Board Meeting Minutes
Location: 300 Bowl, Waterford Michigan 48328
May 23, 2017
Call to Order: The meeting was convened at 6:30 p.m.
Establish Quorum: Quorum met with 4 attending Board members
Attending: Diana Lucas, Shawn Fayne, Ron Fenton, Mike See. Land Arc Property Management representatives; Sasha Clark, Community Manager, Stephanie Bickers, CFO
Absent: Murray Feldman, Nick Pranis, Howard Silverman
Co-owner Concerns:
#1 Roberto Quiroz reported having had water in his crawl space for some time. He was informed that the ranch units have been inspected by LandArc and a report with recommendations was recently completed. The solutions will be addressed shortly.
#33 Linda Anderson indicated that there are bare spots in the grass where equipment was driven near the garages. A work order has been submitted to seed these areas. She also reported that the bottom of the door entrances have thresholds that are not flat. A work order will be made.
#46 Ann Luyckx requested that the meeting agenda be included on announcements and flash emails. She inquired about the survey of co-owners and future projects. The board will consider the survey in the 2018 budget. She asked about the total cost of the beach renovation project and was informedas to the amounts spent to date.
#37 Joanne Morse reported that her garage as well as others flood when there are heavy rains and winds.This problem is long standing and not totally solvable due to the grade of the driveways, etc.
#75 Connie Pensavecchia requested that a rendering of the beach project be posted on the
LandArc website. This will be done promptly.
#81 Dave Orr asked about the status of the goose control. He was informed that the next round of spraying the lawn will take place as soon as the weather permits, meaning 3 days of no rain.
#55 Doug Moffatt asked that board meetings be totally open to co-owners. The board will discuss this issue.
#65 Ron Rudnicki inquired about the possibility of parking stickers for co-owners and did not think it feasible. It was pointed out that contractors are taking up several spaces in the parking lot by parking sideways instead of parallel, people who are neither guests no co-owners are parking on the property and co-owners are parking three or more cars on the property. There seems to be a shortage of parking places especially in the summer. The board has postponed discussion and implementation of a parking system till a later date.
Open Session Closed: 7:00 p.m.
Reports of Officers:
- Secretary Report: Meeting minutes of the April 25, 2017 PCCA Board meeting were reviewed by Ron Fenton. AMOTION WAS MADE to approve the the April 12, 2017 minutes and was approved unanimously.
- Financial Report— Stephanie Bickers (LandArc): It is reported that PCCA is on target with respect to the 2017 budget and operating expenses. The projects for this year are within the $51,000 allotment. She recommended that the board watch the boat fund reserves and consider raising fees.
New Business / General Discussion
- Management Report: The Board was presented with the open jobs report.
- It was decided that estimates be obtained for new doors for the entrances of the 3 buildings.
- Gutters need repair/replacement on the garages at the west end of the property.
o Green mold on the north side of the buildings and other areas need power washing.
o Parking to be discussed at the June meeting.
o A complaint was submitted about #3575 S. Spatafore for having three vehicles in her drive way and the garage is overflowing with personal belongings causing an eyesore
o LandArc will obtain a second bid for power washing the in garage in building 5.
o LandArc was asked to repair the furniture at the swimming pool.
o It was decided to send a repair bill to F. Atty #25 for damaging the hallway carpeting in bldg.
2. He has been notified that he is responsible for the damages.
o A MOTION WAS MADE and seconded to purchase furniture for the beach. The amount is
under $3500. Motion passed unanimously.
o There will be a dumpster on the property for the week of June 1, 2017.
Executive session: Delinquencies were discussed
Adjourn: 8:15 p.m.
Next scheduled meeting isJune 27, 2017 at 300 Bowl
Email vote: A MOTION WAS MADE on 5/30/2017 that the final cost to complete the beach renovation be deferred to the 2018 budget. The motion passed with a simple majority with one abstention.