
Apres Ski Club Board of Directors Meeting

December 1, 2011: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Teleconference

  1. Meeting was called to order by President Paul Vlasveld at 7:09pm
  2. Attendance

Board Members: Paul Vlasveld(president), Richard Fisher, Nancy Bartolomei, Laura Kuiper, Mark Hochendoner, Ed Martin, Daniel Odulo, Joan Schuman, Scott Bowker, Marian McGregor, Georgiana Rudge

Absent:David Whetzel ,Julia Nichols, Janice Melena, Sandy Saadi, Tom Pomposo, Ellen Mogensen


General Members:

Quorum present? Yes

Number of Voting Members (16) present: 11

To achieve Quorum need to have majority (9) present

  1. Minutes Approval

Defer minutes to January meeting

Some requests for changes to minutes need to be done.

Discussion on SKOP revenue being allocated to the right places.

ACTION: Marian, Ed, and Daniel need to reconcile numbers for SKOP

  1. Review of Action Items

Correction to Joan's phone number on website / Ed Martin / Done
Demonstration of Google Calendar at December Meeting / Scott
Daniel / Put on Agenda for December Meeting. Up to individual's to review.
New Year's at the Lodge Budget Review / Nancy / Nancy Reviewed. Need to check with Dave W. regarding deadline dates.
New Year's at the Lodge posted on the web / Ed / Done. No link to paypal done yet. Action: Ed to contact Berndadette regarding getting paypal link
New Year's at the Lodge posted in the Scribe / Joan / Done.
Upgrades to Membership Database / Ed / Not done yet. Still need to get together with Sandy on this. Move to next month.
  1. Demonstration of Google Calendar- Scott/Daniel

Up to individuals to review.

  1. Review of Membership Renewal email

Make comments to Julia on what people would like to see changed.

ACTION: For board to reply on what they would like to see changed.

  1. "TimeTable" needs to be updated.

Nancy to coordinate working with Ed and Connie on getting this updated.

  1. BOD approval to waive the $10.00 minimum non-member additional charge for Christmas Party. (Per Policy 7.10).

Motion: Waive the $10 minimum non-member additional charge for the Christmas Party of 2011. Rich/Scott

Unanimous -- passed

  1. Club Business
  2. Department Reports (each area is limited to 5 minutes)

9.1.1.Finances – Daniel

Sent via email the P&L and Balance Sheets

Nothing out of the ordinary, up to date

9.1.2.Budget Director – Nancy Bartolomei

Doing reports Quarterly, will have a report at Jan meeting

9.1.3.Membership – Julia Nichols

See Email

Rich sent Julia email to thanks for efforts and encouraged her to come to the BoD meetings.

9.1.4.Website - Ed Martin

Upgrading check request program

9.1.5.Scribe – Joan Schuman

9.1.6.Marketing – Marian McGregor/Tom Pomposo

Dec 8 – Christmas Party

Ski Shows went well (Norm and Scott)

Marian suggested everyone keep things positive

Movie Night on 15 Dec

Bowling night – Sandy

Ice Skating – Daniel

Tom working on a Valentine's Party

9.1.7.Travel – Janice Melena

Not in attendance

Concern over the Vail trip didn't work. Suggested the club get behind the Utah trip with BAC. Rich brought up the question about having a travel director.

ACTION: Paul to talk with Janice regarding promoting travel.

9.1.8.Social Media – Scott Bowker

Asked everyone to make sure people respond on meet-up as well

Scott thanked folks for helping with the Ski Shows

Rich requested Scott provide a write up regarding Social Media benefits and uses to the yahoo group.

ACTION: Scott to send info to yahoo groups on other Social Media options.

9.1.9.Property - Richard Fisher

Nothing New

9.1.10.Lodge – David Whetzell/Ellen Mogensen

Not Present

9.1.11.Race Team - Paul Vlasveld

Sent out email for race team

Ready to set up first race weekend

9.1.12.Sports & Activities - Georgiana Rudge

SJ Rep, Christmas in the Park

  1. Other Business

Nancy: Definition of Club Member has changed in the by-laws but not in the policy. Action of the committee for review of Policy and by-law document.

  1. Timeline Actions

11.1.Board to "appoint" a nominating committee for next election. This should be done at this meeting, as nominees need to be announced at the January general meeting -per By-Laws, Article VI-1.

Nominating committee can be from the board, but not the elected officials. Any volunteers? Paul, Nancy, Ed,

ACTION: Ed to talk with Joan about Scribe article

  1. Once around the room.

30 Day limit for reservations for the lodge…

Mark suggested that we make exceptions rather than change the rule.

Scott suggested make a rule change that changes the policy to be 90 days for events but leave it for individual reservations.

Rich to review documents for exact wording and will make a suggestion for rewriting via email.

ACTION: Rich to send out rewording suggestion.

Nancy stated appreciation for Ed's work on the website. Suggestion that maybe we need to think about a backup for Ed. Ed mentioned that he is working on a solution for this issue. Ed is documenting the information.

Scott would like to find out if the board is okay with having the general meetings in places other than Sports Basement. Consensus is to investigate this.

Followup on the "ride-share" email that was sent to the board about potentials.

ACTION: Marian/Georgiana to followup on this.

  1. Determine Date and location for next meeting

Jan 5, 2012 at Paul's House

  1. Adjournment

Moved by: Paul

Seconded by Marian

8:24 pm

ATTACHMENT 1: Example Email

Dear Apres Member: just a reminder, your membership is about to expire at the end of

this month. The Board has elected to forward a renewal application form to you by email, rather

than snail mail, which will go a long way to helping your club save costs. We have attached an

application form for you to complete. You may wish to mail the completed form (along with the

renewal fees) to our PO Box address or you may prefer to complete one on line - just go to our

website and click on the box on the right to complete the application form. As you know, you

can also send your renewal fees by PAYPAL. The reason we ask you to complete a new

application form is to update your information as well as cover waiver requirements.

Winter is almost here and a couple of ski resorts are already open. What better place to

spend your time in Lake Tahoe than at our lodge which has seen many upgrades this year

including a new carpet. Not only is the lodge a convenient and inexpensive place to stay but also

a fun place to get together with club members and friends in the evenings in front of the fire

sharing stories of the day. The summer days see members enjoying hikes, attending plays and

other pursuits around Lake Tahoe. As you already know, apart from our lodge, club members

can also enjoy many fun activities throughout the year in the Bay area, including hikes, trips to

the theater, and our summer barbecues among a few. In today’s economy the cost of renewing

your membership is small but the rewards immense.