An Open Letter to President Donald Trump and Members of Congress

The undersigned organizations and corporations write to support the completion of the landmark, 13 year legislative effort to restore credible whistleblower rights for government employees that resulted in unanimous passage of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) of 2012. While the law was the fourth unanimous congressional mandate since 1978 for whistleblower rights in principle, the most serious work remains to be finished. That is because the WPEA left the highest stakes issues incomplete, pending further study.

We seek your leadership now to expeditiously finish what Congress started in the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. That means further developing legal rights so they include the critical reforms listed below. Whistleblower protection is a foundation for government accountability, from draining bureaucratic swamps to achieving changes in which the public can believe. It does not matter whether the issue is economic recovery, prescription drug safety, environmental protection, infrastructure spending, national health insurance, or foreign policy. We need conscientious public servants willing and able to call attention to waste, fraud and abuse on behalf of the taxpayers.

Unfortunately, every month that passes has very tangible consequences for federal government whistleblowers, because none have due process for a credible day in court to enforce their free speech rights. They are limited to administrative hearings at the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), which does not have judicial independence, is under bipartisan congressional attack, and currently the full Board does not even have a sufficient quorum to issue rulings. Since FY 2014, the full Board only has ruled three times out of 37 final decisions that an employee’s Whistleblower Protection Act rights were violated, including only one case in 2014 and 2015 combined for illegal whistleblower retaliation in the entire federal government.

The bottom line is clear. The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act will continue to be a source of false hopes and cynicism until it has the following additional teeth to enforce its mandate:

•Grant employees the right to a jury trial in federal court;

•Give whistleblowers the right to challenge retaliatory investigations;

•Extend employment anti-retaliation rights to shield against all criminal and civil liability;

•Extend temporary relief to whistleblowers whenever they prove a ​prima facie​case of retaliation;

•Make permanent normal access to appeals court for whistleblowers to challenge MSPB decisions;

•Make permanent the WPEA pilot program for each Office of Inspector General (OIG) to have a whistleblower ​ombudsman​;

•Make sensitive job designations a personnel action to lock in protection against retaliation;

•Require accountability through discipline to prevent unjust retaliation on whistleblowers;

•Fully protect whistleblower disclosures even before an application for federal employment;

•Grant the Office of Special Counsel the authority to issue a stay, without MSPB Board approval

These suggestions are the necessary infrastructure so that those who defend the public have a fair chance to defend themselves.


Joseph P. Carson, President

Affiliation of Christian Engineers

Rochelle Becker, Executive Director

Alliance For Nuclear Responsibility

Thomas Day, President

Alliance for Whistleblowers, Inc.

Michael W. Macleod Ball, President

American Civil Liberties Union

Stephen A. Sanders, Director

Appalachian Citizens' Law Center

Prue Adler, Associate Executive Director

Association of Research Libraries

Jay Keller, Executive Director

Beyond Pesticides

Terry Francke, Founder

Californians Aware

Jane Williams, Executive Director

California Communities Against Toxics

Robert S. Lawrence, MD, MACP, Founding Director

Center for a Livable Future

Yogin Kothari, Washington Representative

Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists

Barbara Warren, Executive Director

Citizens’ Environmental Coalition

Donna Schmitz, President

Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger

Judith Robinson, Executive Director

Coming Clean

Greg Smith, Co-Founder

Community Research

Denny Larson, Executive Director

Community Science Institute

Dave Werntz, Conservation Director

Conservation Northwest

Linda Sherry, Director of National Priorities

Consumer Action

Bob Shavelson, Director

Cook Inletkeeper

Pratap Chatterjee, Founder


Sue Udry, Executive Director

Defending Rights and Dissent

Daniel Schuman, Policy Director

Demand Progress

Marvell D Lavy, Retired Fed Employee

Dept. of Veteran Affairs

Ben Smilowitz, Executive Director

Disaster Accountability Project

Thea Harvey-Barratt, Executive Director

Economists for Peace and Security

Eric Shaeffer, Executive Director

Environmental Integrity Project

Bruce Goldstein, Executive Director

Farmworker Justice

David Brian Nolan, Director

Federal Ethics Center

Andy Stahl, Executive Director

Forest Service Employees For Environmental Ethics

Daniel Parshley, Project Manager

Glynn Environmental Coalition

Tom Devine, Legal Director

Government Accountability Project

Bill Hedden, Executive Director

Grand Canyon Trust

Kit Wood, Director

Green Plate Catering

Tom Carpenter, Executive Director

Hanford Challenge

Gerry Pollet, Executive Director

Heart of American Northwest

Scott Armstrong, Director

Information Trust

Alex Matthews, National Chair

International Association of Whistleblowers

David J. Marshall, Partner

Katz, Marshall, & Banks LLP

Tom FitzGerald, Director

Kentucky Resources Council

Michael Ostrolenk, President

Liberty Coalition

Christopher Finan, Executive Director

National Coalition Against Censorship

Christine L. Owens, Executive Director

National Employment Law Project

Deirdre Gilbert, National Director

National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association

Pete Sepp, President

National Taxpayers Union

Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director

National Whistleblower Center

Lewis Maltby, President

National Workrights Institute

Douglas Meiklejohn, Executive Director

New Mexico Environmental Law Center

Nina Bell, Executive Director

Northwest Environmental Advocates

Mark Riskedahl, Executive Director

Northwest Environmental Defense Center

Jay Coghlan, Executive Director

Nuclear Watch New Mexico

Lisa Rosenberg, Executive Director OpenTheGovernment

Paul Loney, President

Oregon Wildlife Federation

Deborah C. Peel MD, Founder and President

Patient Privacy Rights

Gabe Rottman,Washington Director

PEN America

Liz Hempowicz, Policy Counsel

Project on Government Oversight

Evan Hendricks, Editor

Privacy Times

Jeff Ruch, Executive Director

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

Susan Harley, Deputy Director

Public Citizen

Robert FitzPatrick, President

Pyramid Scheme Alert

Alex Marthews, National Chair

Restore the Fourth

Normal Solomon, Coordinator

Scott Groene, Executive Director

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

Daphne Wysham, Director

Sustainable Energy and Economy Project

Ryan Alexander, President

Taxpayers for Common Sense

James Landrith, Founder

The Multiracial Activist

John W. Whitehead, President

The Rutherford Institute

Ellen Miller, Executive Director

The Sunlight Foundation

Marylia Kelley, Executive Director

Tri-Valley CARE’s

Paul Taylor, Attorney

Truckers Justice Center

Toby Nixon, President

Washington Coalition for Open Government

Nada Khader, Executive Director

WESPAC Foundation

Kim Witczak, Co-Founder


Paula Brantner, Senior Advisor

Workplace Fairness

David Swanson, Founder

World Beyond War