Rockville CampusFaculty Council

To:Rockville Campus Full-Time Faculty Members

From:The Rockville Campus Faculty Council

Subject:Summary of Changes to the Rockville Campus Faculty Council Bylaws

The paragraphs below summarize the changes that were approved by the Rockville Faculty Council to its bylaws in Spring 2007. These changes require approval by 2/3 of Rockville’s voting full-time faculty members at the time that the bylaws are brought to a full-faculty vote in Fall 2007. The entire revised bylaws document will be distributed before the full-faculty vote.


In response to a request by the Middle States Working group, the Rockville Faculty Council assigned a subcommittee to review the current Rockville Faculty Council bylaws. After much discussion and input from various faculty members, the Faculty council approved the attached draft of the bylaws. Current procedures require that the changes to the Rockville Faculty Council bylaws must be approved by the Rockville Faculty. A summary of changes and their rationale is included below. Section numbers below refer to the sections in the current, not the revised, document.

Section 2.731, General

This section was reworded for clarity,and information regarding quorum requirements was moved to 2.733,Composition, Voting and Meeting.

Section 2.732, Functions

  1. Change responsibility for preparing list of nominees for Academic Assembly from Faculty Council to the Elections/Appointment Committee. Gives the Faculty Council authority to use discretion in a decision to replace faculty representatives to the Academic Assembly due to absences fromAssembly meetings.

Section 2.733 Composition, Voting and Meeting

A.Increases membership of Rockville Faculty Council to fifteen full-time faculty

members to reflect increase in numbers of Rockville faculty members and allow

for greater participation of faculty in campus governance. Two additional appointments to the Rockville Faculty Council will appear on the ballot for 2008- 2009.The individual receiving the largest number of votes of all candidates will be given a two-year appointment (eligible for re-election to another two-year appointment). The individual receiving the second largest number of votes of all candidates willbe given a one-year appointment(eligible for re-election to a two- year appointment). In the case of a tie, the2007-2008 Council will break the tie. Section A also defines a faculty member by reference to the MontgomeryCollege

Academic Assembly Constitution.

C.Change in number of faculty members required to request a special meeting of the

Council to eight to reflect change in total number of Council members.

D.Requires that the Faculty Council distribute agendas and approved minutes to all

members of the Rockville faculty and post the minutes on its website.

H.Incorporates information from paragraph two of section 2.731 in the current


Section 2.734 Selection of Members and Terms of Office

This section was edited for clarity. Responsibility for elections was changed from the Chair of the Faculty Council to the Elections/Appointments Committee. Additionally section E, number 2 from the current bylawswas deleted as Rockville Faculty Council members believe that there is no need to add to the nominations received from the faculty.

Section 2.735 Officers of the Faculty Council

  1. This section was edited for clarity.
  2. The faculty council vice-chair is now required to serve on the Elections/Appointment Committee but no longer required to chair that committee. The committee chair is now elected from among the committee members.

Section 2.741 (Rockville Faculty Council Committees) General

This section was edited for clarity. It also incorporates information on committee quorums from 2.743 H in the current bylaws.

Section 2.742Academic Appeals Committee

The section wasformerly a list of three Standing Committees: the Academic Appeals Committee, the Grade Dispute Committee, and Elections/
Appointments Committee. These standing committees now each have their own section. Section 2.742 becomes the description of the Academic Appeals Committee andis expanded to include bylaws pertaining to the Academic Appeals Committee. Guidelines for attendance to maintain student confidentiality are included. The chair of the Academic Appeals Committee is now elected by the committee. The section was also edited to reflect current Academic Regulation 9.44 “Disputed Final Course Grades”. Additional information regarding the Grade Dispute Committee Pool is listed in 2.744.

Section 2.743 The information in the current bylaws entitled “Duties Incumbent on All Faculty Council Standing Committees” was incorporated into the sections pertaining to the individual committees. This section now describes the Elections/Appointments Committee. A new description was writtento reflect the duties and makeup of this committee, which were not included in the current bylaws.

Section 2.744 The Academic Appeals Committee guidelines were moved to section 2.742 in the new proposal. This section now describes the make-up and duties of the Grade Dispute Committee Pool.

2.8Curriculum Advisor Persons (CAP) – Appointment, Duties and Term of Office

This section reflects changes voted on and approved by the Rockville faculty in 2007.

2.9Process for Amending the Rockville Faculty Council Bylaws

This section now includes a mandate for review of the bylaws at least every four years. It continues to allow for submission of changes before that time. Section D has been rewritten to define a quorum for approving changes to the bylaws as 51% or more of the full faculty and to require a 2/3 vote of the quorum to approve changes. This section also guarantees to faculty an opportunity to discuss proposed changes to the bylaws.