Application for Grant Funding

Email Completed Application with Attachments to:




  1. Perrysburg Rotarian Sponsor if applicable:

Contact phone:

  1. International / National / Local (Check one)
  2. Organization requesting funding:
  3. Contact at organization requesting funding:

Contact Address:

Contact Phone:

Contact E-mail:

Perrysburg Rotarians connection to Organization requesting funding:

  1. Funding request: $
  2. Requests in excess of $1,000 have additional requirements. Please see below.
  1. Timing: (When are the funds needed?)

When does the Requesting Organization need a response?

  1. How are funds to be used? (Short narrative description)

Other pertinent information:

Grantmaking – Application Procedures

1.The Perrysburg Rotary Service Foundation only considers applications submitted on the PRSF grant application template available at

2.Applicants must be qualified not-for-profit organizations.

3.Grant applicants requesting $1,000 or more or any other applicant at the Trustees’ discretion must furnish an electronic copy of the PRSF Grant Application Template along with the following attachments. Attachments may be consolidated into a Word document and must include:

  • Mission Statement
  • Board of Directors roster
  • Copy of the most recently filed IRS Form 990
  • Itemized Project Budget including any other proposed or committed funding streams
  • Agency’s most recent annual financial report

4. Applications and attachments should be forwarded electronically to the Perrysburg Rotary Service Foundation Secretary-Treasurer in care of .

5.Applications received by the last business day of the month will be reviewed by the PRSF Secetary-Treasurer for completeness. If all required elements are included, the packets will be forwarded in their entirety to both the Club Board of Directors and the Foundation Trustees.

6.The club board reviews each application, may refer to a committee as appropriate, and ultimately considers it at its next monthly meeting.

7.Internal committee (donor) requests or time-critical requests may be considered by the Trustees immediately at its discretion. The Club President will be consulted in these rare cases.

8.Applicants approved for funding should be prepared to furnish the Foundation an interim report within six months of the grant award and a final report within two months of the grant’s completion. This report may be in narrative form and should include program successes, challenges, a statement of outcomes met and, if appropriate, plans for sustaining the program or project beyond the PRSF funding stream. Agencies or programs that do not submit required reports may not be eligible for future funding.

Grantmaking – Application Considerations

  1. The Perrysburg Rotary Service Foundation only considers projects with community or international value. Capital, major, and non-recurring projects are preferred; requests for new projects will also be considered. Funds may only be given consistent with the purposes outlined in the Declaration of Trust revised July 25, 2014. The Trustees will give preference to grant applications by qualified 501(c)3 organizations.

2.Projects that include the personal volunteer involvement of members of the Rotary Club of Perrysburg are encouraged and will generally be given preferential consideration.

3.Requests to purchase office equipment and furnishings or to fund ongoing program expenses are generally not reviewed favorably.

4.Projects that will have an impact on the Perrysburg area, northern Wood County, or throughout northwest Ohio are preferred over those that will impact areas served by other Rotary Clubs. With respect to regional projects, those with indications of support by other Rotary Clubs in District 6600 are given preference.

5.Applicants should be prepared to appear before the Club Board, or the Foundation Trustees upon request.

6.Successful applicants must commit to provide appropriate documentation, requested final reports and photos, and agree to a presentation to a weekly club meeting as appropriate upon request.
