NASACommunity College Aerospace Scholars

Lone Star College System has been invited by NASA to participate in the Community College Aerospace Scholars program. This program is a one-semester event designed for community college students interested in careers in engineering, technology, mathematics, or science. Students must complete 3-4 hours of pre-work, which normally includes readings on space science and the details of a space flight to Mars. The project ends with a 3-day trip to NASA’s JohnsonSpaceCenter in Houston where students participate in a team project that includes all the elements of a true engineering project: a robotics design competition, concept planning, budget management, and product promotion. While at JohnsonSpaceCenter, participants visit with astronauts and engineers and tour the NASA facilities. Lodging, meals, and project supplies are paid for by NASA. Each student pays a nominal registration fee. For more information, visit

Each Lone Star college will nominate 2 students to attend and 1 alternate. To be eligible, a student must meet NASA’s requirements listed below. You must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years of age
  • A Texas resident
  • A community college student pursuing an initial undergraduate degree and who has not previously attended a CAS event
  • Interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Able to commit to a one-semester relationship with NASA JSC, including a three-day experience held in Houston at NASA JSC from April 21st – April 23rd
  • Able to access the Internet (home, school, or public library)
  • Attending a Lone Star college during the Spring, 2008 semester

To apply, you must:

  • Complete the application on the back side of this sheet.
  • Submit the on-line application.
  • Complete and turn in a signed release statement.
  • Attach a printed copy of a brief essay (less than 300 words) that explains why you would like to participate in the program.

Completed forms with essays should be turned into your college contact (shown on next page) by Wednesday January 30, 2008 at 5:00 PM.

Lone Star College-Cy-Fair
Heather Gamber
Office: TECH 100 O
/ Padmaja Vedartham
Office: TECH 100 M

Complete the form below and turn in to the college contact listed above.

Due:Wednesday January 30, 2008 by 5:00 PM

Please complete the following information. Print neatly!


Phone number:

Email address:

Answer the following questions:

  • Are you a U.S. citizen?
  • Are you at least 18 years of age?
  • Are you a Texas resident?
  • What degree are you pursuing? In what major?
  • How many NHMCCD credit hours will you be taking in the Spring, 2008 semester?
  • If selected, do you plan to complete the internet-based reading and pre-work associated with the program?
  • Will you attend the event at NASA’s Johnson Space Center April 24-26, 2008?
  • Have you participated in an Aerospace Scholars program before?

To complete

  • Attach an essay to this sheet that explains why you should be selected to participate in this program. Your essay should be less than 300 words and should be printed on a single sheet using a 12-point font.
  • Complete the on-line application
  • Attach your signed release statement.