· Construction to build a new sidewalk on NE 50th Street between the Ronald McDonald House and Sandpoint Way will likely begin the week of November 17, 2003. Construction will take about eight weeks, or longer depending upon weather.
· There are 3 zones of work for this project.
· The first two zones are at each of the corners on 50th Street and Sandpoint Way NE. New ADA ramps and concrete curbs and gutters will be added in these corners. Temporary asphalt paths will be created so that there are clear pedestrian paths through these areas during this work.
· The largest zone of work will take place on the north side of the street.
· Erosion control measures and temporary fencing will be the first activities.
· Asphalt cutting, excavation, and utility work will then take place near the center of the street.
· The temporary fence will be moved out into the street to create a safe boundary around the utility work.
· After the utility work is complete the temporary fence will be moved back toward the north as much as possible to allow for 2 lanes of traffic after construction hours. During construction hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, the fence will be located in the street allowing for a single lane of traffic.
· Traffic signage and a Sellen flagger will be located appropriately to help direct and assist with traffic in this area.
· Excavation and removal of debris will then take place to ready the area for a new short retaining wall and sidewalk with curb and gutter along the top of the ravine.
· Temporary construction fencing and a large Sellen storage box will be erected on the north side of 50th Street. A few parking spots will need to be temporarily reserved for construction activities.
· The City will continue to monitor the water levels in the adjacent ravine and maintain the pumping activities as they have been. The pumping equipment will be temporarily relocated out of the construction zone, but will still have access to the ravine as needed.
· For further details about these activities please contact Sarah Erickson, at Children’s, 987-3881, or at: