From Family Support Work:


hank you for your support with the donations from Harvest – it really makes a difference to the lives of the families we work with. For many families in low paid employment there simply isn’t enough money to go around. This means that sometimes food is short, or it may be that toiletries aren’t bought – but the gifts that the Churches across the Diocese bring to FSW really do make a difference.

A box that was sent out recently was to a family who have just had a caravan holiday – the first family holiday ever and the supply of food from FSW topped off the week for them. Imagine that you struggle to pay your bills and feed your family, even though you are working. Then you have the children home for 6 weeks without school lunches, or perhaps 2 or 3 children including a teenager with hollow legs - how do you cope? Where will the extra food come from? In the summer months we see the need for food boxes increase as that school meal is missed; so it really does make a difference.

Over the year we will support a family with top ups for the basics such as pasta, beans and soup, along with cereals and pasta sauce, but we also send out treats at Christmas and during the summer months. Please be sure that your food not only makes a difference, but is really appreciated.

On behalf of all the families we feed across Sussex, thank you for your generous gifts.

Martin Auton-Lloyd, Director, Family Support Work

Sunday – “The Lord’s Day”

Last Sunday after Trinity

East Dean

9.30am Parish Praise


11.00am Morning Prayer, (bcp)


11.15am Parish Praise and Family Worship

(with grateful thanks to allthe gifted peoplewithin all three Churches who give their time and expertise in creating

beautiful flower arrangements)

New or visiting? Welcome!

If you are here for the first time, do introduce yourselves to us afterwards.

Coffee is served after most 9.30am services at East Dean, and at Jevington on some Sundays.

 If you take communion at another church regularly, do feel free to join us in receiving the bread and wine here if it is communion. Alternatively, you can come up for a prayer (please keep your arms at your side) or stay seated in the pew.

 The offering is primarily for our regular

congregation, so please feel free to give or not, as you wish!

 Do ask for details of our next Christianity Explored and Alpha courses.

We hope to see you again soon!

Printed & published by the PCCs of East Dean

with Friston & Jevington. Charity Registration No.1131638

The Rectory, Gilberts Drive, East Dean BN20 ODL

Rector: Revd David Baker, the Rectory (as above).

Tel: 423266. E-mail: