Parent/Teacher Orientation LCE 2016-17
Important times to remember: Lunch- 11-11:30; Conference-9:00
Hello Parents and Guardians, and welcome to our kindergarten class. Here are a few pointers you may need to use as a reference this year. If you still have a question, please feel free to send me a note and I’ll be happy to help you out!
- Tardies-Class begins at 7:15am and this is also when the tardy bell rings.
- Morning Drop off-The front doors will be opened at 7:00 a.m. Students should not be dropped off or left before 7:00. Morning drop-off for all students is in the back of the campus.
- Breakfast-Breakfast is served until 7:25a.m. Student breakfast is $2.00. Reduced breakfast is .30. Please tell your child they are to go straight to the cafeteria as soon as they arrive at school if they are to eat breakfast. I will assume they have had breakfast once they come to the classroom.
- Lunch- Lunch is at 11:00-11:30 and you are welcome to eat lunch with your child. Please sign in at the front office and wait in the main hall when meeting them for lunch. Student lunch is $2.55, reduced lunch is .40 and an adult lunch is $3.10. If writing a check, it must be for $30 or more. You may also pay on line through our website.
- Dismissal- Car riders(Kindergarten and other grade levels) – 2:45 in the back of the school. Please place car tags that have been provided in the windshield up high enough that the school personnel can see easily. It works well to pull down your sun visor and place the car tag between it and the windshield. This makes it easy to read.
- Transportation change- If your child has a change in afternoon transportation, please send a note or call the front office before 2:00. If you change your child’s transportation by calling the school, please provide your child’s social security number for security purposes. The office will notify me of the change. If riding to a different address, please indicate the address and bus number your child will be riding to. Please specify how long this change is to stay in effect (ex. That day only, that week, etc.) WE CANNOT CHANGE A CHILD’S TRANSPORTATION UNLESS NOTIFIED BY THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN. If we do not have a specified date, the child will be placed back into their normal routine the following day. Please do NOT send e-mail for transportation changes. Transportation # is 670-4601 and LCE office # is 886-2838.
- Discipline Procedures-Classroom discipline involves changing colors on the behavior chart. Please check your child’s behavior chart daily to see what color they were on that day and discuss any problems. There is a place to sign at the end of each week.
- Binders-Binders are a very easy way for communication and also very important. The very front of the binder is for the behavior chart. There are several dividers that are labeled. The front pocket is labeled “For the teacher” and is to be used for written excuses, doctor excuses, any money for fund raisers, shirt orders, parties, etc. Please label what the money is to be used for in the envelope provided. One is for daily work which should be looked at and then taken out. Another is labeled school notes. These are very important that you read over and return if necessary. The last divider is for weekly homework. Behind the dividers is loose notebook paper. This is for any communication between you and me that may be necessary
- Homework and reading folders-I send home homework papers periodically in the labeled divider that is in their binder. Please set aside 20 minutes each night to go over the assignment for that evening and then help your child with their assignment. The homework is to be returned each Friday so that I can check them and allow them to receive a sticker for their effort. I do not start the reading folders until I feel your child is ready for that skill.
- Communication-Communication is very important. Please always feel free to send me a note or e-mail me anytime. My e-mail address is If you feel a conference is necessary, please send me a note and I will be happy to schedule one with you. My conference time is 9:00- 9:45 am.
- Water Bottles- Your child may bring a water bottle to school, preferably one with a snap lid, to use for recess or water breaks.
- Change of clothes- In Kindergarten it is expected from time to time for them to have accidents. Please send a change of clothes (including underwear) in a gallon sized baggie with their name on it for me to keep in the classroom. This will prevent you from having to leave home or work. Make sure if the extras are worn home, to send another pair as soon as possible.
- Birthdays- Birthdays are an important part of Kindergarten. If you are sending invitations, please send one for each child. If it is a boy/girl party, please include all the boys or all the girls. We don’t want to leave anyone out. Birthdays for the entire month will be celebrated on the last Friday of that month. June and July birthdays will be celebrated with the ones in May. The room mother and room mother helpers will be responsible for contacting the parents of the students whose birthdays that will be celebrated to coordinate the treats for that particular celebration.
- Special Days in Kindergarten- We will have several special days that will be celebrated throughout the year. Some are for the whole school and some are recognized in Kindergarten only. Dates and times will be announced at a later time. They are the following days:
Apple Day (September), Pumpkin Day (October 31st), Storybook character day, 50’s day, (50th day of school) Texas day (sometime in March)
Dress up days are: storybook character day (favorite storybook character *no monsters or scary costumes), 50’s day (poodle skirts, jeans, leather jackets, etc. ) , Polar express (pajamas), and Texas day (western).
- Parties – Christmas, Easter, End of the year.
- Field Trips-We will have one field trip this year. Due to limited space on the bus, only 2 parent chaperones are allowed to go on the bus. Please check with me to see if they are available. LCE asks that no siblings are brought if you are chaperoning.
- Face art-will be on Fridays through the football season and then on holidays. The cost is .50 cents.
- School spirit- I encourage my students to “BE SEEN IN GREEN” on Fridays! The shirt does not have to be a LCE shirt; it can be any green shirt. I want to instill school spirit into my classroom.
- Money-Whenever the school or our classroom is collecting money, please place it in an envelope provided or a baggie and mark what that money is for.
I look forward to this year with each of your children, and I will do my very best to ensure their success in kindergarten. Thank you in advance for your support and trust with your child’s education!
Mrs. Arabie