 2017, 11:00 to 13.00, WHO conference room

Meeting minutes

Chair and note taker: Anna Ziolkovska, Cluster Coordinator,
Note taker: Mutahar Alflahi, Roving Cluster Coordinator,


  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Review of the pending action points
  3. Updates on the CHWs project, UNICEF
  4. HNO/HRP development updates
  5. Planning of integrated WASH, Health, FSAC and Nutrition Clusters response.
  6. Updates from the CC

The agenda was approved without changes.

1.Welcome and introductions

List of participants is at the end of meeting minutes. NCC has introduced Mutahar Alflahi, the Roving coordinator for the Nutrition Cluster, who will work to support national NCC as well as the sub-national Cluster coordinators. She requested all partners to copy Mutahar on all emails

2.Action points from the last meeting

Action points / Focal point/agency / Timeline / Status
From the last meeting
To organize a SAG and AWG meeting to update the severity scale / NCC / 24 September / Done
Include Kebir (UNICEF manager for WB project) to all YHRP related discussions to ensure that there is no overlap / NCC / YHRP development timelines / Done
To include presentation from UNICEF on the CHWs project to the next cluster meeting / NCC / October 2017 / Done
UNICEF to discuss with MOH the issue of the importance of refresher training courses along with conducting the regular review meetings for CHVs / UNICEF / By 1st of October / Discussed and there was agreement that CHV should have once in a month meeting and 1 or 2 refreshertrainings a year
Partners whom are planning to conduct 3 days refresher courses to contact UNICEF FOs to support the additional 3 days training on growth monitoring through GHOs / NGOs partners / Within Q4 2017 / GHO is to deliver the training and there is a possibility that UNICEF can support financially – on a case by case basis through the field offices
From previous meetings
To initiate an AAP TF meetings to agree on common AAP tools for the cluster / SCI, SOUL, UNICEF, ADO / August / The draft guidance was developed and now with the TF for comments. Several tools to accompany the guidance will be developed,
When the guidance is finalised, it will be presentedat the cluster meeting
NCC to share SAM admission data from the Nutrition Cluster database with UNICEF for research on caseload correction factor for those partners that were present at the meeting, and to write to the remaining partners for permission / NCC / End May 2017 / Done
NCC to write to Health Cluster/HeRAMS/WHO to request catchment data population per health facility / NCC / 1 June / Almost done, the discussions ongoing:mthe health cluster received the data for 16 Governorate from the MoPHP however it require some cleaning
To finalize the SMART guideline / AWG and Scott Logue / End June 2017 / Still waiting comments from UNICEF

2.Updates on the CHWs project, UNICEF

UNICEF has presented the update on the CHWs project. In summary, the Community Health Workers (CHWs) project is focusing on third and second tiers of catchment areas, rural districts, one CHWs for 1000 population/ 170 HH and they are linked with the functioning HF, receive tailored training and supplies, including for CMAM. More information available on the embedded presentation.

It was highlighted by partners that the original model is better than the current model used and the UNICEF was encouraged to advocate to MoPHP to use the original model. It was clarified that the linkages between the CHVs and CHWs will be made in any case and this might lead to gradually adopting the original model.

The Nutrition is already integrated in the CHWs role, however currently there are plans for Sam treatment, but it is not clear how MAM to be incorporated into CHWs work as discussion with WFP has not yet held. NCC encouraged WFP and UNICEF to discuss the way forward ASAP, so that in a few weeks that the first batch of trained CHWs will start working, they will start the CMAM programme, and not SAM only.

It was highlighted, that the CHWs cannot diagnose and treat common illnesses, but rather identify and refer for treatment. Based on the experience from other countries, it takes about a year for CHWs to be able to perform their duties as needed.

It was clarifies that the project is not to replace the current HWs from the HFs, but to compliment the 2nd and 3rd tier health response (in addition to mobile clinics that are not sustainable), as currently people in this areas do not have access to HFs due to high transportation cost. The project is currently targeting 24 districts (with 100% coverage in the 2nd and 3rd tiers), but it is planned to expand it to 30 more.

The selection criteria for the CHWs, among others, are to be a female and to graduate from the secondary school or with a diploma from a high institute (this is to ensure that we are not tapping in a potential pool of CHVs or health facilities’ HWs), a 60 days training is given to them before they start working as CHWs.

Action points / Focal point/agency / Timeline
NCC to write to UNICEF and WFP to request close collaboration with regards to the supplies for MAM treatment. / NCC / 25 October

3.HNO/HRP development updates

The draft HNO, approved by the SAG, was shared with partners and no comments received. On the 22 October NCC has submitted it to OCHA. There is a small mistake and the total population in need of nutrition services is not 7.5 million but 7 million. Also, we are waiting for new data from the surveys and when/if we get it, we will update the HNO accordingly.

The data was not share with the partners yet, as NCC will wait for the discussion on targets and share everything in one file in order not to confuse partners.

The data then to be used to calculate individual targets for the HFs. In December, once we finalise all calculations and get the HF catchment population data, we will have one dedicated cluster meeting on how to do such calculations for the partners.

On 6 of November will have the workshop on development of Nutrition Cluster response plan and work plan, only partners that are now implementing nutrition project and working groups will be invited.Expect that for 50 participants. This will be then presented to all cluster partners and discussed at the cluster meeting.

Action points / Focal point/agency / Timeline
NCC to organize a meeting on how to do individual HF calculations / NCC / December
NCC to organize a workshop for NC partners for the response plan development / NCC / 6 November

4.Planning of integrated WASH, Health, FSAC and Nutrition Clusters response

The interagency mission of the Global CCs was cancelled as the visas were delayed, therefore we are processing with the integrated response workshop preparation in country. On 31st October, there will be a workshop with the SAGs from the Nutrition, Health, WASH and FSAC, to agree on the minimum integrated package interventions per delivery platform (HHs, community and HFs levels). The outcomes of the workshop will be then discussed at the cluster meeting and the joint agreement will be sought.

Action points / Focal point/agency / Timeline
NCC to organize a 4SAGs meeting and to feedback to partners at the next meeting / NCC / 31 October

5.Updates from the CC

The bulletin was shared yesterday and NCC encouraged all to read it, and recommended it to share it with the organization.

Social behaver change advisor has got the visa and she will be arriving in Yemen at the end of October. The discussions with the SAG has already started and we identifies three behaviours that are to be changed (Exclusive breastfeeding, Complementary feeding, One additional meal a day for pregnant and lactating women) and the barrier analysis will be conducted when the Advisor is in the country. Based on this she will support us in drafting SBC strategy.

The SAGs meeting minutes as well as related to the deployment documents are embedded below:


With regards to assessment, it was clarified, that there is still only 2.5 SMARTs available. LAhj data collection completed and preliminary report with the AWG for validation. Aden data collection completed, but no report still submitted to AWG. There are 5 protocols on the south that were validated but the data collection is not yet completed and 9 protocols pending validation by the AWG. When the IPC will be conducted is still unclear.

The next meeting on the 6th of November will be for active partners only and the people will be invited individually. The regular Cluster meeting will be held on the 13th of November.

Participants list

Agency/Organization / Name / Position / E: mail
Cluster Coordination Team / Anna Ziolkovska / Nutrition Cluster Coordinator /
Cluster Coordination Team / Esmail Yahya / IMO /
Cluster Coordination Team / Mutaher Al flahi / Roving NCC
ACF / Yahya Taher Ghanem / Deputy Head of Department – Nutrition / >
ADO / Amani Mohammed / Nutritionspecialist. /
ADRA / Melba Palmero / Program Officer /
Direct Aid / ElhamRaweh / project coordinators /
EMPHNET / Areeg Ahmed / program coordinator & medical officer /
Federation of Yemeni Private Hospitals (FYPH) / Mohammed Gehad Taha Al-Ademi / Member in project committee /
Federation of Yemeni Private Hospitals (FYPH) / ShahdSaghir Yahya Al-kharijah / Member in project committee /
FEWS NET / Najib Al-Hammadi / Food security consultant /
FMF / AbdulhaleemAbdulkareem / FMF coordinator in Sanaa /
HAD / Jamal Galmah / IT officer
HAD / Dr.Adel Abdulaziz / Nutrition officer /
HAD / Ahd Al-ryani / Nutrition Assist. /
HAJAR / Dr. Mutahar A. Ali /
Health Media representative / Emad Taher- / Project Manager /
IRC / Akram Alskaf /
IRY / Ahmed Alsoufi / Nutrition Programme Support Officer /
IYCY / WaddadAlshamery / Head of Cholera Operations, /
IYCY / SomayaAlhanshli / Program Coordinator /
Life Foundation for Development (LFD) / MunaUmer / Monitoring and Evaluation /
Life Foundation for Development (LFD) / Warda Ali / Project coordinator /
MC / Tadesse Gebru / Nutrition Manager /
MC / Kawther Al-huribi / Field cordinator / s
Mepi-yao / Noura Ahmed Al hammadi /
MMF / Ali AliGahailan / Program Manager /
MOPHP / AbdulKaremAlFahidy / Nutrition Dep. /
MoPIC FSTS / Radhia Mohammed / Nutrition /
MSFF / Abdullah radman / Medco Deputy /
NFDHR / Dr.Manal Sheryan / Public Health officer /
NFRD / Nabeel Mohammed alsorehy / program assistant /
PU-AMI / Marcela REZENDE / Grants and reporting officer – Yemen /
RDP / Abdullah Mujli / Health and Nutrition Program Officer /
RRD / Zaid Ali /
SAJAIA / Nasr Joiber / M&E Officer /
SDF / Haifa'aHazaa– / program Assistant /
Secretary General of Human Life for Development and Relief / Hamir Ali Al Harbi / Secretary General of /
SFD / Nahla shojaa Aldeen / program officer /
SOUL / Hayam khalil / project development officer /
SOUL / Ebtisam Dayah / Senior Project Officer /
SRA / Abdurabah / Chairman of SRA foundation /
SRA / Abeer Ahmed Mohammed Al Ameri /
Tamdeen(TYF) / Dhiyazan Abdulmajeed / H&N officer /
Taybah (TFD) / SallahAldain / Project Manager /
UNICEF / Rasha Alardhi / Nutrition specialist /
UNICEF / Rashad Shekh / Health Specialist /
WFP / NourAldainAlokimy / Nutrition Assist. /
WHO / NabailAlabher / Nutrition officer /
WHO / Eshrak Al.flahi / Nutritionist /
YARD / Manal Hassan / Nutrition Program Cordinator /
YARD / EntesarBakhwar
Yemen Al Khair Relief and Development Foundation -YARD. / Haifa Alkhyat / Manager /
YFCA / Farouk Alqasi / H&N Program Manager /
YFVW / Hajer Abdullah Al-Wajeeh /
Yemen NutritionCluster meeting minutes, 22 October 2017 / Page 1