14 State Readiness Measures

Observation Notes Organizer KIDS (2015)©

The Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) is an observational tool used across the State of Illinois to evaluate kindergarten readiness for all students. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) requires teachers to evaluate all kindergarten students on the 14 measures across four development domains listed in the chart below. This document is intended to support teachers in making notes while implementing KIDS.

Domains / Approaches to Learning and Self-Regulation (ATL-REG) / Social and Emotional Development (SED) / Language and Literacy Development (LLD) / Cognition: Math (COG:MATH)
Measures /
  • Curiosity and Initiative in Learning (ATL-REG 1)
  • Self-Control of Feelings and Behavior (ATL-REG 2)
  • Engagement and Persistence (ATL-REG 3)
  • Relationships and Social Interactions with Familiar Adults (SED 3)
  • Relationships and Social Interactions with Peers (SED 4)
  • Communication and Use of Language (Expressive) (LLD 3)
  • Reciprocal Communication and Conversation (LLD4)
  • Comprehension of Age- Appropriate Text (LLD 6)
  • Phonological Awareness (LLD 8)
  • Letter and Word Knowledge (LLD 9)
  • Classification (COG:MATH 1)
  • Number Sense of Quantity (COG:MATH 2)
  • Number Sense of Math Operations (COG:MATH 3)
  • Shapes (COG:MATH 6)

Approaches to Learning – Self-Regulation (ATL–REG)
Measures 1, 2 & 3
ATL–REG 1: Curiosity and Initiative in
Learning / ATL–REG 2: Self-Control of Feelings and
Behavior / ATL–REG 3: Engagement and

©Illinois State Board of Education,measure reproduced with permission for educational purposes only

Social and Emotional Development (SED)
Measures 3 & 4
SED 3 – Relationships and Social Interactions
with Familiar Adults / SED 4 – Relationships and Social Interactions
with Peers

©Illinois State Board of Education,measure reproduced with permission for educational purposes only

Language and Literacy Development (LLD) Measures 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9
LLD 3: Communication and Use of Language (Expressive) / LLD 4: Reciprocal Communication and Conversation / LLD 6: Comprehension of
Age-Appropriate Text

©Illinois State Board of Education,measure reproduced with permission for educational purposes only

LLD 8: Phonological Awareness / LLD 9: Letter and Word Knowledge

©Illinois State Board of Education,measure reproduced with permission for educational purposes only

Cognition: Math (COG: MATH) Measures 1, 2, 3, & 6
COG: MATH 1: Classification / COG: MATH 2: Number Sense
ofQuantity / COG: MATH 3: Number Sense
of MathOperations
COG: MATH 6: Shapes