Completed Items
Item No / Item / DateRaised / Who is responsible / Outcome
1 / Allegation Process
Patsy Molloy/Roisin Raffety to provide a sample of the information to Mike Kelly and Heather McMurdo / March 2012 / Patsy Molloy & Roisin Rafferty / April 2012 / Completed. Copy of leaflet sent.
Roisin and Patsy informed Mike Kelly how well organised the group was and also thought the questions that they asked were excellent and very relevant.
2 / E-safety
Heather McMurdo to send Cathy Starbuck the documents on the piece of work Chatterbox carried out around the internet and mobile phone safety / March 2012 / Heather McMurdo / April 2012 / Completed Heather has sent Cathy the documentation MK would also like to say that Cathy had enjoyed attending the meeting and thought the input was excellent
3 / Cathy Starbuck to supply questions to Heather McMurdo to be put in the next newsletter / March 2012 / Cathy Starbuck / April 2012 / Completed. Questionnaire has been sent to Heather
4 / Complaints
Young people opted for the report with the balloon format within it. The report will be sent to Heather McMurdo with data from 2011-2012 / March 2012 / Tim Whittle / April 2012 / Completed The report will be forwarded to Heather by as soon as the Leadership Team have signed it off, to go into the next available newsletter
5 / Ofsted Viewing Young Peoples Files
It is the responsibility of Salford City Council to inform Ofsted if a young person did not want them to view their files or speak to them. At no time would personal telephone numbers be given / March 2012 / All / April 2012 / Completed
6 / Welcome Packs – Salford Residential Homes
Mike Kelly to supply the welcomes packs that children/young people are presented with when placed in a Salford Residential Children’s Home and pass these on to Heather / March 2012 / Mike Kelly / April 2012 / Completed. Booklets have been sent to Heather McMurdo.
7 / Fit City Passes – Are now available for Looked After Children aged 14 and there is no induction charge for these passes / May
2012 / Mike Kelly / May 2012 / Completed
Item No / Item / Date
Raised / Who is responsible / Outcome
Social Workers – Mobile Telephone Numbers
Members asked if Social Workers are able to give out their mobile telephone numbers to children and young people on their case load. / May 2012 / Gani Martins / June 2012 / Completed. Gani Martins confirmed that and email been sent to Social Workers informing them that in Salford City Councils procedures it clearly states that Social Workers can give their mobile number to children and young people
8 / Lifestory Books/ Work - A questionnaire was sent to the Social Work Teams within the council. It was evident from the questionnaires returned that there were a high number of Social Workers who were not aware of the training available neither are they fully confident of how to support young people around this area of work / Sept 2011 / Mike Kelly / Oct 2012 / Completed however work will be ongoing as this item is a part of the Adoption Action Plan
It was decided that a separate task group should be set up to tackle this issue and report back on progress.
July 2012
A general agreement about the areas of life story work which should be discussed when direct work is undertaken.
Materials often use by the family placement team for life story work can be accessed by social workers.
Steve Protano has agreed to create a process for uploading video to carefirst and posing this as an 'electronic life story box'.
We have identified a free programme which can be used to edit video footage.
We have a laptop which can be used for the life story work and has appropriate software for the life story work.
Identified a DVD camcorder which can record straight onto a DVD for usage in the life story process, this will cost between £400 - £450 but await confirmation where this money will come from?
The equipment is now in place at West Dene Contact Centre
Item No / Item / Date
Raised / Who is responsible / Outcome
9 / The Pledge -Mike Kelly to look into how much stickers would cost to put on the back of The Pledge to inform people of the amount of input the FFCC gave to the booklet / April 2012 / Mike Kelly / Oct 2012 / Completed
Stickers have now been put onto the back of The Pledge, thanking the FFCC for their input. These produced for the Celebration Event which was held on the 17th October 2012 at The Beacon Centre
10 / Social Workers/Mobile Telephone Numbers -Katy Donohoe asked the group what is the policy around Social Workers giving their work mobile telephone numbers out to young people / April 2012 / Gani Martin / May 2012 / Gani Martin informed the group that she has sent an email out to all Social Workers informing them that Salford City Councils procedures it clearly states that Social Workers can give their mobile number to young people
11 / New Members FFCC
Social Workers and carers who refer children and young people to the Fight For Change Council need to support them to get to and from the meetings. There has been some occasions where once the Social Workers has found out that Chamber meetings happen on a Wednesday evening and the Bridging meetings occur on a Saturday then nothing further happens. Sam Chapman and Heather McMurdo transport children and young people where they can however they are not able to transport every member. It was agreed that Heather McMurdo should send a list of the young people who were interested in joining the FFCC and indicate their relevant Social Worker so this can be addressed / May 2012 / Heather McMurdo / Oct 2012 / Completed – Meeting to discuss the young people and issues around transport took place. A celebration and recruitment event was held on the 17th October 2012 and new members have signed up
Item No / Item / Date
Raised / Who is responsible / Outcome
12 / Looked After Children Strategy / Debbie Fallon / Nov
2012 / DF attended the Bridging Group Meeting to inform members of what the aims and objectives of the strategy are. When there are any updates to the Strategy this will be brought back to FFCC Members
13 / Support Home – Young People participating in the Tender Process / March 2012 / Sandra Lloyd / Nov
2012 / Completed – Young people were involved in designing the specification and a young person was involved in the evaluation process
14 / The APPG for Runaway and Missing Children and Adults and the APPG for Looked After Children and Care Leaves – Members would like to know what Salford’s response to the report is
/ June
2012 / Gani Martins / Jan 2013 / Complete – Gani Martins presented the attached report. Members are going to study the report at the next Bridging Meeting. If there are any queries will raise this at a future Chamber Meeting.
R:\Childrens Resources\Strategy & Commissioning Communal\Fight For Change Council\Implementation Plan & Targets\Tracker,Developemnt Plan 2012-2013\Development Plan 2012-2013 (November 2012) (Repaired).doc