~ Newsletter No. 131 ~ December 1st, 2004
~ In this issue ~
Special Announcements 2
Holiday Giving 2
Growth of the Movement 2
Study, Action and Prayer Spirituality Project 2
Cultivating a Prophetic Model of Church – PaxChristi USA 2
Africa 3
Small Arms Activist Killed in Burundi Massacre 3
Sustainable Peace in Central Africa? – The role of the EU 3
Americas & Caribbean 3
Anniversary of the Death of Archbishop Oscar Romero 3
Asia & Pacific 3
The Mirror Update - Pakistan 3
Open Letter Concerning the Human Rights Situation in Pakistan 4
Southern Violence Won't End With Guns in Thailand 4
Middle East 4
Christmas Peace and Justice Messages and Prayers for Bethlehem, 2004 4
December 22nd, 2004: Day for Fasting and Prayer Middle East 4
Pax Christi Aotearoa-New Zealand Supports Divestment from Israel 5
Eye Witness Reports from Nablus 5
November 9th: International Day Against the Wall 5
Death of President Yasser Arafat 6
Pax Christi Australia Calls for an End to the Violence in Falluja 6
Education in Palestine 6
Europe 6
Seventh Report of the Citizen's Association Mirna Luka 6
Unknown Women Victims of War 7
Sandra Saakashvili visits Pax Christi Flanders 7
Security, Demilitarisation and Arms Trade 7
Call for Action Against Small Arms during Cambodia Water Festival 7
Human Rights 8
UN Convention Against Enforced Disappearance 8
Economic Justice, Development and Ecology 8
Pax Christi International Supports Statement on Debt Cancellation 8
Culture of Peace, Non-Violence and Youth 8
Violence against Women 8
Inter-Cultural Dialogue in Australia 9
Integration is Not a One-Way Street – the Majority Should Contribute to it! 9
Seminar on Developing Viable Long-Term Cooperation in Eastern Europe - Georgia 9
Representation 9
Death of Jean Larnaud 9
European Council Religions for Peace 9
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance 10
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 10
European Union – Civilian Crisis Management 10
International Calendar 10
Special Announcements
Holiday Giving
The holidays inspire religious and moral reflection, and many people to take this opportunity to make a charitable donation. In the growing milieu of consumerism in many parts of the world, many people of good will increasingly choose to make a statement through making donations rather than spending excessively. Pax Christi International knows that there are many worthy organisations and programmes that one can consider when deciding how to allocate one’s charitable gifts. We hope that you will keep Pax Christi International in mind as one option if you are considering giving this holiday season. In recent years our movement has grown significantly. As our activities expand, so has our need for financial resources if we are to fulfil our overall mission. That mission is: to create a culture of peace that stems from the recognition of the innate dignity of all creation and of every human person.
We wish to draw your attention to the fact that Pax Christi International is able to receive on-line donations through a secure portal: http://www.paxchristi.net/getinvolved/html/support.html. If you are not comfortable making an on-line donation but would like to donate none-the-less please contact to find out other options available.
Growth of the Movement
At the 2004 Executive Committee meeting that took place on November 27th in Antwerp and of November 28th in Brussels, Belgium, five new member organisations were accepted as partners and one existing member organisation’s status was changed from partner to affiliate. See the list of new member organisations and their brief descriptions in http://storage.paxchristi.net/MO66E04.pdf. For more information about all Pax Christi member organisations visit: www.paxchristi.net/members.
Study, Action and Prayer Spirituality Project
Cultivating a Prophetic Model of Church – PaxChristi USA
We continue our yearlong project focusing on peace spirituality within the Pax Christi movement with a contribution entitled “Cultivating a Prophetic Model of Church” by Bishop Gabino Zavala, Bishop and President of Pax Christi USA. Read the article in http://storage.paxchristi.net/CPY10E04.pdf. You may also visit http://www.paxchristi.net/html/ps.html to read other contributions we have highlighted throughout the year.
Small Arms Activist Killed in Burundi Massacre
Among the dead of the August 13th, 2004, massacre at a refugee camp in Burundi was Pastor Jacques Rutekereza and six of his children. Pastor Rutekereza was an activist for the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), of which Pax Christi International is a founding member.
Last month, the UN released its report on the Gatumba massacre in which it stated that it was unable “to conclusively identify who authored, financed or carried out the killings” of some 160 Banyamulenge (Tutsis of Congolese origin) that night, though evidence suggests that local rebels and militia groups were involved. A full judicial inquiry, led by the International Criminal Court, may be forthcoming.
To read the statement (in French) issued by Burundi-based Pax Christi member organisation Nduwamahoro on the Gatumba killings, see http://storage.paxchristi.net/AF47F04.pdf.
IANSA has opened a book of condolences for Pastor Rutekereza, where you may leave messages of sympathy and comfort for his widow, family and colleagues. Please access this book at http://www.iansa.org/about/pastor_jaques/index.htm or by e-mailing .
Sustainable Peace in Central Africa? – The role of the EU
A breakfast meeting with Mr Aldo Ajello, EU Special Representative for the African Great Lakes region, was organised by the European Policy Centre in Brussels on November 25th, 2004. After working for the United Nations for many years, Mr Ajello became a Special Representative in 1996. His long experience with the African Great Lakes region places him in an excellent position to comment on the most recent developments as well as to introduce the policy and position of the European Union towards this region. Etienne De Jonghe, International Secretary, participated in this meeting.
Americas & Caribbean
Anniversary of the Death of Archbishop Oscar Romero
Maria Julia Hernandez, member of the Executive Committee from El Salvador, invites all member organisations to commemorate the 25th anniversary in 2005 of Msgr. Oscar Romero’s death. Several theological seminars will take place from March 28th until April 1st, 2005, in El Salvador. On Easter Monday 2005, there is a congress on the relationship between Msgr. Oscar Romero and Latin America, and, on April 2nd, 2005, there is an opening of the festivities to honour the Archbishop. Some members of the Executive Committee of Pax Christi International will attend. E-mail: for more information.
Asia & Pacific
The Mirror Update - Pakistan
The National Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan, an affiliate of Pax Christi International, published its “Mirror Update” nr 5 on November 2nd, 2004. The issue includes information on: a case of a Christian family forced to migrate after alleged blasphemy, an activity report on the Democratic Education Program Orientation workshops, an introduction to the Peace Education Pilot Project that is being implementing by NCJP, an activity report on the protest rally against honour killings, a press release that is entitled "Procedural change in blasphemy laws rejected: Repeal demanded". The document is available from the International Secretariat in http://storage.paxchristi.net/AP30E04.pdf and the press release on the blasphemy law in http://storage.paxchristi.net/AP29E04.pdf.
Open Letter Concerning the Human Rights Situation in Pakistan
On November 18th, 2004, Archbishop Lawrence John Saldanha, Chairperson of the National Commission for Justice and Peace wrote an open letter to Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shuakat Aziz. In his letter, Archbishop Saldanha conveys his appreciation for the government’s efforts to make Pakistan a liberal and welfare state based on the principles of social justice and peaceful coexistence. However, he also points out some crucial issues of concern regarding human rights, and asks for the repeal of laws that grossly violate the rights of deprived sections, especially women and religious minorities. The full letter can be found here: http://storage.paxchristi.net/AP32E04.pdf.
Southern Violence Won't End With Guns in Thailand
CCJP, the Justice and Peace Commission in Thailand, an affiliate of Pax Christi International, co-organised a seminar on the situation in the three southernmost provinces on November 6th, 2004, in Bangkok. Representatives of Thai Buddhists, Muslims and Catholics have urged the government to opt for love and forgiveness to tackle security problems in the deep South and stop promoting nationalism that causes religious divisions. Read more in http://storage.paxchristi.net/AP31E04.pdf.
Middle East
Christmas Peace and Justice Messages and Prayers for Bethlehem, 2004
You are invited to e-mail Advent and Christmas wishes and prayers for peace to the people in the Holy Land. These messages will be sent to our partners in Bethlehem who will distribute them and use them in a variety of spiritual and educational contexts. Sending a wish or a prayer by e-mail is an important way of communicating with the many people who long to hear a word of hope. It can also help overcome the despair that is felt by the local population, despair that is felt even more profoundly now than in previous years.
This is a joint initiative of Pax Christi International, the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), Church and Peace, the Justice and Peace Commission – Jerusalem and the Presidency of the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions to support partners in Palestine -- the Arab Educational Institute (AEI), Library on Wheels for Non-violence and Peace, the Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (CCRR) and the Wi’am Center.
For more information, please read the explanation in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese. To submit your own message and to read what others have written visit: http://www.paxchristi.net/christmas/
December 22nd, 2004: Day for Fasting and Prayer Middle East
In a message addressed to all bishops’ conferences, the Regional Episcopal Conference of North Africa (CERNA) and the Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions (CELRA) are calling for an international day of fasting and prayer for peace in the Holy Land. The suggested day is Wednesday December 22nd, 2004. The message came out of a meeting which took place in Rome from October 11th to 16th 2004. The two conferences are inviting all communities to be united on this initiative and to support it in any other way. Pax Christi International is calling its members worldwide to organise moments of prayers and fasting on that day. H.B. Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, is the President of Pax Christi International and President of CELRA. More info: http://www.lpj.org.
Pax Christi Aotearoa-New Zealand Supports Divestment from Israel
The 10th anniversary assembly of Pax Christi Aotearoa-New Zealand, held in Auckland on 1-2 October 2004, endorsed the Anglican Peace and Justice Networks and Presbyterian Church of the United States in their recent call for divestment in Israel. Initiators of the campaign were inspired by the popular boycott of apartheid South Africa that is credited with bringing about the end of its apartheid regime. The Pax Christi assembly called also on the Catholic Church of New Zealand and its members and all other New Zealand faith groups to endorse this divestment initiative. Read more in http://storage.paxchristi.net/ME78E04.pdf.
Eye Witness Reports from Nablus
Rosemary Read, Vice Chair of Pax Christi UK, a grandmother of five, left her hometown of Derby on September 10th, 2004, to work in Israel-Palestine for three months. Based in Nablus, a West Bank town north of Jerusalem, Rosemary is observing and reporting on human rights abuses committed by any group. Her work is part of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme for Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) of the World Council of Churches. This is a project that is supported by Pax Christi International and the British Section of Pax Christi. Read the eyewitness of Rosemary in http://storage.paxchristi.net/ME78E04.pdf. Pax Christi Germany has been involved in the EAPPI for 4 years and is active in the national coordination activities. In November 2004, new German members were sent to Israel-Palestine.
November 9th: International Day Against the Wall
Peace organisations have set the 9th of November as the International Day Against the Wall to protest the wall that Israel is building around Palestinian cities, towns and villages because this is the day on which the Berlin wall was demolished in 1989.
Pax Christi Flanders and Pax Christi Italy held events on this year’s International Day Against the Wall. Pax Christi Flanders, together with other NGOs, especially the European Coordination Committee on the Question of Palestine, organised a meeting with the Belgian Foreign Minister Mr. Karel De Gucht to discuss this issue. In addition, petitions against the wall were offered at the Dutch Embassy because the Netherlands has the chair of the Council of Ministers of the European Union. Also on the 9th of November, Pax Christi Italy started a campaign against the wall with a press conference in Rome. During the press conference, an interview with Patriarch Michel Sabbah, highlight how people are negatively affected by the wall, was shown. This interview was made during a visit to the Holy Land that was organised by the local Pax Christi group in Venice. During the same visit, a display about the wall and life under the occupation was erected. The campaign's main goals are to send postcards to Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Silvio Berlusconi asking for the construction of the wall in the West Bank to be halted, to work for justice and peace in Middle East, to work in local groups and communities in order to spread knowledge of the dramatic situation of people in the Holy Land and to build bridges of friendship. During the campaign, the Italian section is distributing an action pack containing eight information sheets and selling peace lamps and oil from Taybe, as suggested by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Christ Redeemer Church – Latin Convent of Taybeh. The postcards can be found here: http://storage.paxchristi.net/ME78E04.pdf (front) and http://storage.paxchristi.net/ME84I04.pdf (back).
At its General Assembly in New Jersey, May 2004, Pax Christi International decided to protest against the wall. Read more about the International Week Against the Wall at the Stop the Wall campaign website: http://www.stopthewall.org/. See also the website of Pax Christi UK on the wall: http://www.paxchristi.org.uk/.
Death of President Yasser Arafat
President Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian National Authority died on November 11th, 2004. On that day, the Arabic Educational Institute, AEI, an Affiliated Organisation with Pax Christi International in Bethlehem, issued a statement to offer prayers for his soul and acknowledge the mourning period announced by the Palestinian government. The AEI is calling on the international community to help realize conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that will allow free and fair elections to take place to determine Arafat’s successor. Read more in http://storage.paxchristi.net/ME82E04.pdf.
Pax Christi Flanders together with other NGOs from Belgium has issued a press release on the death of President Arafat. Read it in Dutch in http://storage.paxchristi.net/ME81D04.pdf.