- HKCSS 2012-17 Strategic Objectives 策略目標 (in 2012-13 Business Plan)
- Identify & analyze the “pulse” and “needs” of society through aligning insights gathered from the sector with other stakeholders perspectives and concerns.
- Articulate fact-based social development agenda and advocate for policy/service response and change actions.
- Engage key stakeholders in partnership platforms to raise awareness and for joint actions on social agenda.
- Enhance capacity of the sector to become a responsive, accountable, effective and engaging platform for social change.
- Effect social change through (i) policy recommendation, (ii) enhance service response, (iii) build ally collaboration platform and (iv) increase public awareness and support for the social agenda.
- CB Objectives and Key Result Areas
CB / Objectives and KRAs
(in 2012-13 Business Plan) / Scope of Work of CB
(in 2010 Organization Review Conclusion) / Key Performance Statistics (
in HKCSS Annual Report 2011-2012)
Service Development /
- Objective: Advocate for the Long Term and Sustainable Welfare Development
- Objective: Identify New Directions & Foster Innovations in Service Provision
KRA 3: Enhance Support to Families
KRA 4: Advocate Service Improvement for Special Need Groups
- Objective: Enhance and Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Social Services
- Objective: Engage Supporters and Empower Users’ Participation
- Identify, build and articulate welfare agenda in response to social needs and advocate for improvement of concerned policies and services.
- Engage and mobilize the service sector to understand and support the social/sector development agenda advocated by the Council.
- Identify service needs with the Sector and inform the Government, the public and other stakeholders.
- Initiate and participate in welfare planning, service review and enhancement to reflect and consolidate views of the Sector, supported by data and analysis on social needs and recommendations on service solutions.
- Support & empower users groups to articulate their needs and to participate in enhancing policies and services to address their situations.
- Promote pioneering and innovative service response with the Sector to meet the needs; fill service gaps and scale up innovation to create higher social impact.
- Promote evidence-based practice and best practice sharing to enhance service quality and effectiveness.
- Enhance cross-service and multi-disciplinary understanding and collaboration in meeting community needs.
- Foster networking and exchanges with international and regional counterparts for development of local welfare agenda, the application of related international conventions, experience sharing and practice advancement.
Number of participants attended in 2012 Welfare Agenda Setting Exercise (including Sector Forum and Annual Meeting with SWD): 506
Number of meeting hours in collaboration with professionals: 41,599
Number of service networks (organizations involved): 18 (359)
Number of participants involved in Senior Citizen’s Day, IDDP, and Happy Family Kitchen: 68,850
Policy Advocacy and Research /
- Objective: Engage and build communication platform with government, policy makers and media in advocating
- Objective: Identify social issues and advocate for just and fair social policies and legislation
- Objective: Measure and advocate for social development
- Objective: Research on social services, to support communication and analysis of social issues and agenda
- Objective: Support for social enterprises and social entrepreneurship
- Set social development agenda and advocate for just and fair social policies and legislations.
- Coordinate and conduct policy and service researches. Support service teams in compiling service needs data profile, evidence-based documentation and impact assessment.
- Monitor and inform the welfare sector and the public of the trends and challenges of social development in Hong Kong.
- Respond to and monitor the implementation of existing and newly proposed policies and legislations related to social welfare and social development.
- Enhance the government, policy makers’ and the public’s understanding and adoption of recommendations and viewpoints of the Council.
- Bring in global social development agenda and benchmark international experience for developing local agenda and learning.
- Promote and monitor the observance of international conventions related to social welfare and social development.
Number of people involved in social development forums: 500
Number of young students reached in the Foresee HK project: 1,100
Number of social enterprises liaised through the Council network: 368
Sector and Capacity Development /
- Objective: Become a Knowledge & Resource Hub for NGOs in Hong Kong
KRA 2: Norm Setting
KRA 3: Operation Enhancement
- Objective: Develop NGO Management Capacity & NGO Leaders
KRA 5: Network and influence
- Objective: Collaboration Platform amongst NGOs in HK, Mainland and Beyond
KRA 7: Promoting Cross-straits-4-regions exchange
- Objective: Preferred ICT service provider promoting digital inclusion
KRA 9: Digital Inclusion /
- Identify, build and promote agenda to build a sustainable, accountable, efficient and effective sector.
- Communicate to multi stakeholders to enlist support to the sector development agenda.
- Engage and mobilize Agency Members to understand and support the social/sector development agenda advocated by the Council.
- Enhance liaison, communication and co-operation among Agency Members.
- Identify needs of Agency Members, provide support and services and promote joint problem solving.
- Promote membership development, review membership criteria and update membership status.
- Monitor policies and practices related to the subvention/funding systems of the Government and other major funders.
- Support, enhance and develop the Sector’s capacity in effective and efficient organizational management and service delivery.
- Build platforms and facilitate the Sector’s development through exchanges and collaboration with the Mainland and international social sector.
- Support and facilitate the use of information and communication technology by the Sector in organizational management and service delivery.
Number of overseas and mainland delegations received (visitors): 33(588)
Number of training programmes offered by the HKCSS Institute (participant-times): 190 (6,248)
Number of NGOs involved in salary survey: 86
Number of system development and IT projects for NGOs: 25
Public Engagement and Partnership /
- Objective: Engage business sector to better understand & support social agenda, act to make positive social changes
KRA 2: Incubation of partnership projects that draw efforts from business sector in social clauses
KRA 3: Set framework and benchmarking of local CSR practices
- Objective: Engage philanthropy sector to better understand & support social agenda, collaborate to make positive changes
KRA 5: Incubation of partnership projects that draw efforts from philanthropy sector in social clauses
KRA 6: Set framework and benchmarking of philanthropy practices
- Objective: Enhance public awareness of social agenda and issues, nurture people and supporters to the sector
KRA 8: Make attitude changes through use of social media
KRA 9: Set framework for community activities for community groups /
- Promote partnership of the Council and the Sector with other professional and third sector organizations, and the Government in enhancing social welfare development.
- Provide platform for the public, including business, professional and philanthropic sectors, to give inputs in the social agenda setting process.
- Nurture buy-in and supports from business, professional and philanthropic sectors to the social agenda and services.
- Build a caring and sustainable society through advancing corporate social responsibility practices and philanthropy.
- Promote public understanding of social welfare services and image of the Council and the Sector to strengthen public support.
- Enhance NGOs accountability and transparency to strengthen public trust.
- Enhance public education and engagement towards building a caring & inclusive society.
Number of caring company patron club members: 52
Number of participants for training activities organized by HKCSS-CSR Institute: 1,200
Number of charities listed in WiseGiving website: 217
Number of private donors / charitable foundations served by WiseGiving: 66