Greek Community Standards


The purpose of the College of Charleston Greek Community Standards is to improve management and quality of fraternity and sorority chapters at the College of Charleston. The Greek Life Office has implemented the following recognition and standards program to motivate chapters to strive for excellence not only on campus, but nationally. Also, this program will be utilized to recognize chapters’ outstanding achievements. This program will serve as a self-evaluation for the fraternity and sorority chapters, providing a framework for activities and successes to be documented. It will also serve as an assessment of chapter performance for the Greek Life Office.

Program Outline

The College of Charleston Greek Community Standards program will evaluate all fraternities and sororities on campus using the following criteria:

  1. Academics (16% of the total point value)
  2. College and Community Relations/Service (16% of the total point value)
  3. Membership Intake and Education (20% of the total point value)
  4. Chapter Management (32% of the total point value)
  5. Campus Involvement (10% of the total point value)
  6. Financial Management (6% of the total point value)

Award Levels

Award Level / Percentage of Possible Points
Gold Chapter / 90%+
Silver Chapter / 80-89%
Bronze Chapter / 70-79%
* Any chapter below 70% will receive an official warning status

Submission Guidelines

There are six sections of the College of Charleston Greek Community Standards program to be completed. Read each item carefully, answering each question fully and attaching any necessary documents to the section they support. The information should be organized and easily understood by the reviewers.

Each chapter will have access to a Dropbox folder for the purpose of submitting packets. All information should be put in the Dropbox with any supplemental information titled with the section name and the date so reviewers can easily find all packet information.

Completed packets are due by Monday, November 23, 2015 at 5pm.

Use of Results

The College of Charleston Greek Community Standards program will be evaluated through a peer review process. Chapter members who have completed the Greek Emerging Leaders (GEL) program will be appointed by the Greek Life Office to evaluate the College of Charleston Greek Community Standards packets. It is an expectation that every chapter be represented. Each reviewer will be expected to review a maximum of six different packets, none of which will be the individual’s chapter. Each packet will have a minimum of three reviewers with a minimum of two councils represented. Chapters scores will be a composite of the rubric scores given by the peer reviewers.

Fraternities and sororities who have achieved Gold status will be recognized at the Borelli Awards. All chapter statuses will be provided to the chapter leadership and advisors. All chapters should use their award level as a goal-setting tool to improve areas where the chapter may have some challenges. All chapters should strive for excellence and to achieve Gold status each year. The College of Charleston Greek Community Standards program is not intended as a competition among Greek organizations, but as a proactive and motivational program.

Chapters that have not met the minimum standard will be required to work with the Greek Life Office to develop an Action Plan to improve chapter function.

This program will be evaluated and revised annually.

College of Charleston Greek Community Standards

Chapter Evaluation Packet (Due November 23, 2015)

Complete the following six sections:

  1. Academics – 16 points
  2. College and Community Relations/Service – 16 points
  3. Membership Intake and Education – 20 points
  4. Chapter Management – 32 points
  5. Campus Involvement – 10 points
  6. Financial Management – 6 points


Read every item carefully, answering each question fully, attaching any necessary documents to the section they support. The information should be organized and presented in a manner that is easily understood by the committee. All attachments should be titled with the section name and date.

Please Note

For all events chapters are REQUIRED to have a MAJORITY (51%) of members present. Chapters are asked to submit a roster of members in attendance and photos from events with files titled with the section name and date of the event.

  1. Academics (18 possible points)

Academics are the foundation of the collegiate experience and a strong chapter places an emphasis on academics. It is the obligation of a fraternity or sorority to provide an environment that is conducive and supportive to strong academic performance from all members. Chapters should not only achieve these academic standards, but work towards excelling beyond the minimum standard.

  • Chapter GPA (9 possible points)

GPA Category / Points Awarded
Above All Campus GPA / 4.5 spring/4.5 fall
At All Campus GPA / 3.5 spring/3.5 fall
Within 0.10 Points of All Campus GPA / 2.5 spring/2.5 fall
Within 0.20 Points of All Campus GPA / 0.5 spring/0.5 fall
More Than 0.20 Points of All Campus GPA / 0 spring/0 fall

* This information will be verified by the Greek Life Office. Chapters do not need to submit information for this item.

  • Scholarship Program (3 possible points)

The chapter has developed and implemented a chapter scholarship program that includes a mission statement, a statement on academic policies, information on programs and resources, and a rewards program.

Provide a description of your chapter’s scholarship program and describe what rewards/benefits are given for members meeting high academic standards. Attach any supplemental materials or handouts, which may be helpful in explaining your program.

Click here to enter text. /
  • Scholarship Chair (2 possible points)

There is a scholarship chair for the chapter, and he/she is given a description of the position responsibilities and expectations.

Scholarship Officer: Click here to enter text.

Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Responsibilities/Duties of Office:

Click here to enter text. /


Click here to enter text. /
  • Scholarship Training (2 possible points)

The chapter sends the Scholarship Chair to the annual Scholarship Training hosted by the Center for Student Learning.

* This information will be verified by the Greek Life Office. Chapters do not need to submit information for this item.

  1. College & Community Relations/Service (16 possible points)

All chapters are expected to comply with College of Charleston policies and to support positive relationships with the surrounding Greek, College, and local communities.

  • Community Service or Philanthropy Initiatives (4 possible points)

The chapter conducts one large-scale community service or philanthropy project each semester. A majority (51%) of membership must be present. Please provide the following information regarding your project:

Spring Semester (2 points)

Event: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Location: Click here to enter text.

Project Chair: Click here to enter text.

Total Hours Donated: Click here to enter text.

Total Funds Raised: Click here to enter text.

Total Goods Donated: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the event. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing your event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /

Fall Semester (2 points)

Event: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Location: Click here to enter text.

Project Chair: Click here to enter text.

Total Hours Donated: Click here to enter text.

Total Funds Raised: Click here to enter text.

Total Goods Donated: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the event. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing your event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /
  • Educational Programs (4 possible points)

The chapter will present or attend at least one program each semester on diversity, risk management, hazing, gender equality, social justice, or scholarship. Please contact GLO if you have questions about which programs apply. A majority (51%) of membership must be present. Please provide the following information regarding your program:

Spring Semester (2 points)

Program: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Facilitator: Click here to enter text.

Facilitator’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the program. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing the event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /

Fall Semester (2 points)

Program: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Facilitator: Click here to enter text.

Facilitator’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the program. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing the event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /
  • “Non-Greek” Activities (4 possible points)

The chapter demonstrates an attitude of community awareness and service by participating in at least one project or program a semester that is sponsored by a “non-Greek” student organization. A majority (51%) of membership must be present. Please provide the following information regarding your program:

Spring Semester (2 points)

Program: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Program Contact Person: Click here to enter text.

Contact Person’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the program. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing the event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /

Fall Semester (2 points)

Program: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Program Contact Person: Click here to enter text.

Contact Person’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the program. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing the event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /
  • Alumni/Alumnae Outreach (4 possible points)

The chapter demonstrates an effort to maintain and/or improve connections with alumni to keep them engaged and involved with the chapter activities and news.

Alumni/Alumnae Program (2 Points)

The chapter will host at least one program or activity each year that is designed for alumni. Parties are not acceptable. Please provide the following information regarding your program:

Program: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Location: Click here to enter text.

Number of Alumni/Alumnae Present: Click here to enter text.

Program Coordinator: Click here to enter text.

Coordinator’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the program. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing the event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /

Alumni/Alumnae Newsletter (2 Points)

The chapter will send out at least one newsletter each year to maintain communication.

Please attach a copy of your Alumni Newsletter.

  1. Membership Development (20 possible points)

All chapters have a responsibility to their membership to provide developmental opportunities from the point an individual is offered an invitation to membership through their college graduation. This is a fundamental purpose of fraternities and sororities.

  • New Member Education (12 possible points)

Membership intake and education is essential to the positive development of chapter members. Hazing is completely unacceptable. The membership intake and new member education program must be conducive to the strong academic performance of every new member.

New Member Education Program (6 Points)

The chapter adheres to a written membership intake/new member education program that promotes scholarship, offers leadership opportunities, encourages campus involvement, clearly expresses values, clearly expresses expectations for conduct, and provides opportunities for personal development.

Please provide a description of your new member education program, including a new member calendar and plans for programs and events. Please attach any materials that may assist reviewers.

Click here to enter text. /

New Member/Neophyte Conference (2 Points)

The chapter sends a minimum of 75% of new members/neophytes to the Greek Life Office’s New Member/Neophyte Conference. This is a conference designed to provide new members information about the Greek community, Greek Life Policy, and the values for the Greek community.

* This information will be verified by the Greek Life Office. Chapters do not need to submit information for this item.

Greek Emerging Leaders (2 Points)

The chapter has a minimum of two participants a semester in the Greek Emerging Leaders (GEL) program. GEL is a six week seminar that offers freshmen and sophomore members the opportunity to learn more about leadership in the context of fraternity and sorority life as well as more about the functionality of the broader College of Charleston fraternity and sorority community.

* This information will be verified by the Greek Life Office. Chapters do not need to submit information for this item.

New Member Educator/Intake Coordinator Training (2 Points)

The chapter New Member Educator or Intake Coordinator attends the required annual training.

* This information will be verified by the Greek Life Office. Chapters do not need to submit information for this item.

  • Member Education (8 possible points)

The chapter has a responsibility to continue developing members after they are initiated as active members through their collegiate experience. This development should enrich the membership experience by promoting scholarship, providing leadership opportunities, providing a clear understanding of policies/procedures, while utilizing the values of the organization.

Member Education Program (6 Points)

The chapter has a program in place that develops members throughout their collegiate experience offering a variety of opportunities for members that promote the values of the organization.

Please provide a description of how the chapter continues to develop members, including a calendar and plans for programs and events. Please attach any materials that may assist reviewers.

Click here to enter text. /

Greek Leadership Institute (2 Points)

The chapter sends the Chapter President and one additional member to the annual Greek Leadership Institute that is hosted each spring. This is an opportunity for members to develop leadership skills and address issues facing the College of Charleston Greek Community.

* This information will be verified by the Greek Life Office. Chapters do not need to submit information for this item.

  • Point Deductions

Any chapter is sanctioned for membership intake violations or hazing charges by the IFC, Panhellenic Association, NPHC, Greek Life Office, or other applicable authorities, the full 20 points will be deducted from this category.

* The Greek Life Office recognizes that NPHC organizations do not participate in membership intake each year. Scores will be adjusted accordingly; however, the point deductions will still apply.

  1. Chapter Management (30 possible points)

Effective chapter management greatly improves every aspect of the chapter’s operations. Organization, officer training and transition, and good communication between members and officers are important elements to a successful chapter that will continue to benefit the chapter in years to come.

  • Bylaws Update (2 possible points)

The chapter reviews bylaws and updates if needed annually. Revisions are submitted to the Greek Life Office.

Date chapter last reviewed bylaws: Click here to enter a date.

Briefly describe any revisions made.

Click here to enter text. /
  • Officer Transition Meeting (2 possible points)

The chapter holds an officer retreat for the transition of new officers.

Date of officer transition meeting: Click here to enter a date.

Location of officer transition meeting: Click here to enter text.

Attach an agenda of the officer transition meeting.

  • Goal Setting (4 possible points)

The chapter holds a goal setting retreat/workshop annually. The goals created should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Date of workshop/retreat: Click here to enter a date.

Location: Click here to enter text.

Number of members in attendance: Click here to enter text.

Outline of chapter goals.

Goal 1:

Click here to enter text. /

Goal 2:

Click here to enter text. /

Goal 3:

Click here to enter text. /

Goal 4:

Click here to enter text. /
  • Chapter Calendar (2 possible points)

The chapter plans and distributes a calendar each semester to all members (new and active) and advisors within the first three weeks of each semester. The calendar should include programs, social events, philanthropy, and community service.

Attach a copy of the spring and fall calendars.

  • Greek Relations (4 possible points)

The chapter encourages and fosters cooperation with other Greek-letter organizations on campus by involving these different organizations in chapter activities such as programs, community service, philanthropy, and co-curricular events. A majority (51%) of membership must be present. Please provide the following information regarding your events:

* Events involving alcohol will not be counted.

Event One (2 points)

Activity: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Organizations Involved: Click here to enter text.

Briefly describe the program. Please attach any materials that may assist in describing the event to reviewers. *Attach a list of chapter members who attended and photos from the event.

Click here to enter text. /

Event Two (2 points)

Activity: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.