SOA-RM SC Conference Call,
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
- Agenda -
A: Administrivia
1. Roll call
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Note taker appointed
4. Agenda Bashing / approval of agenda
5. Approval of minutes from last meeting.
5b. Next face to face in San Francisco. Schedule and times (need owner locally to take control)
B: Taskus Genuineus
6. Liason Reports:
i: SOA Blueprints report
ii: report from SOA RA SC (Frank)
7. Specific Issues:
- Status of CD 1.0. out for public review (ends April 14)
- SOA RA comments list:
- Owners for issues 508-518 (more if present by Wed) to propose resolutions.
8. Other Business
Link to Meeting Attendees
Link to Meeting Notes
Link to Meeting Actions
- Meeting Attendees -
Kathryn Breininger
Peter Brown
Jeff Estefan
Don Flinn
Ken Laskey
Mathew MacKenzie
Francis McCabe
Gregory Kohring
Tom Merkle
Jyoti Namjoshi
Duane Nickull
Joseph Pantella
Sally St. Amand
Michael Stiefel
Danny Thornton
- Meeting Notes -
A – Administrative – Duane Nickell Chaired meeting
1. Roll Call: Duane conducted Roll Call
2. Determination of Quorum: Quorum Achieved
3. Note Taker Assigned: Danny Thornton
4. Agenda Bashing/Approval of Agenda: Nothing added to Agenda.
5. Approval of minutes from last meeting: March 8th Meeting Minutes Approved
5b. Next face to face in San Francisco. Schedule and times (need owner locally to take control)
Action Item: Set Agenda for Face to Face in San Francisco, Distribute information about where we are meeting.
Frank McCab Volunteer: Help setup and distribute meeting times for Face to Face meetings.
Presanta Behera and Charlton Barreto Volunteer: Help with Social side of Face to Face meetings.
If no major changes to RM, then SOA RM could be put forward as an OASIS standard after Face to Face meetings.
B - Taskus Genuineus
6. Liason Reports:
i: SOA Blueprints report
No Report
ii: report from SOA RA SC (Frank)
The RA is coming close to having agreement for the requirements of the architecture. There will still be more work to nail down the requirements but they are taking shape. The RA is an abstract architecture which is representative of a species of SOA.
The SOA RA is planned to be completed in a year.
A rough text for the RA should be done by the summer.
The RA requirements can be viewed on the RA Wiki page.
Action Item: Update the SOA RM home page to SOA RA.
Duane Volunteer
If RM does not have a telecon, then the RA will take the time.
Action Item: Bring Security Expertise to the SOA RA work.
Tom Merkle Volunteer: Will get Global Justice Group involved to help with security issues along with a couple of other agencies.
Don Flinn Volunteer: Will help with Security on the RA.
The next part the RA will define the architectural theme. This will decide the overall style of the RA. Volunteers are encouraged to participate in this process.
7. Specific Issues:
- Status of CD 1.0. out for public review (ends April 14)
- SOA RA comments list:
- Owners for issues 508-518 (more if present by Wed) to propose resolutions.
Action Item: Send issue responses to the SOA RM Mailing list. In the header, add ‘Response’ and the issue number.
Owners Of Action Item Responses send e-mail.
Don Flinn Volunteer: Will add issue responses to the issues spread sheet.
Issues 508 – 512
Review SOA RM Document for ambiguous meanings. For example, search for ‘function’ and see if it is used ambiguously in different parts of the document.
Action Item: Provide responses for issues 508-512
Frank McCabe and/or Ken Laskey Volunteer
Issue 513
Resolved with no changes to the SOA RM – TC response to be provided.
Action Item: Provide response for issue 513.
Danny Thornton and/or Duane Nickell Volunteer
Issue 514
Issue 515
Denied. Cannot be added as a contributor. Not approved by company primary representative.
Issue 516
Issue 517
Resolved with no changes to the SOA RM – TC response to be provided.
Discussion is at the architectural level. The reference model is expressed at a higher level than the architectural level.
Action Item: Provide response for issue 517
Danny Thornton and/or Duane Nickell Volunteer
Issue 518
Intermediaries where discussed when the SOA RM was drafted. Probably out of scope. Capturing the aspect of an intermediary not being able to absolve itself of responsibility seems to be what the comment is trying to say. Concept of visibility is also relevant to comment.
Action Item: Provide Response for issue 518
Peter Brown Volunteer
Issue 519
Action Item: Provide response to issue 519
Jeff Estefan Volunteer
Action Item: RA Subcommittee Members review RM-ODP for SOA RA work. Jeff will upload more information to KAVI.
Issue 520
Resolved with no changes to the SOA RM.
Action Item: Provide response to issue 520
Peter Brown Volunteer
Issue 521
Review SOA RM for weakening of argument made in the comment. Transparent and translucent is out of scope for RM. Adding a reference to ISO 19119, a pay for document, would be against OASIS policy.
Action Item: Provide response to issue 521
Frank McCabe Volunteer
Issue 522
Accepted – Change SOA RM, line 449, to state “Changing the data in the bank statement is not the same as changing the amount in the account.”
Action Item: Provide update to SOA RM for issue 522
Frank McCabe Volunteer
Discussion of arrows in the SOA RM diagrams and consistency. Figure 8 diagram is not consistent with arrows. Provide an explanation of the arrows.
Action Item: Provide proposal for diagram consistency of arrow usage and explanation.
Ken Laskey Volunteer
Discussion of changing Shared State to Shared View. Line 142 has a dependency on state. Shared View cannot be a straight substitute for Shared State. There is shared state and individuals have shared views of that state.
Action Item: Provide proposal for using shared view in the SOA RM.
Ken Laskey Volunteer
8. Other Business
Should SOA RM TC members and SOA RA SC members be given the authority to engage vendors in a way that would be supportive and beneficial to the ongoing SOA RM & RA TC work?
Verify the IPR policy is not violated.
Action Item: Verify with Jamie Clark that TC member and vendor interaction is not a violation of IPR policy.
Danny Thornton Volunteer
- Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PST -
- Meeting Actions -
Action Item: Set Agenda for Face to Face in San Francisco, Distribute information about where we are meeting.
Frank McCab Volunteer: Help setup and distribute meeting times for Face to Face meetings.
Presanta Behera and Charlton Barreto Volunteer: Help with Social side of Face to Face meetings.
Action Item: Update the SOA RM home page to SOA RA.
Duane Volunteer
Action Item: Bring Security Expertise to the SOA RA work.
Tom Merkle Volunteer: Will get Global Justice Group involved to help with security issues along with a couple of other agencies.
Don Flinn Volunteer: Will help with Security on the RA.
Action Item: Send issue responses to the SOA RM Mailing list. In the header, add ‘Response’ and the issue number.
Owners Of Action Item Responses send e-mail.
Don Flinn Volunteer: Will add issue responses to the issues spread sheet.
Action Item: Provide responses for issues 508-512
Frank McCabe and/or Ken Laskey Volunteer
Action Item: Provide response for issue 513.
Danny Thornton and/or Duane Nickell Volunteer
Action Item: Provide response for issue 517
Danny Thornton and/or Duane Nickell Volunteer
Action Item: Provide response for issue 518
Peter Brown Volunteer
Action Item: Provide response to issue 519
Jeff Estefan Volunteer
Action Item: Provide response to issue 520
Peter Brown Volunteer
Action Item: Provide response to issue 521
Frank McCabe Volunteer
Action Item: Provide update to SOA RM for issue 522
Frank McCabe Volunteer
Action Item: Provide proposal for diagram consistency of arrow usage and explanation.
Ken Laskey Volunteer
Action Item: Provide proposal for using shared view in the SOA RM.
Ken Laskey Volunteer
Action Item: Verify with Jamie Clark that TC member and vendor interaction is not a violation of IPR policy.
Danny Thornton Volunteer
Action Item: RA Subcommittee Members review RM-ODP for SOA RA work. Jeff will upload more information to KAVI