Parent Handbook

314Carmel Drive

Fort Walton Beach, Florida




Grow With Us Learning Academyrecognizes the many differences among our students and appreciates each child as a unique individual. We teach through age appropriate activities while believing children learn best through hands on experiences. All the while, we must remember that because children are different, they will all learn differently, and at different rates. Our role as teachers is to be enthusiastic, reassuring, creative and positive. The experiences that children have while they are with us will affect their feelings toward school, other children, adults, and the world around them. We acknowledge that their feelings matter. Their joy is shared, sadness is comforted, and accomplishments are praised. Through our loving staff’s preparation, we can help insure that the feelings and attitudes they develop will be positive and full of joy and anticipation.

Enrollment Policy

There are several forms that make up Grow With Us Learning Academyenrollment packet. This enrollment packet must be completed and in our possession before we can assume the responsibility of caring for your child. This is to ensure that your child will get the very best care possible and satisfies the record keeping requirements of state licensing guidelines. All forms will be renewed annually. If there are any changes that need to be made, please notify our staff in order to keep your child’s records up to date. It is very important to make sure we have the correct phone numbers to reach you at all times.

There is a $50 Non-Refundable registration fee per family at the time of enrollment.

Withdraw Policy

If you decide to withdraw your child from our care a written 2-week notice is required.

If you terminate your child’s care with us and are gone for more than 90 days and wish to return toGrow With Us Learning Academy, a $25 re-application fee will be due at time of re-enrollment.


Your specific rates will be outlined in your Parental Agreement. Tuition is payable in advance and is due no later than closing on Friday each week for the following week’s care, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon. A late fee of $5 will be assessed if payment has not yet been received by closing on Friday. An additional $10 ($15 total) late fee will be assessed if not paid by closing time on Monday. Thereafter an additional daily $10 will be assessed until payment is received. Repeated late payments may be grounds for termination and parents who are more than 2 weeks late on payments will be denied childcare until your account is made current. The success of our center depends upon prompt payment of tuition in order to take care of day-to-day expenses.

If a check is returned for non-sufficient funds, there will be a $35 fee incurred as result. Child care services may be halted until full payment of tuition and NSF charges had been made in CASH. In addition, upon the second returned check, only cash will be accepted for your child’s tuition.


After you have been enrolled with Grow With Us for a year and have a current balance, you will be allotted one week vacation with no charge. You must give the office a two-week notice before your vacation in order for us to process the credit.

Arrival and Departures

It is perfectly normal for young children to have some doubts about being away from their parents. Like adults, children need time to adjust to a new environment. You should communicate openly with your child in advance about the new people that they will get to know and the new things that he/she will be doing. For “first timers”, it is normal for your child to be hesitant and/or become upset about being separated from you. It is important that you leave them with a good-bye hug and kiss in reassurance that you will come back for them later in the day. Our loving staff will take over from there. Feel free to call the school at any time to check in. Remember that we are here to help you work through any transitional situations that arise.

It is required by state law that all parents clock their child in and out each day. Each person on your child’s enrollment form, who is authorized to pick them up, will have their own unique code to use to clock your child in and out.

Children will not be allowed to leave the facility with anyone other than the parents, guardians, or persons authorized to pick them up as designated on the enrollment application. In an emergency situation when a parent has to phone in and give permission for someone other than those persons listed on the child’s enrollment form to pick up from Grow With Us Learning Academya child release form must be filled out by the designated person picking up your child. The form provides specific information we must have before releasing your child to an unknown adult. The name as it appears on the driver’s license of the person picking up your child must be given when phoned in by the parent/guardian.

A $1.50 per minute late fee will be assessed for all children picked up after closing. This must be paid in cash at the time of pickup, or before the child’s next regularly scheduled day. This will be strictly enforced, and habitual tardiness may result in termination of care.


Continuity and consistency are important elements in your child’s growth and development. Regular attendance will contribute to a smooth adjustment to the school setting. Please have your child in class no later the 9:00am if at all possible. Otherwise he/she is missing the most critical instruction time of the day. Please call the office as soon as possible and let us know if your child will be absent. No refunds will be given for absences.

Severe Weather/Emergency Conditions

If Grow With Us Learning Academycloses due to severe weather or emergency situation, it is the parents responsibility to pick up their children and get them safely home. We will remain open with the exception of extraordinary weather/emergency situations. You may call the school regarding late openings/early closings should the weather make road conditions unsafe for travel. If you call after school hours, a recording will be available to inform you if the school will be closed on the following school day.

Medication Policy

Grow With Us Learning Academywill not administer any prescriptions or over the counter pharmaceuticals to your child without a doctor note and/or prescription in its original packaging with the prescription number showing. Parents/Guardians are allowed to come do so themselves when there is no doctor’s note on file.

Heath/Illness Policy

Upon enrollment, a record of immunizations, and current physical exam must be provided. These forms are available from your child’s pediatrician or the health clinic. Parents are responsible for providing updated immunization forms each time that their child receives new immunizations. Your child will not be permitted to attend Grow With Us Learning Academy until these three forms are provided.

Should your child become ill during the day, we will contact you. We ask you pick your child up promptly within one hour of us contacting you. When you pick up your child a form will be provided with the necessary guidelines to be taken by you before your child can return to school. There are samples of these guidelines listed below for your convenience.

  • If a child has a fever over 100 degrees, the child will be isolated from the other children until you arrive to pick them up. The child may not return to school for 24 hours from the time you are contacted.
  • Any child that vomits will be isolated from the other children until you arrive to pick them up. The child may not return to school for 24 hours from the time he/she vomited.
  • Any child that has excessive green or yellow mucous running from their nose for 2 consecutive days will not be allowed to return to school without a doctor’s note or until mucous is clear in color.
  • Any child with conjunctivitis (pink eye) will be isolated from the other children until you arrive to pick them up. They must be on doctor prescribed medicine for 24 hours before returning to school with a doctor’s note.
  • Any child that is diagnosed with strep throat must be on doctor prescribed medicine for 24 hours before they may return with a doctor’s note.
  • Any child that has diarrhea 2 times in a day will be isolated from the other children until you arrive to pick them up. The child may not return to school for 24 hours from the time of the last diarrhea.
  • Any child with severe coughing, eye discharge or unexplained rash will be isolated from the other children until you pick them up. The child may not return to school without a doctor’s note or until the symptoms are gone.

Emergency Medical Procedure

In the event of a serious injury, serious illness, or adverse reaction to medication, we will take appropriate emergency action and contact you immediately. We will attempt to contact you first, but if we are unable to reach you, we will abide by the child’s physician’s instructions. If the child’s physician cannot be reached, the schools on call physician will be contacted. The school’s on-call physician is:

Fort Walton Beach Medical Center

1000 Mar-Walt Drive

Fort Walton Beach, Fl 32547


Lunches should be sent from home each day. Please pack nutritional finger foods in easily opened containers for your child. Milk, water, or 100% juice should be included, as well as an ice pack. Make sure all food comes to school ready to eat. Teachers will only be allowed to re-heat (previously cooked) food in the microwave for children. Toddlers (age two and under) should bring in two sippy cups in their lunch box. One should be filled for lunch and the other we will use for snack time. Please do not send candy, soda, or sugary snacks in your child’s lunch. We ask you to follow as close to the Standard Nutritional Guidelines as possible.

Snack Time

Grow With Us Learning Academywill provide your child with anutritious snack once in the morning and once in the afternoon.


All children will participate in activities geared towards the development of large motor skills. This includes play time on the playground. Playtime is a fun and safe time for children. Teachers continue to interact and watch children closely while they are in larger areas. Playtime will be outside for the most part, except on extremely cold, hot or rainy weather.

Personal belongings

For safety reasons, please do not allow your child to bring personal toys, candy, coins, or other small items to school. Grow With Us Learning Academy will not be responsible for any personal items lost or damaged at the facility.


Dress your child in clothing for play and outdoor activities. Select clothing that is washable, sturdy, and free of complicated fastenings. For preschoolers, pants that the child can easily button and unbutton will be helpful.

Please send a full change of clothing for your child in a zip lock bag. The change of clothes will remain in your child’s cubby until such a time that it may be needed. Please label your child’s clothing and bag with their name.


Birthday parties can be observed during lunch or snack time. Cookies are suggested rather than cake. Parties should be kept simple: cookies, drink, party napkins, and cups. Invitations to individual birthday parties can only be handed out if all the children in the class receive one.

Friend Referrals

We offer a Friend Referral Program. Each family you refer who enrolls full time with us will add a $25.00 credit to your account. The Family enrolling will receive free registration.

Parent Involvement

Grow With Us Learning Academy has an open door policy. We encourage parents to become involved in our program by assisting in occupational experiences, show and tell, and holiday events.

We believe that parent/teacher dialogue is very important in fostering a healthy balance between home and school. Daily communication between parents and teachers is extremely encouraged. We do ask you to remember that while our teachers are working, their attention to the children is at upmost importance and long conversations jeopardize the children’s safety.

Quick List of Needed Items – some items may not be applicable.

Immunization record




Change of clothes

Child’s Name: (Last)FirstMiddle
Birth dateAge Gender
Mother’s NameEmail Address
Address City Zip
Home Phone Cell Phone
Employment Work Phone
Father’s NameEmail Address
Address City Zip
Home Phone Cell Phone
Employment Work Phone

Child lives with: MotherFatherBothOther

The child may be released to the person signing this agreement and to the person(s) listed below:

Name Address/City/ZipPhone Relationship
Name Address/City/ZipPhone Relationship
Name Address/City/ZipPhone Relationship
Local resident to contact in the event of an emergency who the child may be released to when parents cannot be reached:
Child’s Physician Phone
Child’s DentistPhone
How I heard about Grow With Us Learning Academy

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Grow With Us Learning Academy accommodates all religious holidays and celebrations. We do our best to include all children in teaching about each other’s cultural backgrounds and beliefs. Parent participation is encouraged.


Parent Signature Date

  • Section 65C-22.006(2), F.A.C., requires a current physical examination (Form 3040) and immunization record (Form 680 or 681) within 30 days of enrollment.
  • Section 402.3125(5), F.S., requires that parents receive a copy of the Child Care Facility Brochure, “Know your Child Care Facility” (CF/PI 175-24. You can find this on our website;
  • Section 65C.22.006(3)(c)2., F.A.C., requires that parents are notified in writing of the disciplinary practices used by the child facility.
  • Information detailing the causes, symptoms, and transmission of the influenza (flu) virus.

Your signature below indicates that you have received the above items and that the information on this enrollment form is complete and accurate.

______Parent Signature Date

Student’s Personal Record

This form will help us better understand your child and will be kept in their teacher’s file.

Child’s Name / Date of Birth
Mother’s Name / Occupation
Father’s Name / Occupation
Legal Guardian
Siblings Names & Ages
What languages are spoken in your home?
Does your child have pets? If yes, what are the names of your pets?
Is your child toilet trained?(If applicable)
Does your child have any known allergies?
Is this your child’s first experience in child care?
Does your child have a security object?
Please list some of your child’s favorite things. (Books, songs, places, etc.…)
When is your child the happiest?
How can we help your child when they are upset?
How does your child like to be laid down for a nap?
What is most important to you pertaining to the care and education of your child while in our care?
Please include any other information about your child that would be helpful.
Are there any special markings or birthmarks on your child?

314 Carmel Drive

Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548

Parental Agreement

  1. Tuition for ______at Grow With Us Learning Academy for the ______School Year/Summer Program is $______weekly/Monthly.

He/She will attend Grow With Us Learning Academy on Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Aprox. Times ______

  1. I agree to pay tuition on every Friday for the care of my child for the following week. Payment is considered late if not paid by closing on Fridays. A late fee of $5 will be assessed if payment has not yet been received by closing on Friday. An additional $10 ($15 total) late fee will be assessed if not paid by closing time on Monday. Thereafter an additional daily $10 will be assessed until payment is received. If a late fee is accessed please contact the office to resolve this issue because unfortunately, if the tuition plus late fee exceeds two weeks a notice of forfeiture will be given.
  2. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to keep my child’s records current to reflect any significant changes as they occur, i.e. telephone numbers, work location, emergency contacts, child’s physician, child’s health status and immunization records.
  3. I have received a copy of the Behavior Guidance Policy.
  4. In the event of an emergency and the parents cannot be contacted, I authorize Grow With Us Learning Academyon my behalf to obtain professional medical assistance for my child.
  5. Grow With US Learning Academy operates on an “Open Door Policy” and “Family Orient Environment”. Please feel free to stop by anytime during normal hours of operation.
  6. I have read the Grow With Us Learning Academy Parent Handbook and agree to follow all of the guidelines and procedures stated by signing below.
  7. I have received a copy of the brochure “Know Your Child Care Facility” from the Florida Department of Children & Families.
  8. I have received a copy of the brochure on “Influenza Virus, The Flu, A Guide to Parents” form the Florida Department of Children & Families.

Signature (Parent or Guardian) ______Date ______