• Qualifying Examination

for non 10+2 (Hindi or English)

Expected in October, 2004

Text Books in 3 parts available - both in English & Hindi.

Price Rs. 100/- (with postage)

• Competitive Examination

15th December 2004

(for 10+2 pass and those selected from Qualifying Exam.)

TTA book for the competitive exam. now available

Price : Rs. 100 + Rs. 20 (Postage)

HINDI Book will be available shortly.

Books for qualifying exam are useful for the competitive test also.

(TTA Pre qualifying Exam. postponed to October' 04 and Limited Competitve Exam. to be held in December, 04)

Qualifying TTA Exam. Postponed

Orders have been issued postponding the examination scheduled for 14th Sep. due to "administrative reasons". In the Departmental Exam. Section there is no Jr. DDG for the past 4 months. The ADG who has not opted for BSNL, has been promoted and postal out. There is no body to conduct the exam. The BSNL could fill up the post and conduct the examination, the postponement of which is shocking. We shall meet the authorities and ensure that the exam. is held as early as possible.

Bonus: The BSNL Scheme is coming up for approval before the full Board Meeting on 30th Aug.

Option for LDTAs: The last date for option is 31st Aug. The promotional avenues of those who opt to remain as LD in Telecom have to be defined to enable them to excercise their options. We have written to the management to extend the last date for giving options.

Motivation for serving in rural areas: We have raised the issue. We understand that the management is also aware of the problem and is considering a solution. 

(Telecom September, 2004)

Prequalifying test-eligible cadres: No. TF-24/1(d) dtd. 16 July, 2004

Recruitment Rules of Telecom Technical Assistants(TTAs) 2001, vide BSNL letter No. 24-41/2001-Per III dated 27.7.2001 have been circulated.

40% of the vacancies are to be filled up by promotion through limited departmental competitive examination. The eligible cadres mentioned are TOA Sr. TOA, Telecom Mechanic and Technicians.

It has been agreed that those who do not possess 10+2 qualification can sit for a prequalifying test.

In some circles like Rajasthan for reckoning 5 years of service, the total service in eligible cadres is not taken together. For example an official who has put in 3 years of service as telecom mechanic and 3 years as Sr. TOA is not being allowed. It may please be clarified that the total service in the eligible cadres may be taken together for allowing officials to sit for the exam.

Only some cadres are mentioned; Cable splicers, and drivers are not mentioned. Those who have put is 5 years in these cadres may be allowed to sit in the qualify test.

It has been clarified vide BSNL letter 250-41/200/- Pers- IV (Part iii) dated 28.62004 that officials of the prescribed cadre employee in higher or same Pay Scale than that of TTA cadre should not be allowed to appear in the test.

Sr. TOAs who have put in 16 years of services, as TOa & Sr. TOA are in the scale of 5000-8000; According to this clarification such officials are not eligible to sit for the examination.

It is desirable that operative staff switch over to technical cadres. Permitting of Sr. TOA in OTBP/BCR to sit for TTA exam will be desirable from this angle.

It may be recalled that OTBP/BCR and even grade - IV officials were permitted to switch-over to restructured cadre and they were given an additional increment vide DOT No. 19-4/93-TE II dated 12.10.93 (copy enclosed for ready reference.)

It is requested that clarification given in BSNL letter No. 250-41/2001 Pers -III (Per -II) dated 26-6-2004 may please be modified.

The other clarification sought may also be issued. 

Book for TTA Competitive Exams.

The book for the TTA Competitive Exams. is now ready for sale (from 6th September) The Hindi translation is being made and would soon be ready.

Cost of a set of two books is Rs. 120/- including Postage of Rs. 20/-.

Increase in price is due to inclusion of additional meterial and translation cost.

All interested in acquiring the books should sent the money by DD favouring Secy. Gen., NFTE (BSNL) and payable at Delhi. Avoid sending MO: