MASCOE Board Meeting
April 9, 2009
The MASCOEBoard of Directors met at the Missouri State Office, Columbia, MO on April 9, 2009. The meeting was called to order by President Dennis Ray.
Roll was taken with the following present:
District #1:Corey Lesher - Atchison
District #2: Debbie Clevenger – Caldwell
Marla Pace - Putnam
District #3: Gary Kittle - Scotland
Teresa Bush – Marion
District #4: Ron Highley – Jackson
Cathy Hemme – Pettis
District #5: Kim Viers – Boone
Barb Denker - Moniteau
District #6: Brian Mulherin – St Charles/St Louis
Kathy Post – Franklin
District #7: Jackson Jones – Cedar
District #8: Dennis Ray – Perry
Patricia (Susie) Williams – Howell
District #9: Steve Morrison - Stoddard
President Ray declared a quorum was present.
Minutes of the last meeting were discussed. Cathy Hemme moved to accept the minutes as written andKathy Post seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report was given.
Total Funds Available April 9, 2009$ 3,360.54
Ron Highley moved to accept Treasurers Report as submitted. Kim Viers seconded. Motion carried.
Bob Fullerton advised the board that a budget conference call was scheduled for today (4/9) with allocation expected by April 17th. The bad news is that the 09 budget appears to be tighter than expected with travel funds cut. Missouri was able to add four or five ceiling spots for temporaries but there is no money to pay them. No SED announcement yet but maybe in April or May. Awards will be posted after all performance, spot, and cash awards are made. The leasing situation is a “fiasco”.
Old Business:
- Convention: Very little response to the poll about the 09 Convention Districts 1, 2, and 3 are the planning committee. This year marks the 50th anniversary for NASCOE. Kathy Post made the motion to hold a convention this year even though attendance has not been good. Cathy Hemme seconded. Motion carried. Convention will be held on a Thursday afternoon and Friday sometime after Labor Day but before October 1 providing a hotel can be booked.
- Scholarship winners: Six applications were received by Lexie Thompson. She assembled a judging committee of three MASCOE members who scored each application based on the criteria imposed by NASCOE. All applicants were very deserving but two applicants, Danielle Leeper and Lorryn Bolte had the highest scores and were each awarded a $500 scholarship from MASCOE. All six applications were then forwarded to the Midwest Area for judging. For the second year in a row, a Missouri student was selected to receive the MWA scholarship. Danielle Leeper was awarded the $1500 scholarship. Her application will be forwarded to the National Scholarship chairperson and will be in the running for the $2500 National scholarship. Congratulations!
- Membership review: Ballots will be arriving in June for the election of new MASCOE directors for the 09/10 year. Your MASCOE district may not match for FSA district but please do not change your ballot. MASCOE was re-districted last year. Membership dues are due July 1st, please send a transmittal even if your dues are payroll deduction.
New Business:
- National Convention Delegates: Kathy Post made the motion for Lexie Thompson and Kim Viers to represent MASCOE at the National Convention to be held in Gatlinburg, TN on August 12th-16th. Corey Lesher seconded. Motion carried.
- MWA Rally: Dennis Ray and Jackson Jones gave a report on the Rally held in Des Moines, IA April 3rd-4th.
- IL/IN Joint Convention: Dennis Ray and Kathy Post gave a report on the convention held in Terra Haute, IN March 27th-28th. Benefits and leasing were the main topics of discussion. PT reclassification was also discussed. The proposed District Specialist was the only position HRD felt had merit to consider for negotiation.
- Legislative Conference: Steve Morrison and Dennis Ray represented MASCOE in WashingtonDC. Their target visits were with Bond, Graves, Luetekemeyer, Emerson, McCaskill, and Skelton. NASCOE provides talking points for the delegates to present and those were:
- Assisting NRCS in administering conservation program.
- FSA assisting RMA by uploading 578s to crop insurance agents.
- Animal ID: FSA could provide help administering.
- Benefits: Sick leave to count towards service computation.
- Committee Assignments and Reports:
Audit and Budget – Corey Lesher - NONE
Awards – Jackson Jones – Sick leave awards
Benefits– Kathy Post – cell phone discounts, NASCOE travel website.
Legislative – Steve Morrison and Brian Mulherin – see attached report
Membership – Ron Highley and Cathy Hemme – election and dues
Publicity – Connie Dorl – newsletter ready to go
Scholarship –Lexie Thompson – see report in old business
Web Page – Kim Viers – MASCOE website gets 300-400 hits per day.
Kim won best webpage for the Midwest area.
Emblems – Connie Dorl, Barb Denker, Susie Williams – NASCOE has $25,000 in nationwide sales
Convention – see report in old business
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Bush
MASCOE Secretary