8th Grade College Readiness, Syllabus2016-2017
Ms. Taiwo ,Room 109, , phone ext. 2349
Code of Respect:
The essence of good discipline is RESPECT.
Respect for authority and respect for others;
Respect for self and respect for rules.
It is an attitude that begins at home,
is reinforced in school,
and is applied throughout life.
Course Description
This course is designed to assist 8th graders in preparedness for this year,high school, post high school education, and beyond. Students will engage in Socratic Seminars, writing with excellence, study skills, and organizational skills.They will learn best practices for educational strategies that will enable success in any educational domain through interdisciplinary studies. Students will learn how to question their world on multiple levels in order to engage higher order thinking about everything that they see, feel, hear and know of one another, themselves, their surroundings, and the entire world. Understanding the diversity amongst and within themselveswill help them to explore viable career paths that complement their nature. We will discover this through inventories of careers and personalityin order to find a path(s) that fits their uniqueness. Students will learn how to approach their college of interest and how to write a letter to that college, how to write an email, how to build a resume and portfolio.
●Textbook(s):This course has no textbooks. We will be using printed articles and documents.
●Course goals: To learn the value of high quality questioning skills through discussions of worldly and current events. We will be conducting research, learningeducational strategies, writing skills, organizational, and study skills.
●Course assessments: Students will be assessed through the writing process, through participation in discussions, organization of binders, and project based learning.
Semester Grades
▪Quarter One & Two = 45 % each - Semester Exam = 10%
▪Quarter Three & four = 45% each - Semester Exam = 10%
oExplanation of student grades
▪A100 – 90%
▪B89 – 80%
▪C79 – 70%
▪D69 – 60%
▪F59% and below
o“Minimum F” Policy: if a student attempts to complete an assignment yet scores lower than a 30%, the student will receive at least a 30% on that assignment. However, if a student does not attempt or turn in an assignment and the assignment is thus “missing,” that score will be 20%. The only time a student will receive a score lower than 20% would be if plagiarism/cheating occurred (in which case the score would be a “0%” and subject to further disciplinary action from the Dean’s office)
oMake-up Work / Late Work Policy
▪Late work is not tolerated or accepted in this class. Homework is collected at various times each class period. If homework has been collected and a student is late to class without a pass, the student’s homework will not be accepted. Thus, it is important to get to class on time. If students are absent from class and their absence is not excused, homework will also NOT be accepted late.
▪For excused absences, students have three school days to turn in that homework. For example, if a student is absent on Monday, they have until the end of the day on Thursday to complete and turn in that work. Homework will be posted and can be accessed on the AACPA website via the teacher’s course page.
▪If a student is absent for MORE THAN TWO class periods, they are required to meet with their teacher for each class missed to schedule a time to complete that work. Since we are on a block schedule, it is imperative that students do not miss class since each class covers as much content as two standard lessons.
oCitizenship/Behavior Expectations:
- Bring your supplies for this class. You cannot go to your locker once class has begun. You will need to problem solve if you are habitually unprepared.
- Please leave your back pack in your locker. Otherwise it will be stored in the hallway against the wall. If this is a concern, then please purchase a locker. No exceptions on this policy.
- Enter the classroom at a volume zero (first 7-10 minutes is quiet reflection and journal work time).
- Put a date at the top of your journal entry.
- Copy the objective into your notebook under the date.
- Complete the “Do Now” in your Composition Notebook.
- Write quietly until asked to stop.
- Wait for further instruction.
○Class Rules:
●Clean up and straighten your desk area. No trash on the floors or desks.
●No washroom or water fountain during the first or last ten minutes of class.
●Please do not shout or talk across the classroom unless that is part of an
activity. Raising your hand is the expectation for communication.
●Teacher dismisses, not the bell.
●Respect is the only option toward one another, toward the teacher, and toward
our classroom. You will be given respect without exception.
○Cell Phones
■Cell phones are NEVER allowed in ANY class unless the student has earned a “Media Pass” from the Principal, a Vice Principal, or the Learning Strategist.
Please bring with you these SUPPLIES TO ENSURE SUCCESS
●Binder with all components inside
●Loose Leaf Paper (Should be in your binder)
●Composition Notebook
●Pens and or pencils
●Colored Pencils
Progressive Discipline Steps:
2.Phone Call Home
4.Parent Conference
5.Referral to the Dean
●Miscellaneous Information:
oTardies: Excessive tardies will lead to afterschool detention with Ms. Taiwo with a 24 hour notice given beforehand. Please be prepared to write an essay during that time. Parents will be notified. Any missed detentions will be referred to the Dean of Students.
oRestroom/Leaving the Classroom
oRestroom should happen during passing periods. I do not allow bathroom and water fountain passes unless extreme emergency subjective to teacher discretion.
oNEVER at any time are students allowed to go to another classroom during instructional time for forgotten items or any other reason once class has begun. It is disruptive. Just simply please do not ask. The answer will always be “no.” Be responsible. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule in the event there is a pass given by another teacher for being pulled from class for predisposed reasons.
oSupplies needed for this course: 3 ring 3 inch binder, subject dividers for 3 ring binders, pens, pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, loose leaf college ruled notebook paper, (2) Composition notebooks, Post-It Notes, Highlighters
●Extra Credit Point Bank Supplies: (Students may provide any or all each worth 10 pts. per item): Large Hand Sanitizer, Lysol Spray, Clorox Wipes, Ziploc Bags Quart and/or Gallon Size, Colored and/or White Copy Machine Paper.
Students will be able to withdraw points at any time during the quarter to boost points on various activities.
●Teacher’s hours of availability:
●Office Hours are Tuesdaysonly from 2:40 until 3:30. This time is open for students who may want to talk or need help with College Readiness assignments.
Please sign and return this last page only.
Teacher- Course
Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy
Student’s Name: / Student’s Number:Student:
❑ I have read and understand the school rules listed above.
❑ I have read and understand the progressive discipline steps for inappropriate behavior and tardies.
❑ I have read and understand the course expectations provided for this course.
❑ I have read and understand that any books, computers, cameras, or other school-owned items loaned to me are my responsibility. If they are lost, stolen, or damaged, I agree to pay for their replacements.
Signature of Student Date
❑ I have read and understand the school rules pertaining to my child.
❑ I have read and understand the progressive discipline steps for inappropriate behavior and tardies.
❑ I have read and understand what is expected of my child in this course.
❑ I have read and understand that any books, computers, cameras, or other school-owned items loaned to my child
are my financial responsibility. If they are lost, stolen, or damaged, I agree to pay for their replacements.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
Best form of contact:
Email: ______