Speech Team
Club Dues: $5 per semester OR $10 for the year
Join our Facebook page: Warren East Speech!!
Club Dues & Signed Rules due to Ms. Medlock beforeFall Break!
Rules & Expectations for 2011-2012 Season
- I will maintain a “C” average in all classes. I will show Ms. Medlock my progress reports each quarter. I cannot compete if I cannot keep up my grades.
- If I get in trouble at school and am suspended or placed in ALC, I cannot travel with the team. (Exceptions may be made for placement in ALC depending on the situation.) If you cannot be trusted at school, Ms. Medlock will NOT travel with you or have you represent WEHS.
- I must practice all of my events with the speech coach or other designated individual prior to a tournament to make sure I am ready to compete.
- I will replace all files pulled and help with the general organization of the speech materials. I will pick up after myself and not trash Ms. Medlock’s room.
- I will be on time for all functions of the speech team including practice and tournaments.
- I will help with fundraising to cover my entry fees. If I fail to sell items, or give money in place of those items, I will pay for my own entry fees. The speech teams pays for fees as long as you raise funds.
- I will dress appropriately while competing. Check with Ms. Medlock if you have any questions.
- If I drop an event after I sign up to attend a tournament, I must reimburse my drop fee(s) to Ms. Medlock by the Monday following the tournament or I will be added to the school debt list.
- If I fail to show up for a tournament, I only have one chance to compete again. I understand if I miss two tournaments, I am off the team.
- I will be respectful and “seen but not heard” at speech competitions in order to represent WEHS with PRIDE. People who may be your judges are observing you.
- I will pay any fines I accrue at tournaments for cell phone violations, etc.
- I will be responsible for taking home materials I need for competition (extemp files, folders, binders, etc.). Ms. Medlock does not have time before competitions to unlock the building to retrieve your items.
- I will respect Ms. Medlock’s decisions as to the pieces, categories, and partners with which I compete. As the coach, her judgments are for the best of the team.
- I will abide by all school rules on speech trips.
There may be other rules as the season progresses, but these are the most relevant ones to members right now. Your parent/guardian must also sign a Field Trip Permission Form which gives you permission to be transported by a WarrenCounty bus or van for the season. If you have any questions contact Ms. Medlock (781-1277 ext. 3151). Ms. Medlock will supervise the bus trips and afternoon practices. Thanks for your help! I am excited about being your coach!
Contact Info for Ms. Medlock – Email (preferred):
Senior (high school) Division Events
Broadcast Announcing, Dramatic Interp, Duo Interp, Extemporaneous Speaking, Humorous Interp, Impromptu Speaking, Improv Duo, Oratorical Declamation, Oratory, Poetry Interp, Prose Interp, and Storytelling
Dates to Remember
Speech Tournaments:
November 12th - WKUAlumni Swing @ WKU
December 10th - Senior Hilltopper @ WKU
*January 14th - Paducah Tilghman Tornado Alley Invitational
???? February 11th - Regionals @ BGHS ????
*???? March 9th & 10th - State @ ????
*Out-of-town competitions pending board approvals and availability of funds.
Speech Team Contract
For Students:
I agree to abide by the rules and expectations set forth by Ms. Medlock for Speech Team members.
Student signature Phone Student email
For Parents:
I have read the Speech Team rules and expectations. I agree to assist my child and the team to the best of my ability.
Parent signature Phone Parent email
Parents!! Keep reading!!
I am in need of chaperones and, more importantly, judges. If you can help me out this year, the team would greatly appreciate it and it will give you a chance to see some truly talented youth from across Kentucky and the continental United States. Please consider being a judge this year!
For Parents:
I am willing to judge and/or chaperone tournaments. Judges will be trained through Ms. Medlock, and all judges and/or chaperones must attend a volunteer workshop and complete a background screening through WEHS’s YouthServiceCenter.
Please circle one:Yes No
If yes, please list tournaments you are interested in or available to attend below.