Hartnell College Academic Senate
Senate Highlights
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
This is the next issue of the highlights for the Academic Senate meeting held on Tuesday, March 25, 2003. Any comments, complements or complaints regarding the highlights should be sent to Bob Beery, 1st Vice President of the Senate.
Tenure Process: Senator Theresa Carbajal has volunteered to head a sub-committee of the Senate to review our tenure process. It has been over ten years since our current tenure process was developed and all agreed it was time for a review and possible overhaul. Anyone interested in working with this group contact Theresa directly.
Learn and Serve Grant: Denise Harris reported to the Senate that she is applying for a Federal grant which in part would establish a Center for Service Learning here at Hartnell. She recently applied for a similar State grant but due to funding cuts that grant will not be funded.
EOPS/DSP&S Resolution: The Senate just adopted a resolution in support of our EOPS/DSP&S and Matriculation programs. The current proposal coming from the State is to cut up to 40% of the funding for these programs. The resolution asks the administration and board to support these programs and do all possible to keep adequate funding levels. The majority of the students served by these programs at “at-risk” students and can little afford some of the potential funding cuts coming down from Sacramento.
Leadership Conference: Senators Adams and Locci recently attended a State Academic Senate Leadership Conference in Santa Cruz. Senator Locci gave a brief report on the highlights of the conference including updated budgetary information from Sacramento.
Redefining Hartnell: Dr. Ignacio Pando made a presentation to the Senate on a plan that he has developed to redefine Hartnell. Ignacio has already presented this plan to Dr. Valeau who has supposedly shared this plan with his executive team. The plan is merely a tool to facilitate discussion at this point and is only Ignacio’s view of how the institution can be restructured. If a copy of the plan is not made as an attachment to these highlights, then it will come out from the Senate office under a different cover in the near future. If you have suggestions, comments, criticisms you can share them with your division senator or possibly direct them to Dr. Pando himself. There should be more on this item in the near future.