Rules & Constitution

Crestview Men’s’ Fastball League

Mission Statement

The Crestview Men’s Fastball League strives to be the best

fastball league available to players within our community.

We are a competitive, fun, friendly fastball league where

friends compete with friends, neighbors with neighbors,

fathers with sons and all in the name of good

sportsmanship and camaraderie

Revised May, 2017 SL / BH

Executive Committee

President Jason Duncan

Vice-President Blake Harris

Treasurer VACANT

Secretary Corina Sellner

Scheduler Brent Mahoney

Tournament Committee

The Tournament Committee is comprised of Trevor Ellchuk, Ken Gray, Ross Hoople, Scott Morden,

and Ron Westcott.

Umpire in Chief

Ron Westcott


Umpires are to be paid $50 for all regular league games.

$50 for single umpire Tournament games. $40 per umpire for a 2 man system.

Playoffs and Finals are to be played under tournament format

In the event of a rainout, umpires are to be paid as follows:

a)  If no pitch is thrown (the game never commences), they are to be

paid $25.00 for showing up.

b) If at least 1 pitch is thrown, they are to be paid the full $50.00.

In the event of a default, the non-offending team will be awarded the win by a score of 7-0.

Umpire in chief is responsible for scheduling personnel and calculating number of umpire games played. UIC will collect fees from league treasurer and pay umpires on a monthly basis. No monies will be collected by umpires from teams at game time.

ALL Umpires must sign player waiver form as well for insurance purposes.

Crestview Men’s Fastball League

Rules & Constitution

1. League Fees:

All teams must pay an annual fee of $1600.00 by August 1st of each year. Payment of $800.00 is due by July1st, with the balance of $800.00 due by August 1st. Cheques are to be made payable to the Crestview Men’s Fastball League (C.M.F.L.). League fees include all league game umpire fees.

2. Player Eligibility:

(a). All players must sign on an annual basis, the waiver and release of liability

form. No player will be allowed to play in any tournament or league game unless they have signed this form. All players agree and understand that you play at your own risk and do not hold the C.M.F.L or any of its membership liable for any and all injuries incurred during a C.M.F.L sanctioned game.

(b). All players must be 30 years of age or older as of December 31st of the

current year.

(i)  There is a maximum of 3 players between the ages of 25 and 29 as of December 31st of the current year, and they must live in the area.

(ii)  The exception being that the son of an active player or coach may be as young as 22 in the current year and will count as one of the 25-29 year old players in (i) above.

(iii)  These players are not to be included as an import

(iv)  There is a maximum of 7 import players per team.

(v)  Any import player playing 4 consecutive years in the C.M.F.L. will have the “import” designation lifted.

(c). Copies of all new player’s drivers licenses (or other identification that shows birth date and current address) must be submitted to the league executive committee before a new player is allowed to play. Any new player’s must all read and sign our “New Player Information Package”. Failure to do so will result in these players being ineligible for all league and tournament play.

(d). A new player is defined as:

(i) A player who has never played in the league previously.

(ii) A previously established player who, for whatever reason, misses one

or more seasons. One confirmed regular season game for this purpose is considered a year played and ensures player status.

(e). Only players residing in Manitoba are eligible to play in the C.M.F.L.

(f). Initial player rosters must be submitted to the league executive committee

by July 1st of each year. NO EXCEPTIONS are allowed.

Final changes to the roster must be submitted by August 1st.

(g). Any player, provided that he meets the age requirement (as defined in Rule

2(b), may be drawn from within the following boundaries:

(i) West Boundary - Perimeter Highway

(ii) East Boundary - St. James Street (as far north as Ellice Avenue)

Kenaston Boulevard (west side)

(iii) North Boundary - Saskatchewan Avenue

(iv) South Boundary - McGillivray Boulevard

(h). Any player who moves out of the C.M.F.L. boundaries (Rule 2(g)) is eligible

to participate in the league provided he is listed on a minimum of one (1) game sheet in a regular season (Rule 2 (d) ii))

(i). Any player, other than pitchers, over 30 years of age and registered as a

player in the Winnipeg Men’s Fastball League is allowed to play but not

pitch in the Crestview Men’s Fastball League provided said player meets

all other rule stipulations.

(i)  Exception to this rule applies to the bottom 2 teams in a given season. These two teams are allowed to add a pitcher under 40 yrs of age that pitches in the Winnipeg Men’s Fastball League. This must happen in the very next year or it is void. This player must be clearly distinguished on your team’s final roster.

(j) Pitchers over 40 years of age and registered as a player in Winnipeg

Men’s Fastball League are allowed to play in the Crestview Men’s

Fastball League if he meets all other rule stipulations.

(k). Each team may have on its roster a maximum of 7 players that reside

outside the league boundaries (as defined in Rule 2(g)). These “import”

players would still have to meet all other eligibility requirements (Rule 2(a)

to 2(f) and 2(h) to 2(j)). In addition each team is allowed three under-aged

players who MUST reside within the boundaries stated in rule 2(g). These

players must be 22 no later than December 31st of the year they begin play.

See Rule 2(b),(ii).

(i)  Exception to the import rule is if a current import turns 60 yrs. old in the current calendar year, then the import designation is removed. This must be noted on your final roster submission.

3. League Play:

(a). All teams are to provide their own playing equipment for each game. The

home team, as per the league schedule, is to supply one new K-Master 120 (optic green) ball and one other playable ball. The visiting team is also to provide one playable ball. The home team must also provide a complete set of bases including a safe base and pitching mound.

(b). Only metal and molded rubber spikes or soft soled shoes are allowed.

Amend(c). Batting helmets are mandatory in the batter’s box and on-deck circle.

(c) C.M.F.L Helmet Rule: Helmets are mandatory for: Batters, On-deck batters, Runners Catchers

i) Definitions –

a. A helmet must have two earflaps.

b. A helmet must have padding on the inside.

c. A helmet liner only covering the ears does not meet the rule specifications.

d. A helmet worn by a catcher may be the skull type without the earflaps.

e. A helmet worn by a defensive player does not need earflaps.

(d). No player is allowed to use any foreign substance while pitching, batting or fielding. No foreign substance can be applied to a ball, a bat or a glove unless approved by the league.

Gorilla Grip is allowed.

(i) Any player discovered using a foreign substance will be ejected from the game. The executive committee is to be notified immediately. For a second offense the player will be suspended for the remainder of the season and lose eligibility for the final tournament.

(e). Ground rules are to be set at game time by umpire(s) and team managers.

(f). All games are to begin at 6:30 pm sharp. League will implement 6:00 starts as light conditions change in the fall

(i)  Have umps start games @ 6:30 pm

(ii)  In August no innings are to start after 8:30 PM

(g) Illegal Bats

(i) Umpires will inspect bats prior to every game and govern

according to the MSA published list (card). Approved stamps are ISF2005, ASA2000, and ASA2004. All bats still must be 100 mph or lower.

(ii) Any player discovered using an illegal bat will be ejected from the

game and the bat removed from the game. The executive committee is to be notified immediately. For a second offense the player will be suspended for the remainder of the season and lose eligibility for the final tournament.

(h). Each team must field a minimum of 7 players to start the game. Players may

be borrowed from the opposing team in order to field nine players including

tournament games, except during final tournament play. Teams must have

8 of their own players 30 minutes after game start with an automatic out - umpire to decide. Failure to do so results in game forfeit.

(i). Game sheets are to be filled out by each team by checking off players in

attendance. Each team is responsible to sign the opposition’s game sheet to

verify the accuracy. All score books must be retained and, if requested, turned into the league executive committee for verification of player eligibility.

(j). Game sheets will be collected after every game by the umpires at the diamond. Umpire in Chief will collect all game sheets and submit them weekly to the league scheduler.

(i) Winning team to phone league webmaster to update the schedule and website. Please call 204-832-0090 or 204-797-6466.

(k). If a team is found to be using ineligible players in league or tournament play,

the following disciplinary action will result:

(i) All prize money must be returned to the league for re-distribution.

(iii)  All games won by a team found using ineligible players will be awarded to their opposition.

(iv)  If a team found to be using one or more ineligible players wins a championship, the championship will be awarded to the other finalist.

(v)  All ineligible players will be suspended immediately.

(l). Games may be postponed with the mutual agreement of both

coaches/managers and suitable arrangements can be made to replay the game.

You must also make arrangements with the Umpire in Chief.

(m). All regular season, tournament, & playoff games are to be 7 innings, with no

tie games. All games are to be played to the conclusion, time and weather

permitting, using the International Rules (starting in the 8th inning) for extra

innings. The last out of the seventh inning will begin the 8th inning on second

base with none out.

(n). Starting pitchers may only pitch a maximum of 4 consecutive innings. A

pitcher who is pulled from that position may return to the mound if

an injury occurs to a subsequent pitcher. The final pitcher may pitch until

the conclusion of the game in the case of extra innings.

(o). A maximum of 2 courtesy runners per team shall be allowed when agreed

upon by both coaches prior to the start of the game in the event there is a

legitimate injury or a player is obviously hurt. The courtesy runner shall be

the player deemed furthest away in the batting lineup in the current inning.

(p). During league play, if any major problems should arise, a league meeting will

be called and a decision will be made. Any sensitive matters will be voted on

using a secret ballot.

(q) C.M.F.L Home Plate Rule –

(i)  The baserunner will be safe when…. (a) The baserunner touches home plate in advance of the catcher or defensive player catching the ball in a position to make the tag and no contact is made by the baserunner on the catcher or defensive player. Sliding is not required.

(b) The baserunner makes a legal slide and touches home plate before the catcher or defensive player makes the tag.

NOTE: A legal slide, in the case of a feet first slide, is when the runner’s buttock and legs hit the ground before contact with a defensive player trying to make the tag. In the case of a head first slide, the body should hit the ground before contact with the defensive player trying to make the tag.

(c) The catcher or defensive player does not provide a sliding path for the baserunner to reach home plate or blocks the path of the baserunner to reach home plate with or without the ball.


(1)  Umpire will call and signal “obstruction” ball remains live allowing further play. If the obstructed runner is tagged by the catcher or the defensive player, the umpire will rule ”dead ball” and declare the runner safe at home.

(2)  In the umpire’s judgement, if the catcher or defensive player deliberately or maliciously blocks the baserunner from toughing home plate, that defensive player will be ejected from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct.

(ii)  The baserunner will be out when…..

(a)  The catcher or defensive player makes a legal tag on the baserunner

before he touches home plate.

NOTE: A legal tag is when the catcher or defensive player allows a sliding path for the baserunner and places a tag on the runner before he touches home plate.

(b)  The baserunner does not slide or does not make a legal slide when

the catcher or defensive player has possession of the ball in a position. Effect: The umpire will call and signal “dead ball” and call the base-

runner out for interference. All other runners must return to the last base touched at the time of the interference call.