A.S. Womyn’s Commission

Associated Students

Wednesday, Dec 3rd 6:00 pm

Women’s Center Conference Room, SRB

Minutes recorded by: Kate Kesner

CALL TO ORDER 6:10 pm by Danielle Maldonado


A-1.  Roll Call

Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name) / Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name)
Danielle Maldonado / Present / Ximena Garcia / Present
Cassie Rubio / Present / Roxanne McNally / Present
Kate Kesner / Present


a.  Announcements/Information/Introductions

  1. Berkeley’s Empowering Women of Color Conference tentatively set for March 6&7
  2. Vagina Monologues is looking for Film Makers and Monologue Writers –email
  3. CARE offering internship, deadline to apply Dec. 19th on GauchoLink
  4. Study Jams:
  5. SIRCC 8-11 Pardall Center Study Jam Thursday
  6. RCSDG open during finals week till 12
  7. WomComm Study Jam 6-8next Wednesday
  8. First Friday Dec. 5th
  9. WomComm Holiday Photos at 3:15 UCen Thursday
  10. Polysexual IdentiTEAs at MCC 7pm tonight

b.  Testimony for items on today’s agenda

  1. Ice Breaker and Introductions
  2. Old Business
  3. Funding Requests
  4. First Friday Block Party Break Out Groups Update


C-1 Old Business

a.  Finance Board has approved transfer of funds from Travel to Special Projects; waiting on Senate approval

C-2 New Business

a.  Voting to fund Women’s Ensemble Theatre Troup (WETT) $300

Cassie motions to fund WETT $300 for publicity of their event Vagina Monologues happening on Feb. 27th and 28th

MOTION/SECOND: Cassie Rubio/Roxanne McNally

ACTION: Vote: 9-0 to APPROVE

Additional approval required: YES (Senate)

b.  Voting to Fund Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) $600

Ximena motions to fund WiSE $600 for publicity and printing for their Tech Savvy Conference for girls in 6th-9th grade on Feb. 15th

MOTION/SECOND: Ximena Garcia/Roxanne McNally

ACTION: Vote: 9-0 to APPROVE

Additional approval required: YES (Senate)

D.  Break Out Groups

E-1. First Friday Block Party, Friday January 9th

a)  Entertainment: 5 performers (1-1.5 hour space) (including dance groups). 20 minutes each & some wiggle room then Radio Chicana — (KSSB approved). Talk to Kim Yasuda about extending time from 10pm-2am to 9pm-2am. 2 dance groups max (1 breakdancing, 1 cultural) maybe bellydancing (contacting PSG) and regular dancing going on at the same time

b)  Technical: AS Program Board will give us Sound Equipment. Furniture services only has canopies but tents available through central stores. Can rent heaters from outside company. Stage - 4' W x 8' L x 2’ H ($25 a section).

c)  Decorations: Stage lighting - official or tubing/ LED string lights - ($17/ strand). A few cocktail tables for food tent. Geometric dome instead of tents from the art department or CCS. Considering table cloths and on-table decorations of framed photos of positive women role models + plug for Herstory magazine. Color scheme: turquoise (accent colors: raspberry or canary yellow)

a)  Food: about $500—either to receive food permitsto have food made or from approved caters. Catering: dessert platters from Silvergreens ($35 / platter) Pizza from Pizza Man Dan’s (34 pizzas for $382.16) Hot Chocolate from Coffee Colab

b)  Publicity: Call to artists already sent out. Working on event flyer and digiknow


MOTION/SECOND to ADJOURN: Danielle Maldonado/ Kate Kesner

ACTION: Vote: 9-0 to APPROVE

Vote Taken: 7:29

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