Application for Admission to the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA) Accredited List of Arboricultural Practitioners
(Please read the guidance notes carefully before completing the form)
Photograph / For OfficialUse Only:Date received ______
Application no. ______
Application fee ______
Accepted/ Rejected/ Further information required
Personal Details (in block letters)
I, *Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms ______( ) (name in Chinese) hereby apply for admission to the HKILA Accredited List of Arboricultural Practitioners.
Date of Birth ______*Passport/ HKID No. ______
Nationality ______
Correspondence Address:
Contact Numbers:
Home ______Office ______Mobile ______
Office fax ______E-mail ______
(* delete as appropriate)
Academic Qualifications/ Professional Training:Degree/ Diploma / Name of Examining Body / Date Obtained
Professional Recognition:
Organization / Grade of Membership/ Description of Registration or Recognition / Date of Election/ Registration/ Recognition
Details given above must be supported by certified true copies of the original certificates/ letters etc.
Employment Details in Chronological Order:Date / Company/ Organization (Country) / Position Held / Nature of Employment
Declaration by Applicant:
I declare that the details set out above are true. I further declare that if admitted by The Institute I shall be bound by The Institute’s Code of Ethics and Conduct for Arboricultural Practitioners, and any other rules and regulations set out by The Institute where applicable.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Guidance Notes to Application
- The HKILA keeps the accredited list of Arboricultural Practitioners for the deployment of carrying out tree assessment and supervise tree related works on site. Applicants for admission must possess the prescribed academic qualifications, professional qualifications and relevant experience, as specified below:
Academic Qualifications /
- Recognized Degree/ Diploma in Arboriculture, Horticulture,Forestry,Botany, Biological Science, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Management,Landscape Design, Garden Design and Management, or equivalent academic qualification;
Professional Qualifications and Experience / Either:
- Certified Arborist of International Society of Arboriculture; or
- Technician Member, Professional Member, or Fellow of the Arboricultural Association of the UK; or
- European Tree Technician of the European Arboricultural Council; or
- Registered Qualified Arborist, Registered Practising Arborist, or Registered Consulting Arborist of Arboriculture Australia; or equivalent; plus
- at least (2) cumulative years of post-qualification experience, of which one (1) year must be obtained within the Territory of Hong Kong, within the immediate past five (5) years in related works prior to application;
- Without recognition of relevant professional institute or trade organization, but possess a minimum of four (4) years of post-academic qualification experience, of which two (2) years must be obtained within the Territory of Hong Kong, within the immediate past six (6) years in tree management, tree assessment, or tree works on site prior to the date of application
- The personal data collected in this form will be used for application for admission to the HKILA Accredited List of Arboricultural Practitioners purposes only.Personal data on an unsuccessful candidate willnormally be destroyed 24 months after rejection of the candidate’s application.
- Arboricultural Practitionersaccredited by the HKILA will automatically be eligible to become an Affiliate Member of The Institute. However the choice of whether or not to join The Institute as a memberwould not affect their inclusion to the accredited list or renewal of their accreditation status.
- Applicant must enclose together with the application certified true copies of the original academic and professional certificate(s), and relevant proof of work experience. True copy of the academic and professional certificate(s) must be certified by the issuing authority or by a recognized professional; and proof of work experience must be certified by a recognized professional. Recognized professional includes corporate member of HKIA, HKIS, HKIE, HKIP, HKILA, or equivalent professional bodies.
- Applicant must enclose together with the application a “Report on Training and Experience”, with description on the applicant’s training and experience preceding the date of application. It must include short description (best with photographs) of a minimum of two projects/ cases where the applicant was involved, extract of reports done by the applicant may also be included for better illustration of the applicant’s works. The report should contain sufficient information to demonstrate the applicant’s experience but must be no more than 1500 words or above 8 pages including all photographs and illustrations.
- Relevant academic and profession qualifications and “Report on Training and Experience”should be submitted in the form of softcopies.
- Applicant must enclose the appropriate fees (application fee + annual fee) together with application.Payment by cheque should be made payable to “The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects”. Annual fee will be refunded if candidate’s application is rejected.
- Completed application form together with the application fee should be sent to:
The Secretary, Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects,
PO Box 20561, Johnston Road Post Office, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
- Applicants will be considered for admission on an individual basis. Interview may be required. Application not conforming to the requirements may not be processed. If the application is found in order, the candidate will normally be notified of the result within 2 months from the date of receipt of the application.
- For inquiries: Please email
Application and Annual Fee
Application Fee / HK$800
Annual Fee / HK$600
Self-checklist for Application
I confirm the below documents are attached in the Application forAdmission to the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA) Accredited List of Arboricultural Practitioners:-
□Completed application form
□Certified true copies of relevant academic qualifications (in softcopy)
□Certified true copies of relevant professional qualifications (in softcopy)
□Relevant proof of working experience (in softcopy)
□Report on Training and Experience (in softcopy)
□Application fee and annual fee
□Others (Please specify: ______)
Version: 01.2013 Page 1 of 6